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10-19-89 v ,yV CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING / THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1989 7 pm RECREATION MODULAR - JACK RUSSELL PARK AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Introduction of Mayor, City Manager, Board Members and Guest 3. Discussions: a. Report from Susan Podamsky regarding the plans for the Christmas Program b. Consider the proposed Ordinance creating this Board c. General comments regarding the future plans to be studied by this Board 4. Members comments 5. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1989 The initial meeting of the 1989-91 Recreation Advisory Board was called to order at 7:45 pm after introducing Mayor Gulliford and Susan Podzamsky to the board. Mrs. Podzamsky is in charge of the Christmas tree lighting celebration to take place in December. Mrs. Podzamsky presented the following outline for the Board's consideration. Santa will arrive on a Fire Truck A donation of a live tree is forthcoming Rose Blanchard will take take of lighting source for the tree There will be several Chorus, both Children and Adult groups It was suggested that she contact the following sources for music: Atlantic Beach Elem. School Mayport Jr. High Finnegan Elem. Mayport Elementary Friendship Baptist Church River City Chorus-Barber Shop Quartet Community Presbyterian Church Publix will donate hot chocolate and cookies Pizzaz would come out for $50 per hour, per face painter and she would like to have 2-3 of them for about 2 hrs. Fred Downs Sign Co. would make a sign for City Hall, but now that the Mayor selected the Jack Russell site due to parking availability, we would also pursue other sign sources, such as the City. Downs will charge $175 for a sign. Gail Cooper Spratt, a friend of Mrs. Podzamsky is willing to donate her artistic design for use on the Posters and/or the Sign. The Board agreed that: the celebration should take place in Jack Russell Park, primarily due to the parking facilities available To promote the idea that this Tree lighting celebration will herein become an annual tradition, the permanent date for this event, each year, will be the FIRST THURSDAY OF DECEMBER. Each musical group will perform for 20 minutes, maximum. Spectators will stand and performers will be perched on a stage or risers. The group went outdoors to assign a space for the tree. After much discussion, the Board dismissed Mrs. Podzamsky and took up the next urgent piece of business on the agenda, namely the proposed Ordinance for this Board's formation. Rose Blanchard, Parks & Recreation Director and interim chairperson, suggested each member take home a copy of the proposed Ordinance, study it, make any additions or deletions and be ready to formalize it at the next meeting. Gerard Vermey,member, suggested the Board be given a site plan for each of the parks at the next meeting. We shall also receive and formulate a coordinated program for the tree lighting celebration. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9 pm. The `h'x{ CITY _ : OF 4410 filtieutac Eead - 9e0fru:dcz 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.0.BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE(904)249-2396 October 9, 1989 Mrs. Susan Podzamsky 2115 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Dear Susan: Since the funds for the Christmas Program are in the Recreation Department Budget, I invite you to attend our first meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board to explain to them the plans you have for this special celebration. This Board will be the Advisors to this Department and therefore will be kept informed of our plans. I am sure they will appreciate your input and your suggestions. Looking forward to seeing you on Oct. 19, 1989 in the Recreation Modular in Russell Park at 7:00 pm. Please call if you have a difficulty with this schedule. Sin• - - y, Ros• H. Blanchard Par s & Recreation Director