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06-23-00 vA regular meeting of the Recreational Advisory Board was held August 23, 2000 in the Adele Grage Community Center. Present were: Peter Coalson, Phil Corp, Kim Greene, Barbara Hopkins, Tim Johnson, DeJean Melancon, and Susan Gorman. DeJean called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Kim Greene motioned to approve the minutes, Phil seconded and the motion carried. BUDGET RECOMMENDATION UPDATE An update on the status of the Board's budget recommendation was provided by DeJean Melancon. DeJean expressed two concerns, the Board's recommendations were absent from the City Manager's list and the merit of a partnership with Atlantic Beach Elementary was questioned. Mayor Meserve directed DeJean to research the partnership further. DeJean consulted with Pete Coalson and DeJean concluded that the partnership would at least provide two practice fields, where there is presently only one. Funds from the school in the amount of$19,000 would be available for additional fields. Atlantic Beach Elementary would partner with First Night in order to ensure this goal. DeJean told Board members of his encouragement after the second meeting. A revised budget list was reviewed by the Board: 1. 19,000. Practice field partnership with Atlantic beach Elementary 2. 25,000. Programs aimed at the community at large 3. 18,000. Summer programs with 5,000 for Teen Council 4. 6,750 Baseball field Maintenance 5. 100,000. Funds available for property purchases DeJean informed the Board that Mayor Meserve issued a challenge to the Commission and the City Manager to raise the level of park maintenance. A Discussion regarding tree maintenance followed and a figure of$47,000 was suggested for this purpose. DeJean advised the Board to maintain their goals and inform the community in order to maintain public interest. NEW BUSINESS Purchase of six lots is slated within the year. The purchase price is $75,000. Grant information and assistance is expected by October 1', 2000. Grant writers with assist Tim Johnson with this project. Summer Camp was considered successful, and Karen Sadler dropped by with a scrapbook for Board members to view. DeJean suggested moving the meetings from Wednesday to Tuesday. This would require a change of the by-laws according to Tim Johnson. The next meeting is scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of the month, September 26, 2000. Board members were informed of complaints regarding the renovation work at Adele Grage. Steven offered to go over the delays involved and provide suggestions on how to reverse financial losses that might result. V The Commission approved the building project at Jordan Park at a cost of$90,000 with the assistance of Habitat. Another public hearing regarding budget proposals will be scheduled. DeJean motioned to adjourn the meeting, Kim Greene seconded and the motion carried. 411111