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02-08-90 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1990 7 pm RECREATION MODULAR - JACK RUSSELL PARK AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Choose officers for the Board (Secretary, Vice Chairman, etc.) 3. Prioritize and target what area or Park we want to address. Select what seems to be an immediate project. 4. Organize and develop a 5 year plan 5. Plan a Community Needs Assessment Meeting, .very soon. 6. Members Comments 7. Adjourn ALL MEMBERS: PLEASE ! ! PLEASE ! ! CALL OR BE IN TOUCH ONE WAY OR THE OTHER IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND THIS MEETING WE HAVE LOTS OF WORK TO DO AND WE MUST HAVE AS FULL A BOARD PRESENT, EVERY TIME, AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU. CALL ROSE AT 241-7431 • 1 MINUTES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - FEBRUARY 8, 1990 All members were present. The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chairman, Fagan. Secretary is needed for the Board. Alice Richardson was unanimously chosen. Then to appoint the members for the years set up in the Resolution, the following members were appointed thusly: Donald Fagan 4 years David Turner " Henry Batts Jeff Croom 3 years Richard Riley Gerard Vermey 2 years Alice Richardson " In the next item of the agenda, the Board would committ to the area or Park it felt was most in need of attention, immediately! Prioritizing and selecting what to do there. After much discusssion, beginning with Jordan Park and the distribution of monies from the Community Development Block Grant, the Board agreed that Donner Park would be the project to start with. The idea of making Donner Park a "regional" park is certainly a challenge and must address many other problems first, rehabilitate the neighborhood, THEN-MAYBE-- Donner Park can become a "regional " Park. Everyone agreed that big changes are in the making in the future. . .Donner Park with be the"regional park", Russell Park will be the administration center and park The Board agreed to facilitate a "NEEDS ASSESSMENT" with the residents of the Donner Park area to get the input from the families who live there and know their needs better than anyone else. In that vein, the Board decided, after much discussion, that on SUNDAY, MARCH 4,1990 from 2-4pm IN DONNER PARK, UNDER THE CANOPY, WITH TABLES AND CHAIRS WE WILL CONDUCT A NEEDS ASSESSEMENT AND WORK FROM THE RESULTS. Flyers will be sent out to each resident address, with the attached flyer, we will conduct the assessment, using the questionarie, attached, and present the results to the City Commission. The strategy for the Mar. assessement is the following: Henry Batts deliver posters to the churches and talk to the Ministers, urging them to encourage their parishioners to come and offer their input Donald Fagan & Richard Rilery will be going to Chief Thompson and his crew to ride with them and survey the neighborhood and get the feel of "what's happening". Jeff Croom talk this assessement up with the children at school David Turner do the same with the "athletic" citizens, young & Gerard Vermey mark and "tour" the anticipated land acquisitions with the people who come to the Park for the assessment. Alice Richardson make the posters, flyer original. Rose Blanchard prep the resident list, make out flyers and stuff and mail them by Feb. 26, 1990, prep a questionaire, have personnel to set up canopy, tables and chairs, etc The Board decided to keep the assessement in the Donner Subdivision only, at this time. The Section "H" people, are at this time very absorbed in the developments going on in their neighborhood, that they would not be interested in the Park subject, at this time. We will pursue them in the same fashion, at another time. After some announcements and a run down of the Calendar of Events, the meeting was adjourned at 9 pm AffINEEMIIMEMEMBEI RLSIUL•IJ15 1NIURNLD !Si MAIL UINLEUS ASSESSLLLLN1' SIUDY iN D ONNER PARK SUlill1vtbiuN • SUNDAY MAR. 4, 1990 2-4 pm ADDRESSES ONLY ROBERTS STREET 70-95-65-61-45-51-35- PARK STREET 2003-2001-1990-1980-1970-1960-1950-1840-1930-1810 LEWIS STREET 95-94-93=85-84-83-82-77-75-64-B-64-A-55-54-A-54-53-45-37-31-21- GEORGE ST. 2067-2065-2017-2015-1990-1970-1950-1930-1920-1910-1880-1872-1870-1850-1860- 1834-1832-1830-1810-1800- EDGAR ST. 205-27-26-85-75-65-45-35 DUDLEY ST. 25-30-36-40-58-60-70-72-82-84-320-335-340-345-358-370-99-97-95-93-91- 51-48-44- CHURCH ROAD 44-10-98-96-94-92-90-56-54-50- TOTAL: 98 ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: • - )-InQk ail 1 ► fI ) I I I " ij\fk E' C O .AP }-GUUCa • -- • � -Q • V p Vt 1 1U • NEEDS ASSESSMENT QUESTIONAIRE FOR DONNER PARK SPONSORED BY THE ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1990 2-4 pm at Donner Park Softball Field Because we are acquiring more land in this area, to expand Donner Park, we need your help in trying to find out what you feel are the most important needs you have in your neighborhood Park. It is the hope of the City of Atlantic Beach that some day, Donner Park will be THE REGIONAL PARK OF THE CITY. We, the Advisory Board plan to bring your needs to the City Commission and be your representatives, For this reason, we ask you to list below, the things you would want in this Park, listing FIRST the THING YOU WANT THE MOST BECAUSE YOU NEED IT! Then list 3 more in the order you believe to be most important. 1 2 3 .NY OTHER COMMENTS: