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02-10-94 v MINUTES OF MEETING OF ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD - FEB. 10, 1994 A The meeting was held in the Adele Grage Community Center at 7:30 pm. Present were: Mayor, Lyman Fletcher, Commission representative to the Recreation Advisory Board, Members, Henry Batts, Cynthia Corey, Gary Santora and Recreation Director, Rose Blanchard. Chairman Don Fagan was late and member Carol Wright was excused. In the absence of Chairman Fagan member Henry Batts called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm. Minutes of the meeting of January 12, 1994 were accepted as written, through a motion by Gary Santora and a second by Cynthia Corey. Discussions began from the agenda, some of which tied into each other. Herein is the report. A short term (1-2 years) and Long term (5 years) list of recommendations from the Board was discussed. These proposals and recommendations will be presented to the full Commission at the February 28, 1994 regular City Commission meeting. Each Park was discussed individually, except where the recommendations tied into more than the one Park. Russell Park The following recommendations will be presented to the City Commission: 1. Build new concession stand without the proposed additional space for YMCA. Add restrooms and a single, simple, small press box-with access from inside the concession stand, as in previous years. Renovate, refurbish and re-design the present building, using the area now used by the Parks & Recreation Dept. for storage, to house the same types of materials (mowers, equiptment, etc.) belonging to Little League. The question of a meeting place for Coaches Meetings was briefly discussed and it was determined that the Little League could and should arrange to have their meetings in the Adele Grage Community Center. The storage of the equiptment will then necessitate the removal of the rented storage box the League is presently using. Little League will begin the grassing of the infield this Summer and the fields will be ready for Fall Season. When referring to "fields" the inference is to both fields at Jack Russell Park and the field at Donner Park. 2. Correct drainage problems in the Parks while the study is going on regarding drainage in the City. 3. Ask the YMCA to "dress up" the trailer, perhaps with shaker shingles and definitely with shrubs and plants. LONG TERM: The following are the long term proposals for Russell Park: 1. Refurbish and add new playground equiptment. 2. Mulch and add trees and plants to enhance the park. 3. Continue diligent maintenance of the grounds, equipmentand structures. Donner Park In the short term plans for this Park, included are: 1. Build a more permanent building for the Community Center.Use the present $700 monthly payment for the modular to secure a loan for something more permanent. Some suggestions were building a new one, or building a pre-fab or metal b. Tiding. 2. Erect an outfield fence, dugouts (of chain link) , concession stand (simple) restrooms and bleachers as well as refurbish field lights. 3. Study the present fenced area and determine if it can be made more secure while appearing more "open". 4. Develop programs for youth through planned activities 5. Mulch and beautify park with trees, plants, etc. 6. Little League will grass the infield at this Park, also. ** It was determined that the building of a concession stand at both Russell & Donner Park, will begin after the Little League Season is complete (approximately July 31-Aug. 1, 1994) , at which time both buildings will be cleared out and contstruction can begin. ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEB. 10, 1994 PAGE 2 Long term for Donner Park: 1. Addition to playground equipment 2. Mulching/trees/plants for Park and playground maintenance 3. Continual program development Jordan Park Short term: 1. Build restrooms, more tables, Addition of plants 2. Build playground equiptment 3. Upkeep of playground equipment and addition of Volley Ball Court Long term: 1. Upkeep of playground equiptment and facilities 2. This should look like a family oriented Park. Atlantic Blvd. This area should NOT be used as a Park. It interfers with the system that is in place. It would be much too expensive to develop considering the amount of fill dirt, flooding, bug problems, etc. AT THIS TIME, WE ARE EXPECTING A REPORT FROM THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT REGARDING THE STATUS OF THIS PROPERTY AND ITS CLASSIFICATION AS WETLAND, MARSH, OR WHATEVER. A REPORT WILL FOLLOW UPON RECEIPT OF SUCH INFORMATION. The Board recommends leave it like it is until the report is in. Howell Park: The Board recommends leave it as is. Maintenance is all that is needed. In discussion regarding the concerns of citizens and their input into their "neighborhood" Parks, it was determined that each Board member would canvas the people at the time they are using each Park, for their input into additions, deletions, etc. Mrs. Corey will be in charge of Bull Memorial Park, Mr. Batts, in Jordan Park, Mr. Fagan & Mr. Santora in Jack Russell, and the Mayor will assign some interested parties from the Donner area, who have expressed interest in a like project. It was also decided that at the ANNUAL SPRING FESTIVAL, ON MAY 7, 1994, the Recreation Advisory Board will set up a table with a form people can fill out, expressing their ideas for each Park. The question was addressed of the lack of fields for Soccer practice. In order to keep the liability to a minimum, it was determined that only 4 Soccer teams could practice at Jack Russell Park at any one time, and they would have to be of the youngest age group. Little League will be using the open area also, and this prohibits the large number of Soccer teams who generally practice, without having made a reservation. A letter will be sent to the Beaches Soccer Association advising them of the decision. The Recreation Advisory Board will prepare a staff report for the City Commission Meeting of February 28, 1994 on its recommendations for the building and funding of Concession Stands and accessory buildings and other concerns discussed at this meeting of the Board. The next regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board will be on March 10, 1994 at the Adele Grage Community Center. There being no further business to come before this Board, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Don Fagan at 9: 15 pm.