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03-24-99 vI RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES IIIWEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1999 A regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held Wednesday, March 24, 1999 in the Adele Grage Community Center. Chairperson DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:20 P.M.. Present were: DeJean Melancon, Peter Coalson, Barbara Hopson, Steven Jenkins, Ray Coleman, and Timmy Johnson, staff. Ray Coleman made a correction to the minutes of the last regular meeting to read that he was present. DeJean motioned to approve the minutes with the necessary correction. Peter seconded and the motion carried. The Board discussed the request from Atlantic Beach Athletic Association to have the City take over field maintenance. Ray Coleman, ABAA president went over the attached summary report of ABAA finances and baseball field maintenance. Ray can't say what it would cost to maintain the facility, but the season last seven months and ABAA is paying Marty Bryant $5 an hour. The reason for this request is that Marty's son will be playing in Jacksonville Beach next season; therefore, Marty will be leaving. Peter mentioned that he went to Jacksonville Beach opening day and they introduced five City Employees who maintain their fields. There was $1100 n ABAA account when Ray started and he implemented some changes in the concession area and more sponsorship money lead to the $5,000 surplus. Recreation Director, Timmy Johnson pointed out that the concession is losing $800 and closing the concession would be a plus. Ray agreed and stated that he has considered closing the concession stand. Timmy stated that ABAA probably should consider contracting this service out to a nonprofit organization. DeJean informed Ray to develop a motion and come by to the next meeting so the Board can make a recommendation. Peter motioned to assign Board Members park responsibility as follow: Barbara-Howell, Peter- Bull, Scott-Russell, DeJean-Donner, Steven-Dutton, Phil-Jordan, and Ray-Tresca. Ray seconded and the motion carried. The Recreation Director discussed the phased Bull Park Plan and passed out a phased cost estimate. He also reminded the Board that they did discuss the project and recommended removing the lights. Barbara explained that a lot of effort went into the thought process of this Park. The Board discussed development of the entire Park with an approximate sum of$250K. However, the additional funding has not been identified. If additional monies are not available the Board arees that Phase I, the play area is most important. The Board agreed that phase I play area) is the most important phase. Peter motioned to budget $160,000 to substantially 0 complete phase I and III of the Bull Park Plan. Ray seconded and the motion carried. Steven will draft a letter to the City Commission and a Committee report will be given at the April 12 City Commission meeting. The Recreation Director informed the Board that the City of Jacksonville is assisting with grant funds for Dutton Island and because of the grant deadline a decision has been made to place a canoe launch on the Southwest corner of the Island. Ray motioned to support the decision to place a canoe launch on the Southwest corner of Dutton Island. Barbara seconded and the motion carried. DeJean informed the board that he will contact Karen Scheffer about attending the next meeting. Steven informed the Board that he will be unable to attend the next meeting. 4014,t Ikeiluak_ 0 BASEBALL FIELD MAINTAINANCE BEFORE EACH SEASON: 1.) Turn (till) the clay on each field, three inches deep 2.) Edge the grass lines to three feet outside the foul lines 3.) Trim and mark foul lines in outfield grass 4.) Check proper operation of sprinkler heads of underground system 5.) Check and repair batting cage nets 6.) Repair pitching mounds in the bullpen 7.) Check all light bulbs and replace as needed (batting cage, scoreboards, field lights, concession stand) 8.) Install all bases in their proper anchor 9.) Kill fire ant mounds 10) Set timers on field lights 11) Check and repair fences. 4111 Weekly: 1.) Cut grass 2.) Repair holes in outfields 3.) Repair pitching mounds of the bullpen 4.) Trim and chalk foul lines of the outfield (all fields) 5.) Kill fire ant mounds GAME DAY: 1.) Water fields (approx. 30 to 45 min.) 2.) Repair (fill and pack) low spots. IE. Around bases, batters boxes, pitching plates. 3.) Scarify and drag fields 4.) Line fields. Foul lines, ondeck circles, coaches boxes, runners lane, batters boxes, and half way marks if needed. 5.) Set bases in their proper anchors 6.) Set pitching mound at the proper distance. AFTER EACH SEASON: 1.) Repair holes in the outfields 2.) Plant grass in bare spots and fertilize. 3.) Turn off light timers and pick up portable field equipment. ABAA LEDGER 3/20/99 Summary Report 1/1/98 Through 12/31/98 1/1198- Category Description 12/31188 Page 1 INCOME AABC 215.17 Concession Sales 13,118.35 Contnbution 2,000.00 Rebate 1,454.00 registration 37,013.00 Sponsors 11,025.00 TOTAL INCOME 64,395.18 EXPENSES Allstars 1,089.49 Bank Charge 147.68 Charter 267.00 Concession Labor 3,564.27 Concession Supplies 10,383.16 Dues and Subscriptions 54.00 Education 200.00 Equipment 4,376.25 Field Equipment 8,571.70 Field Labor 2,042.43 Field Supplies 4,235.70 Insurance 1,956.00 Newsletter 638.73 Postage and Delivery 15.00 Tax, Business 1,909.52 Trophies 2,295.13 Umpires 8,846.00 Uniforms 11,999.95 Utilities: Telephone 448.31 TOTAL Utilities 448.31 TOTAL EXPENSES 63,040.32 TOTAL INCOME-EXPENSES 1,354.86 Balance Forward ABAA LEDGER 5,390.40 TOTAL Balance Forward 5,390.40 OVERALL TOTAL 6,745.26 Monthly Income and Expenses 1/1/98-12/31/98 F-Incon® Expense _j in thousands 20 -—- Ill 15 j t: r' irtf_:-.: I t 10I iii.,... w1 v Pi 1 iri ti'' p i, to 01198 2/98 3/98 4/98 5/98 6/98 7/98 8/98 .9/98 10/98 11/98 12/98 III Net Savings and Expense Comparison 1/1/98- 12/31/98 Uniforms 18.63 as a Percentage of Total Income Concession Supplies %16.12, Umpires 13.74 ENField Equipment 13.31 Equipment 6.7961. Field Supplies 6.5781 ill Concession Labor 5.535' EiATrophies 3.564 Field Labor 3.1721 R Insurance 3.037 i ROther 9.511 iTotal 54,395,18j 7,0---:,1171;-‘::-.4;.,---sc .., W-- moi% s A.1M ' 4P'at T 0 0 0 wr•- •`... i 33 -' 1 SO0 17 -r-,1*e' ' > *1j4'0. 21 . 4.,',..:"`-•,., ..-,-,n ,-4 Imo GEN 11„ ESIS GROUP. INC. lc•1•11DIC•til IA 0• 22222 HA"•IAA Nil 'WI•.IFI7ti':::,111 t.: ,,,...4,.._ c.F.E., 4 - 1f,,•- :',,P, L'''''.—9 ' i;' th--e:--tiitS- Aillmw. CITY CP AILANTIC SVCS 1W:1 Ma V .nc..7.7. IPSO ::1 lig5;S' .'*''‘Ara ' 44,,,,- ., Iii \px.ttra.:,:-‘'-4, ...-t-., - i 0 1P1a34.• ..., az 4s,, c3, 44740 : 701 . 41 '' 't''Ai4t,4' 1 I . •\ 2.v.. ,,..,.-2-_,,,,,---.-6-t . .., 1 . ,..i. .‹, N), i 1.4•0•0•1 REC4440.4TIC•1 BULL. tiZtliCCIAl.I.7,;',.......,......,.... ,.i,:, -4,•, 1 iff 1 ....,.....,_,.-'-) of. 1 - 4 .,..'":„....,,I... ..'...,,,.... ttia.W.. r-' ••••• , 1 0_ IROIRIALKS AXLE Ont•alt PLAZA 1 StAt•t1 POSTAL PAVILIal P•AlIGICI PAVH1 PARit. 1 1 si .A.,-:RINVYATIM,*ID 14101.41.14-4244 If: er$ V,0*-1:b. ' 1 8 r a \ I- Air‘1:4 111011111111111 L i s \ 1°1 WOW,. WM 11:014C.A75241 ATL.P.174 6Lin-I ItlIMICAL 1•210CAT4Z. 64T•rli 36 isalliaLt -‘4./..,1 —-,.....-=- 11 - :% 11 ...\ , - 1.1..ORIDA 11710111•1.4114.1004Y MIN 14-44114:1 N.41 - • P/ fir-- - x4a.. Ca128.!PALM All' r ----s\ ‘• 6 P / // 4: V 0DEGOIRAINePAY*.1 St .. r ./../ 4 t 1.1.011/1. 1 . 1 1\ 4,1'..4.-• ''''..., tic,• -- •1• ,. 1 Z 3 . tr.--—.:1;r:--.•-::I.kff•-•"...ttte+-: --.1 1 : 1 11 ' PI-IA.SE c...,.... 74iii1/4\\. is..,\ likl‘..,..\. 2,..,!,. .' zr.-..---......--,.:....,.., I " I 11 w 11%1 \\ \ 4114111117 ATLI. 40$100I , t" I, L• bre.roct ., PHASING gilLIverms—, 111, 1t .;,:',\, 1 PLAN 7 i'lli ik 0ie.124 DY. 0+-0.42D AM Der.IOW mill11111111 ° MI=-----" 97 .,--, sAVAI.J." - I RIA.S.A8AD FtAR. DATA. s••••...........-•.-----. I r-——_—_—. WO% ARAL AA INA 1 1\1 er-" CjeCTI"‘".••. '4"3" towerrmteen. . r•3o. PAWN CP IS BULL MEMORIAL PARK Phasing Cost Estimate May 11, 1998 PHASE ONE Cost 115,00.00 Mobilization 6,000.00 121,000.00 PHASE TWO Cost 85,000.00 Mobilization 4,500.00 89,500.00 PHASE THREE Cost 56,000.00 Mobilization 3,000.00 59,000.00 Phase Four Cost 25,000.00 Mobilization 1,700.00 26,700.00 TOTAL PHASED CONSTRUCTION COSTS 296,200.00 See color phasing plan for phase location. S 0 BULL I'AILK Atlantic Beach, Florida Cost Estimate GGI# 3351-001 A aril 13, 1998 DEMOLI'T'ION 7,000.00 Asphalt/Concrete Removal - 9,570 SF 500.00 Equipment Removal, Relocation 3,100.00 Plant Material/Debris Removal I'ALM RELOCATION 1,900.00 19 (a $100/EA. PLAYGROUND A. Modified Timberform Play Structure-- 45,920.00 Metal Roof, Cedar Shake Panels 6,630.00 13. Additional Recreation Equipment 16,281.00 41,C. Installation LIGHTING 12 pole mounted 10011 MU @$1,750/EA. 21,000.002 ,00 .00 7 ground mounted uplights, 75W MH @$475/EA. ASPHALT OVERLAY 27 425.00 550 SY a $13/SY GRADING / BERMING 1,913.00 225 CY Topsoil @ $8.50/YD CONCRETE CURBING Border Curb 250 LF ir) $12.50/Ll' 1,G 15.00 Header Curb • . 190 LI' @ $8.50/LI' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5,740.00 850 Ll' @ $3.75 1,532.00 245 LI' a $6.25 (w/Brick Baud) CONCRETE STAIRS 11111 G,U}S.OU 310 LF a $19.50/LI 1.'JRW\wI-(K)IU?S I ImmEw8Y}11 i.wri, tire PNkJCost Estimate 1/r'1 13, 1998 Pngc 2 INTERLOCKING CONCRETE ['AVERS S21,040.00 2,475 SF @ $8.50/LF MEMORIAL RELOCATION / CONSTRUCTION 3,250.00 TENNIS PAVILION 15,500.00 I'OSI'AL GAZEBO 13,750.00 WHITE PICKET SECULUTY FENCE 325 LF @$12.25/LF 3,982.00 BENCHES I,"11 U.OU 6 @$785/EA. LANTING Palms 1. 10,125.00 Trees t 4,750.00 Shrubs&Groundcover 18,766.00 Sub-Total 33,611.00 I LUtIGATION 6,725.00 WATER FOUNTAIN 2,100.00 SIGNAGE & GRAPHICS 2,575.00 HEAT PUMP CONVERSION 2,500.00 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE 242,719.00 CONTINGENCY 5% 12,136.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 254,855.00 If1 KUA'35I-001V=S1IMNI TD