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10-25-00 vA regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held on October 25, 2000 in the Adele Grage Community Center. DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Ray Coleman, Phil Corp, Peter Coalson, DeJean Melancon, Barbara Hopson, Tim Johnson, Susan Gorman and new member, Tom Vogle. Visitors: Julie Sleeper of Atlantic Beach. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting held on September 26, 2000. Barbara motioned to approve the minutes, Ray seconded and the motion carried. NEW BOARD MEMBER DeJean asked the Board to welcome the new Board member, Tom Vogle. DeJean asked Tom to share his background information with the Board. Tom Vogle has a great deal of experience in the area of sports and has long standing ties with the community of Atlantic Beach where he current resides. OLD BUSINESS Board members were advised that the new budget allows the $25,000 requested by the Recreation Aevisory Board. Focus more on planned for program opportunities rather than special events. Board members discussed the Teen Council surfing event scheduled for September 30, 2000. Concern was expressed by the Board because the entire $5,000 portion for the Teen Council will pay for this event. Several Board members expressed their concern over the lack of communication between the Teen Council and their Board member liaison, Peter Coalson. DeJean asked Peter to call Commissioner Theo Mitchelson and Teen Council advisor, Jamie Fletcher to convey the Board's concern. Barbara suggested the Teen Council should have a member to attend the Park Advisory Board meeting occasionally. Tim Johnson advised the Board that the Commission passed a Resolution regarding the Teen Council and there is nothing in the Resolution that requires the Teen Council to report to the Recreation Advisory Board. Mr. Johnson also passed out a copy of the Resolution. Ray motioned for Peter to write a letter requesting clarification of policy and procedure and that the Teen Council should advise the Board of their plans to spend their portion of the budget. The Board will request occasional attendance from a representative from the teen Council. Barbara seconded and the motion carried. 1 Board members were asked to consider program ideas presented by Karen Sadler. Several program suggestions were well received by the Board. The Film Cafe, Grandparents Walk in the Park, the Jazz Event, and Storytellers From Around The World were favored by Board members. Pete pointed out the payment methods that should be considered for the programs. Barbara agreed that there should be a charge, since it lends a certain value to public events. DeJean would like to invite Karen Sadler to a future Board meeting to have her address the programs and the cost involved. Tim advised the Board that an ad should run in order to select an advisor for Programs in the community. DeJean motioned that the Board should contact Maureen King in order to place an ad for the purpose of picking a consultant. Phil seconded and the motion carried. A time frame of three weeks from the first Wednesday in November was set. Pete suggested that the Board might amend the motion and announce that the Board is ready to receive proposals by the next regular meeting. Barbara seconded and the motion carried. Tim provided the Board with an update on the proposed partnership between the City and Atlantic Beach Elementary. The Principal is supposed to approach the School Board with the pro;losal in the near future. Pete shared a diagram of the proposed practice field. Tom Vogle was concerned with the layout and suggested that a practice field should run north/south rather than east to west. Board members agreed with Tom's suggestion and Pete agreed to revise his draft. A discussion relative to changing the regular meeting day and time began with a motion from Ray Coleman to change the meeting time to Tuesday evening at 7:15 p.m. Phil seconded and the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Dutton Island will go to bid by mid-November. A Grant application was submitted for the purchase of six lots. Approval will provide $25,000. Board members asked if this amount was for property purchase only, or would it cover maintenance too? Ray motioned to clarify the Board's position to support the acquisition of six lots and for funding for development of the property and playground equipment. Barbara seconded and the motion carried. A workshop is scheduled for the last Saturday in October for a final exchange of ideas for design of Adele Grage 0 Community Center. 1 Hanna Park might allow a gate at the Seminole entrance to bikers in order to accommodate a bike path for the beach area. A discussion was followed by a motion. Ray offered a motion to advise the Commission that the Board oppose a new gate entrance, the motion was denied. Bike paths are a recreation issue and the Board must address the gate issue as it relates to the proposed bike path. Phil Corp motioned that the Board advise the Commission to consider alternate routes before making a final decision for the gate entrance at Hanna Park. DeJean seconded and the motion carried. Tim advised the Board to select Officers. DeJean was nominated to serve as Chairman, and the Board approved his nomination. Phil Corp was nominated to serve as Co-Chairman and the Board members approved his nomination. Kim Greene was nominated to serve as Secretary and her nomination was approved. Ray Coleman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m., Phil seconded and the meeting adjourned. 0