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09-01-99 v0 RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA SEPTEMBER 1, 1999 I.Call Meeting to Order II. Approval of Minutes III. Old Business A. Bull Park Renovation Update B. Discussion on a proposed oridance to protect City Parks C. Budget Update IV. New Business A. Disucssion on the development of a active park west of Mayport Road V. Reports VI. Adjournment r A regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held on September 1, 1999 in the Adele Grage Community Center. Chairperson DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Ray Coleman, Peter Coalson,Phil Corp, Barbara Hopson, Steven Jenkins, DeJean Melancon, and Susan Gorman. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Steven Jenkins motioned to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting on July 28, 1999. Peter Coalson seconded and the motion carried. BULL PARK RENOVATION UPDATE DeJean informed the Board that the modified budget figures for Bull Park have been approved. DeJean and Tim Johnson met with David Thompson, acting City Manager on August 9, 1999. ABBA Construction attended the August 9th meeting as well, and a revised budget in the amount of$230,743.00 was agreed upon and presented at the Budget Workshop on August 25, 1999. The Commission accepted the revised budget figure for the Bull Park project. DISCUSSION ON PARKLAND PROTECTION ORDINANCE Several Board members questioned the restriction of parkland usage. A public hearing on the issue was suggested by Ray Coleman. Steven cautioned the Board that too much flexibility might allow broader development within the parklands owned by Atlantic Beach. Peter Coalson suggested that perhaps the ordinance should define parkland use. DeJean asked the Boad to focus on language that would address the selling and trading of parkland rather than usage. Ray Coleman suggested to the Board that the language in the Jacksonville ordinance should be maintained as a model for an ordinance for Atlantic Beach. Peter motioned for acceptance of Parklands preservation policy 122.408, a) and(b), striking Subpart B. Ray seconded and the motion carried. BUDGET UPDATE The following recommendations were made at the Budget Workshop attended by DeJean and Tim Johnson on August 25, 1999. 1. Bull Park project - rebid figure $250,000.00 2. Program Enhancement +$25,000.00 with$5,000 going to Teen Council 3. Ballpark support program (Russell Park) - $6,750 4. Howell Park maintenance, mulch for walkways - $5,000 5. Donner Park plan to purchase additional land for ball fields - $250,000.00 NEW BUSINESS 4141 Board members expressed concern over the impact of the Mayport Flyover on Section H, as well as the absence of an active park in the area. Plans to develop a park west of Mayport Road have the support of Section H residents. Board members expressed an interest in inviting residents of Section H to speak and share their input for future development. Ray and Steven 0 encouraged the Board to consult other sources, including Karen Clark. The Board was informed of the closing of the YMCA trailer, along with the status of programs previously offered by the YMCA in Atlantic Beach. The YMCA trailer located at Russell Park was condemned by Building Inspector, Don Ford. At this time, the YMCA no longer operates in Atlantic Beach. h DeJean Melancon motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Ray seconded and the motion carried. 1110 twcuiuLut Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE CODE City of JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Codified through Ord. No. 98-1023-E, enacted 1 TITLE V. ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL CHAPTER 122 PUBLIC PROPERTY PART 4. REAL PROPERTY Subpart A. Real Property Acquisitions and Administration 122.408 Parklands preservation policy. It shall be the intent and policy of the city th< 122.408 Parklands preservation policy. It shall be the intent and policy of the city that no parklands, park facilities or other recreational or park related land or space of the city shall be converted to another use or sold by the city,-pis rripact=13-4-94/iTrimpttar-7-unless or until the following conditions have been met a) The property is to be utilized as a civic or community center, or b) If such conversion or sale should become necessary for the greater public good by either local, state or federal needs, the city shall replace that facility, land, or space with new park facilities, land or space of equal or greater size and value; to be located in the same general area, or as close thereto as possible, in order to assure that adequate recreational and park facilities, land or spaces are available for use by theimpactedneighborhoodorneighborhoods. History.-Ord. 87-1492-822, s. 1. r Ubpa as122.421 General; exe .tions. Except provided this sectionPP the sale, I::se- or other transfer(referred to in this Subpart B a ale) of all real property and • terests in real property referred to in this Subpart : as property) by the cit hall be made in accordanc: with the procedures est. dished by this Subpart B. ese procedures shall .t apply to: a) Pro.: y being sold as a part of . community redevelop• ent project under Part II Chapter 163, Florida Sta .tes. b) -roperty being sold to a federal, state or local govern. ental agency or instrumer ality. c) Cut or uncut timber bei . disposed of pursuant to '-art 8. i d) Property being dis.. ed of pursuant to Chapt: 550 of this Code. e) Property being 'old pursuant to Subpart I of Part 4, Chapter 122.,,. f) Property be. g donated pursuant to S apart E of Part 4, Chapter/122. History.-Ord. .•-1027-669, s. 1; Ord_ 70 50-526; Ord. 71-397-181;Ord. 76-718-337, s. 2; d. 83-591-400, s. 1: Ord. 83/-810-425. s. 2: Ord. 89-803=379. s. 1: Ord. 97-14-E,.s. 1. Note.—Former s. 132.201_ 122.422 Sale of property through Real Estate Division; investigation of need; Council action. OP iuttusapl.uurauvclueiy—tz__.-+vOcz.nuuuase—tai /4.1tiumiecutu—t /M-Dic.suttpae—uoeutilent me_l/