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05-25-94 v MINUTES OF A MEETING OF ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD MAY 25,1994 PRESENT: CYNTHIA COREY, PATRICIA GOELZ, HENRY BATTS AND DON FAGAN WHO WAS LATE. ABSENT AND EXCUSED: BETH ROBERTSON AND GARY SANTORA Initially, this meeting was called to discuss the purchase of playground equipment for use in the Parks, both FY 1993-94 and in the future. The Director of the Parks & Recreation Dept. felt that since the Commission put a freeze on spending at their regular meeting of May 23, 1994, for the time being, this was a mute point. However she felt it necessary to call and record on tape, some questions and misconceptions everyone seemed to have regarding the Florida Sunshine Laws. The tape is part of the records kept in the Dept. and herein stated. Mrs. Blanchard stated that any questions either Mrs. Corey, Goelz or Mr. Batts had, as she read from the official rules of the Sunshine Law booklet, provided to each member of the Board, upon their appointment, were best addressed as she went along. Mrs. Blanchard read the following passages: PART I 286.011 (3, b) ; Sect. 286.012 A- WHAT AGENCIES ARE COVERED BY THE SUNSHINE LAW. #2 and 2 (a) of same Sect. # 3 Mrs. Corey recalled that on a number of ocassions when she first came on board this Board, several lightly assessed "meetings" were held. She questioned whether or not this would be considered a violation of the Sunshine Law. Mrs. Blanchard explained that AT NO TIME SHOULD ANY TWO OR MORE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD MEET TO DISCUSS, PLAN OR IN ANY OTHER MANNER, MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS, ETC. REGARDING ANY TOPICS THAT ARE PRESENTLY OR PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE, TO BE DISCUSSED - UNLESS THE MEETING HAS BEEN PUBLICIZED BEFOREHAND, WITH ENOUGH TIME FOR THE PUBLIC TO BE ABLE TO ATTEND. Mrs. Blanchard apoligized that recently, the Board was asked to meet for planning purposes, and that they also did so without a public posting, as she felt that some of the present and new members of the Board were not properly instructed regarding their duties and obligations, including the severity of violations of the Sunshine Law. The main purpose of this meeting was to be sure all members heard the rules and any other explanations of their duties, were given an opportunity to ask questions and be fully informed of how to properly and legally conduct the business of the Advisory Recreation Board. Mrs. Blanchard admitted that it was her fault that the laws were not explained with more specifics to the new members, however, having given each member a copy of the Government in the Sunshine Manual, she assumed they read it, as instructed. BE IT THEN KNOWN THAT AS OF THIS DAY, MAY 25, 1994, EACH MEMBER OF THIS BOARD HAS BEEN INSTRUCTED IN THE RULES, REGULATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND DUTIES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD, OFFICIALLY! At this time, the Board voted to change the day of their meetings. Advisory Recreation Board meetings will be held on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH, beginning JUNE 16, 1994 at 7:30 pm. After checking with the City Clerk, this day and time has been established for future meetings. With a quorum present, Don Fagan moved and Cynthia Corey seconded the approval of the minutes of the meeting of May 12, 1994. Mrs. Corey apologized for not being at the City Commission meeting of May 23, 1994 and asked what would be the best way to appear before the Commission to inquire about the use of the Community Center in regard to needing more space for the community's use and less for office spaces. She was advised to request an agenda item, through Mrs. Blanchard, for approval of the City Manager. She plans to do so with ample time for Mrs. Blanchard to submit request to the City Manager. There was no lengthy discussion regarding the playground equipment for this FY as the Mayor and City Commission put a freeze on all but essential spending, until futher notice. Topics of interest were discussed and each member was given a sheet on which to list their "BETTERMENTS" requests for the next fiscal year as well as a 5 yr. plan. There being no further business to come before this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.