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09-24-01 vA regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held on September 24, 2001 at the Adele Grage Community Center. DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Ray Coleman, Phil Corp, Barbara Hopson, Tim Johnson, and Tom Vogle. Visitor: Woody Winfree. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting of August 25, 2001. DeJean noted one correction. The minutes from August stated that 30,000 was approved by the Commission for the Project design cost for the proposed Skateboard Park. DeJean asked for the minutes to indicate that the Commission may approve the $30,000. The correction was noted. Barbara motioned to approve the minutes, Phil seconded and the motion carried. PRESENTATION BY VISITOR Visitor, Woody Winfree was introduced to the Board by Timmy Johnson. Board members received packets that explained Woody's purpose for attending the meeting. Woody gave her presentation to the Board regarding Sole Sisters, Inc. Teen workshops and dance performance will be available to the Atlantic Beach community in the summer of 2002. Woody and her partner, Dana Carpenter developed Sole Sisters for the purpose of dealing with self-esteem in young people, particularly young girls. All age groups as well as young males and females will be welcome participants, explained Woody. Self- esteem is such a vital issue and the summer workshops will teach self-discovery through body movement and community participation. Professional talent will aide in the 3-4 day workshop program that will culminate in a community performance that will involve a professional dance troupe. Woody explained that Sole Sisters is seeking funds from Atlantic Beach to provide their program to the community. Woody indicated that free admission to the public is a possibility. Board members were receptive to Woody's presentation, and DeJean thanked her for sharing information about her program. The Board agreed that the scope of this program would include older youth, a goal of the Advisory Board. Tim Johnson advised the Board that the time is right to approach the City Manager about possible funding for the Sole Sisters project. DeJean suggested that a vote wasn't necessary, but the Board could be supportive. OLD BUSINESS Board members were given an update on the Budget. DeJean asked Tim Johnson if priority items were approved. Everything was approved, including the request for 30,000 for the Skateboard Park design. The deadline for the Grant application has passed. Tim advised the Board that the City would have another opportunity to apply for a Grant in the spring. The City decided not to install restrooms at Bull Park. Barbara Hopson is still concerned about the conflict between private property and Park property lines. Tim Johnson indicated that a survey has been ordered for clarification. Barbara asked about the safety gate at Bull Park, Tim advised the Board that a gate was installed. 1, DeJean requested a discussion regarding the purpose of a Recreation Advisory Board. Several Board members indicated their willingness to continue serving and that they feel the Board provides an important service to the community. Ray Coleman suggested that it is healthy for government to seek citizen input. DeJean advised that a motion on the issue wasn't necessary. He also asked the members to encourage applicants for service on the Recreation Advisory Board. NEW BUSINESS DeJean advised members that the Board will need to hold elections for new officers. Members were asked to give thoughtful consideration regarding service as officers. Ray Coleman suggested that Reader Boards would benefit the community. Board members all agreed that the boards provide information regarding community business. DeJean suggested that Ray should call City Manager Jim Hanson about reader boards. DeJean urged everyone to go vote in the upcoming Atlantic Beach election. DeJean motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Tom Vogle seconded and the motion carried. S