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03-27-01 vA regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Board was held on March 27, 2001 at the Adele Grage Community Center. DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm. Present were: Peter Coalson, Phil Corp, Kim Greene, Tom Vogle, Tim Johnson, and Commissioner Rick Beaver. Visitors: Kathleen Beaudreau and Brian Christianson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean suggested several corrections to the minutes from February 27, 2001. He advised the Board to note that the Commission has budgeted $20,000 for a skateboard park. DeJean noted that a joint fund raiser should be considered if additional funds are required. The Board agreed that the Commission liaison to the Board should attend Park Advisory meetings more frequently and finally the minutes should note the success of Program offerings rather than development. Kim Greene motioned to approve the minutes from the February meeting, Tom Vogle seconded and the motion carried. VISITORS DeJean introduced Kathleen Beadreau, former Community Activities Director for Fleet Landing. Kathleen is now involved with the Green Market at Town Center. Brian Christianson visited the Board recently'to provide input regarding the proposed Skateboard Park. Brian is back with a detailed presentation for the Board's consideration. OLD BUSINESS The purpose for Kathleen's visit was 10 share her ideas on Community activities and outreach to the elderly. Kathleen indicated an interest in coordinating as well as adding new events. A community Callander of events could strengthen participation. DeJean noted that Karen Sadler is currently responsible for implementing ideas/programs but not involved in the promotional aspect. Tim Johnson indicated that he would meet with Kathleen in the near future for feedback and ideas on Program expansion. DeJean thanked Kathleen for addressing the Board and invited her to speak at a later date. Commissioner Beaver inquired if Kathleen would consider assisting with Program expansion on a voluntary basis. Brian Christianson visited the Board recently to provide input regarding the proposed Skateboard Park. Brian provided drawings with details. An aiel shot was available. Brian indicated that ideas were drawn from several existing parks. Hopefully, the proposed plans for Atlantic Beach Skateboard Park will provide a facility that will appeal to all ages. Budget considerations will influence the final plans. Suggested dimensions for the park are 84'x62'. Drainage areas are included in the plans and the entire park will be constructed of concrete. The design represents ideas from other city parks in existence. Commissioner Beaver inquired about the cost for the plans. Based on a charge of 15.00 to $20.00 per sq. Foot, the final estimated cost would be $102,000. Commissioner Beaver noted that this figure is higher than the budgeted amount of$20,000. Brian suggested outside fund raising has been utilized in other park developments. This would delay immediate construction and the Board discussed the possibility of building the facility in stages. DeJean noted that $50,000 remains in the budget for this year which could fund construction of the park. Kim Greene inquired about public discussion for this project. Commissioner Beaver suggested that plans should go before the Commission as soon as possible. Ground rules for the Skateboarding park should be promoted by the park proponents in order to establish good will within the community. Better definition regarding the role of Recreation Advisory Board was discussed. A draft insert was provided to all Board members and the Board liaison from the Commission. Commissioner Beaver reviewed the draft with the Board. Peter motioned to approve the draft, Torn seconded and the motion carried. DeJean adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. 0 a City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Advisory Board Meeting April 24, 2001 AGENDA A. Call Meeting to Order B. Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting from March 27, 2001 C. Visitors D. Old Business 1.Discussion and possible action on a proposed skate park. E. New Business F. Adjournment