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08-08-91 v w CITY OF ATLATNIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING AUGUST 8, 1991 7:30 pm - COMMUNITY CENTER AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Remarks regarding last meeting - no quorum, no official meeting 3. Review revised plans from Dept. Natural Resources, Tallahassee regarding Revisions for Jack Russell Park 4. Notification that C & S Bank plans to erect the playground and Volleyball Courts at Donner Park on Sat. Aug. 24, 1991 5. Any other comments by Members 6. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING-AUG.8, 1991-7:30 pm The meeting, held in the Community Center, was called to order by the Chairman, Donald Fagan, at 7:40 pm. Present were, Mr. Fagan, Henry Batts, Richard Riley and Parks Director Rose Blanchard. Mr. David Turner was still on vacation and we had no word from Jeff Croom, although the office telephone in Mrs. Blanchard's office was out of order since 2 pm in the afternoon. Having sent each member a written report on the lack of a quorum for the July meeting, there was no need to discuss the situation. The next order of business was regarding the Donner Park Project. The members were informed that on Sat. Aug. 24, 1991, C & S Bank, with a professional firm and some of their own employees, would go to Donner Park and assemble and erect the playground equipment consisting of a combination climber/slide, a 4 seat swing set and a sand based Volleyball Court. The City would erect the combination Football/Soccer Field as soon as all the equipment arrives. Six pine trees will be removed to make room for the playground equipment placement but, Mrs. Blanchard informed the Tree Board that we would probably plant some Oak trees along the side of the Football/Soccer Field so that there would be some shade provided in the area. At this time, the area has NO trees. The members were invited to join the two maintenance men from the Recreation Dept. when it comes time to put in the Football/Soccer Field. Mr. Fagan suggested that we invite the children in the neighborhood to join in putting their Park together. He was reminded that there would be some things they could do safely and that would have to be a consideration. The Department had a load of baseball clay delivered to Donner Park and our volunteer, Calvin Blair, notified Mrs. Blanchard that the neighbors, including the children, came out to help spread the clay the same evening it arrived. These are the tings they can do, and we encourage that type of activity. The next discussion was to look over the plans sent us by DNR for the re-design of space in Russell Park. The design shows the LAST TWO TENNIS COURTS going in adjacent to those existing, placing two T-Ball fields, eliminate the Softball field and put in a Combination Football/Soccer Field because this sport will provide more activity for the children and is anticipated to become a very popular sport, for which we at this time, have NO facility. It puts Softball for adults into Donner Park, using that field, WHICH IS LIGHTED. By providing two T-Ball fields, we can put the Girl's Softball on the present Little League Field where Minor & Major boys as well as Girl's Softball will be played on the fenced field which will be extended, provide Football/Soccer in the vicinity of the present Adult Sized Softball Field and re-route Adult Softball to Donner Park, emphasizing the fact that THAT FIELD HAS LIGHTS! Mrs. Blanchard stated that she would be in touch with Mr. Gary Santora of Little League before she submits the final plans to DNR-again. The Board members of the Recreation Advisory Board unanimously agreed to the above plans. The idea of building an Octa-Structure to replace the present Concession stand was discussed and found to be a great idea. Also the question arose as to where we would have concerts, etc. . the Board members feel we should continue this activity as a family function. Staging materials would be the only consideration we should plan for. The members also wanted to encourage the City to proceed with the Football/Soccer Field with the main issue being, as long as we are starting from scratch, build it in a First Class manner so that the children can play and perform adequately. The members were shown the Phase Schedule and placement of available rooms in the Community Center, as proposed by City Manager, Kim Leinbach, and they were in accord with the plans as they are proposed. The members agreed with Mrs. Blanchard's suggestion to remove the front of the podium, leaving the raised platform for special seating. The members were infromed of the items going into the quarterly Newsletter for the Citizen, so that they would have some advanced notification should they be questioned. The members inquired about whether or not Habitat is planning to build or rehab any homes in the Donner Subdivision. Mrs. Blanchard explained the the City is working with them to help where they can, legally. , Further discussion ensued regarding plans for changing any of the sport activities here in the Park area of the Community Center. Shuffleboard was mentioned and it was agreed that we would NOT change anything down here until we were able to study the use the building will get in the future. Christmas was also a topic for discussion as well as Bicentennial Celebration for the last time, as the 5 year Celebration ends this year. The Board was informed that Continental Cablevision offered to assist with Christmas and we graciously accepted. Final plans are not firm but Mrs. Blanchard will keep the Board informed as plans progress. r• There being no further business before this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm. Respectfully submitted: Rose H. Blanchard Parks & Recreation Director