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05-14-92 v • City of Atlantic Beach Parks & Recreation Department 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5400 RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING, MAY 14, 1992 7:30 pm AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes of March 12, 1992 meeting. 3. Discussion and plans for a SUNDAY AFTERNOON IN THE PARK (Musical) 4. Reports by Recreation Director Re: 1. Spring Festival held May 9, 1992 2. Use of Community Center by Carson Merry Baillie & fee waiver 3. Authority to City Manager for decisions on use, also "Public Purpose" to be defined. 4. Plans to bring Community Center into compliance with the Fire Codes. 5. Plans to build 2 story Concession Stand, Restrooms, Press Boxes, space for use by YMCA 6. Ultimately moving Modular to Donner Park 5. Comments and Recommendations by Members to City Commission at next scheduled meeting of Commission on May 26, 1992. Members are asked to plan to be there. 6. Adjourn NEXT MEETING OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD IS SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 11, 1992 at which time the needs of the Dept. will be discussed - for the 1992-93 BUDGET. PLEASE B E HERE ! ! MINUTES OF MEETING OF RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD HELD MAY 14, 1992 7:30 pm The meeting was called to order at 7:50 pm by Member, Jeff Croom, in the excused absence of Chairman, Donald Fagan. Present were Members, Henry Batts, Henry Isaacs and Jeff Croom along with Parks Director, Rose Blanchard. Richard Riley was excused. Minutes of the meeting of March 12, 1992 were accepted as read. Minutes are sent to each member before the meeting, so they may read them and suggest any changes. There was no meeting in April, due to the fact that we could not gather the necessary quorum. Discussion for a Sunday Afternoon in the Park ensued. Mrs. Blanchard informed the Board that Mr. James Jarboe had been hired as a consultant by the City of Atlantic Beach. In that capacity, Mr. Jarboe overheard Mrs. Blanchard talking about future plans for a musical day in the Park. He informed her that the JACKSONVILE RIVER CITY BAND is committed to a number of FREE concerts, per year, to the City of Jacksonville or whomsoever they designate. Mr. Jarboe called and spoke to Mr. Dick Brown, City Council- man for the Beaches area and asked him to request a FREE concert for Russell Park. We await that decision and plan to accept this wonderful gift, whenever the River City Band is available! Discussion continued regarding the use of local bands for a similar event. If our local bands need funds, we will be allowed (the Board Members) to solicit donations toward our bands as long as we are plain and tasteful, using the method of asking for donations, no pushing or coercing. Mr. Isaacs said he spoke with Mike Shakelf a local citizen and musician and he informed us that Mike would donate some of his time if we did not want the full band. If we felt we did want full band, the fee would be in the area of $700 to $800 for a couple of hours. This topic brought Mr. Croom to suggest we use our #1 asset here in Atlantic Beacl the BEACH-for a PICNIC ON THE BEACH. Invite citizens to a specified area of the Beach with their families, they pack a picnic, we play some volleyball and other games and just enjoy a picnic on the Beach. Anyone with a guitar can play. . .we will NOT allow ANY AMPLIPHIED MUSIC and plan to check out and follow any rules, Ordinances etc. and COMPLY! No date was set at this meeting. We will wait to hear about the River City Band. Mrs. Blanchard informed the group that the Recreation Dept. was going to have our "in house" carpenter build a 24' X 24' platform, to place performers. Mr. Croom suggested that Donnie Miniard would be a probable to play for us. The following reports were given by Mrs. Blanchard: 1. Spring Festival was a success but she will talk to the Chamber of Commerce about a better system of coordinating events. The visit of the Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria in St. Augustine and the HERITAGE DAYS in Jacksonville certainly put our vendors in a position wherein they did not make much money. However, we had asked them for a donation for their presence. They contributed $234.36 in cash and checks and $119 in kind gifts (10 gifts) , which certainly speaks well for them. Mr. Isaacs asked where this money goes and Mrs. Blanchard explained that it will go into the Recreation Dept. Budget for future use for Recreation use, not specifically for "entertainment" but for whatever we may need that has not been budgeted for. 2. The Jr. sized Basketball slabs have been erected in all 4 Parks: (Donner, Jordan, Russell and Bull) and the posts and goals and backboards arrived today. They will be in and playable by May 22, 1992 3. Along this line, the Board recommends that monies be budgeted EVERY year for the long term promotion of uses at the Community Center The Board was filled in regarding the presently authorized use of the Community Center via the requests of Carson Merry Baillie and the ultimate decision of the City Commision that gives Mrs. Baillie permissic to use the building, WAIVING ALL FEES. The Board feels that in that they are charging children for the youth camp, and the non-residents for atttendance at performances here, THEY SHOULD PAY THE FEES. It was explained to them that the Commission already has approved the fee waiver and plans to amend the resolution that set the fees. The Board recommends that FEES SHOULD NOT BE WIAVED FOR ANYONE. The question arose, "why then did a Committee and a Board recommend the fee schedule"? PG. 2 Now that the authority to decide who pays and who does not is with the City Manager, and he is awaiting the definition of "public purpose" from the City Attorney, , ,I no longer can decide the use or user of this buildings stated Mrs. Blanchard. Additionally, this building (Community center) has been declared NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FIRE CODES OF THE CITY AND STATE. As a result we are actively trying to get prices and specifications for constructing a SPRINKLER SYSTEM THAROUGHOUT THE BUILDING, OR RENOVATE THE BUIDLING BY OPENING WALLS, REPLACING DOORS, MAKING IT COMPLY WITH CODES. We will prepare specifications the week of May 18, 1992 and will go out to bid as soon as possible. We will use the monies we had left over for use in the Community Center renovation funds. Any extra will come from whatever source we can pull on. If we can move quickly, we may not have to cancel Camp or ask Ms. Baillie to cancel or postpone her Theatre Arts group. Our children in Donner Park can have camp there. We will feed them and a Summer Camp Counselor can keep them active for the Summer right at Donner Park. If this building is completed before the Summer is over, we can bring them here and continue our plans to have the Theatre Arts Group share their talents with our Campers. The daily walk ins for the Community Center may have to be delayed for a while, but in the interest of the children of our City, WE WILL NOT OPERATE IN THIS BUILDING UNTIL IT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FIRE CODES AND REGULATIONS OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITES ACT. Mrs. Blanchard then explained the plans to build a new building in Jack Russell Park which would serve the City, Little League and YMCA. If we build a 2 story building, with a concession stand, restrooms, storage for both the City of Atlantic Beach and Little League and on the 2nd story, 2 press boxes, each facing the respective fields that have games played on them, and a space for the YMCA to conduct their very successful PLAYGYM and SUMMER CAMP we could then move the double wide Modular TO DONNER PARK and those children would have the long promised Community Center they need so desparately. Then the final plan is to erect 2 shelters in Jordan Park and the necessary restrooms. This would complete the projects initiated by Mrs. Blanchard who then stated that she would then retire, knowing the children had what they needed in Jordan & Donner Parks. The Board was unanimously in favor of all of the above plans and recommends that we present them to the City Commission as soon as possible. The Board then announced that members would come to the next City Commission Meeting (May 26, 1992)with the following recommendations: 1. A TV and VCR should automatically be included in the next FY Budget. . It is a necessary Operating Supply. 2. The Red Cross classes are FREE get some of them offered in the Center. 3. All classes could be scheduled AS SOON AS THIS BUILDING IS CORRECTED! 4. A PRIORITY is to correct this building so it can be promoted as a Community Center.Mr. Isaacs suggested that we approach the Commission with the idea that if this is truly going to be a Community Center that they earmark funds ' for whatever has to be done, on an annual basis. 5. The discussions for the fee waiver was lively and basically the Board felt the fees had been set and SHOULD have been handled as the Committe, the Board, and ultimately the Commission had approved. NO WIAVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED. 6. Get the Concession Stand/multi usable buidling set up and utilized. ASAP 7. Move the Modualr to Donner Park ASAP and build a patio around the building so it is a pleasant site. These are the recommendations of this Board and some meembers plan to be there. Mrs. Blanchard urged all of the members to be present to bring the recommendations to the Commission on Tues. May 26, 1992. There being no further business before the Baord, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm, by Mr. Jeff Croom.