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03-18-91 v ' MINUTES OF SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING DONNER PARK DEVELOPMENT-MARCH 18, 1991 The public meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm. The meeting was held in City Hall (716 Ocean Blvd.) . Mrs. Blanchard conducted the meeting in the absence of the Chairman, Mr. Fagan. A welcome was extended to Mayor Gulliford, Commisioners Edwards and Tucker, the City Manager, Kim Leinbach, Paul Cirino of the Times Union, and all other guests. Each guest was presented a map of the area of Donner Park, showing some of the development that is planned. Citizens from the Section H and Donner Subdivision were invited, primarily, for their input, as this will be a "Regional Park" to serve the areas mentioned above. The following areas were pointed out to all: Softball field and lights are in place Basketball court exists, the plan is to build another this year The house presently at 1920 George St. will be demolished and possibly be used for a parking lot The trees on Church Road lot will now be a place to put the children's playground, benches, picnic tables. . .a shady place to recreate and enjoy. Volley ball court will be constructed Football/Soccer field where the old playground area was. Could be used for both games. A parking lot on the north side of the above field. This gives parking from George St. and Church Rd. New Bleachers to add to the ones already there. A Community Center and Grounds Keeper living unit are also planned. Because we do not have finances to do all of this at one time, the citizens have been asked to come to this meeting and input their priorities. Citizen concerns included, the use of the Parks by Church groups, etc. for Picnics, etc. as well as use of equipment, restrooms, etc. They were instructed that they MUST call the Recreation Director beforehand, and RESERVE the park and any and all of its facilities. Bishop Cooper was the spokesman for the Church Groups. Mrs. Whitfield of 1960 Park St. , spoke up next. She voiced her concern about the Park Street entrance to the Park. She wanted to know if the additional growth of the Park area and the increase of people would cause the Park Street entry to become a place to congregate, park, etc. She was assured that the Board would study this potential problem and come up with an aimiable alternative which could be designated a NO PARKING area. The citizens expressed the desire that the Park become safer, used more by families, churches and the like. Their priorities are: PUT IN THE EQUIPMENT FOR A PLAYGROUND AND ALL OF THE ACTIVITY CENTERS. THEY ARE WILLING TO WAIT FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER/LIVING QUARTERS UNTIL NEXT YEAR, IF NECESSARY. The only other concern expressed, was for the equipment that some churches might need to play ball games at Donner Park. It was explained that the City does not have adult equipment and the children's equipment is for children activities ONLY. Some equipment may be loaned out at the time a church applies for a permit. Mr. Eric Swanson asked if the Tennis Courts would be put up, soon. Mrs. Blanchard informed the group that the Dept. of Natural Resources, Recreation Division, in Tallahassee requested a Survey map and Aerial map so that they could assist us in design placement of any and all additions to Russell Park. She assured the Tennis interest citizens that the design suggestions submitted to her by Mr. Don Phillips, Tennis player, would also be sent and we will proceed when we hear from them. She also assured the group that their "suggestions" are just that, suggestions and we are not committed to proceed in that direction, only. Once we hear from the DNR, we will call another Public Meeting for all concerned. There being no further business to come before this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 pm. ATLANTIC BEACH TO CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETING The Recreation Advisory Board will conduct a public meeting on MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1991 at CITY HALL, 716 OCEAN BLVD. beginning at 7:30 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to receive input on the proposed plan to develop and enhance DONNER PARK into a Regional Park, to serve the residents of SECTION "H" and the DONNER SUBDIVISION TO CHURCH ROAD , in particular. The Board would appreciate the input of the citizens in the area and assist them in setting priorities. For further information, please call Mrs. Rose Blanchard at 241-7431, Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 4 pm. SUBMITTED: Rose Blanchard, Parks & Recreation Director SUN TIMES THE BEACHES LEADER TIMES UNION PUBLISH: Wednesday, March 13, 1991 CITY OF ritteuttie &t - 9eCvrida • 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.0.BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 4 4N TELEPHONE(904)249-2395 MARCH 13, 1991 TO: PASTOR AND CONGREATION OF AREA CHURCHES FROM: RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH WE ARE CONDUCTING A PUBLIC MEETING ON MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1991 AT CITY HALL, 716 OCEAN BLVD. BEGINNING AT 7:30 P.M. , CONCERNING DONNER PARK. WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR ATTENDANCE AS WE DEVELOP PLANS TO ENHANCE DONNER PARK FOR ALL RESIDENTS ON THE WEST SIDE OF MAYPORT ROAD FROM SECTION "H" AND THE DONNER SUBDIVISION, TO CHURCH ROAD. CITY OF > aatic &ad - 9ettlida `•_' 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD 11A 4 P.O.BOX 26 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 .44 ,; TELEPHONE(904)249-2395 MARCH 7, 1991 TO: Honorable Mayor, City Commissioners, City Manager, Attorney �/ FROM: Parks & Recreation Director & Recreation Advisory Board 0,.'�' RE: Public Meeting Please consider this an invitation to attend, not formally, but rather as an interested citizen, the Public Meeting to be held on Monday, March 18, 1991 at 7:30 pm in City Hall. This meeting, a necessary item in order to qualify for a State Grant later in the year, is intended to elicit citizen input regarding Donner Park. Our aim is to develop this Park as a "Regional Park" and we are, therefore, inviting citizens from Section "H" to Church Road. It would be our pleasure to have you attend, if you wish. After the results of this meeting, we hope to have a completed Master Plan for Donner Park, to be presented to the full Commission at a future, regularly scheduled meeting.