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04-08-98 vy, c CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING APRIL 8,1998 AGENDA I.Call Meeting to Order II. Approval of Minutes from Last Regular Meeting III. Vistors A. David Thompson IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Action on location of soccer field B. Discussion and possible action on second goal C. Discussion and possible action on enlarging Marvin's Garden VI. Other Business VII. Adjournment City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes of April 8 , 1998 A regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board Meeting was held Wednesday April 8 , 1998 in the Adele Grage Community Center Meeting Room at 7 : 30PM . Present were : Patricia Goelz Peter Coalson Ed Waters Mike Levine Peter reported that his vision concerning goals is to go back two years and review the Boards ' recommendations . Once reviewed, move forward with it or abandon it . His first goal is bicycle path. Peter will set up a meeting with Chief Thompson and get his views Peter suggests the Board pursue the Community Garden after the bike path and approach the City Commission concerning creating the garden in the fall . The board discussed the possibility of enlarging Donner Park. The reason is for adult softball or a over twelve baseball league . Cons : Parking , having a new league , no flag football , Community reaction is a question. Pros : More park land , enhance center, new league The Board discussed the possibility of purchasing property near Jordan Park. Cons : Several owners Pros : More park land Peter will call DCDC to discuss using property off Francis Ave . for garden. Since the Public Safety Director, David Thompson did not attend the meeting, Peter will contact him to discuss bicycle paths . Patricia made a motion that the board write a letter of intent to the Commission to fund the Community Garden. Mike second and the motion carried. The letter should include an estimated amount of funds ( $4 , 000 ) to be reserved and for the garden to be operable in the fall of 98 . Patricia will write the letter and bring it to the next meeting . The Board discussed greening the fences at Russell Park. Patricia suggest getting the Beautification Committee involved. The Board discussed having an Arts & Craft Fair. Patricia suggest having someone from Ponte Vedra address the Board concerning a show. Ed will speak with the Cultural Arts Board. Patricia passed out Earth Day flyers . The Board discussed creating a soccer field on the property at the corner of West First Street and Begonia. Mike will contact a friend of his ( Steve Dyal ) to determine the amount of wetlands . The board tabled the discussion until the next meeting . Peter reported that Marvin' s Garden is a small passive park at Shell Street and Coquina Street , which can be enhanced if Shell Street was closed. Mike made a motion to ask the City Commission to look at the feasibility of enlarging Marvin' s Garden by closing Shell Street . Patricia seconded and because Peter feels he may have a conflict of interest he did not vote ; therefore , the motion did not carry because without Peter voting there was no quorum. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING APRIL 22 , 1998 A regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was heldWednesday, April 22 , 1998 in the Adele Grage Community CenterMeetingRoomat7 : 25p.m. . Present were the following : Peter Coalson (Chairperson) , Patricca Goelz (Co-Chairperson) ,Suzanne Shaughnessy (Mayor) , Phil Corps , Scott DeButy,Barbara Hopson, Mike Levine, Ed Waters and Bonnie Turban The meeting was called to order by Patricia at 7 : 25p.m. .Peter waived the approval of minutes . Peter reported that he contacted the Public Safety Director, David Thompson concerning bicycle paths because of conflicting schedules they did not meet. The Mayor reported that the Atlantic Blvd/Mayport Rd.flyover is on the City Commission agenda, Monday, April 27 .There were concerns about the access to Tresca Park, because of a concrete barrier and the closing of West First Street . There was some general discussion concerning the use of the property at the corner of West First Street and Begonia Street for soccer. Mike stated that his contact, Steve Dyal had not walked the site to determine the amount of wetlands. Mike made a motion to table discussion until the board get answers to the questions they propose . Barbara made a motion that the board write a letter to the City Commission concerning their opposition to the FlyoverbecauseoftheaccesstoTresca. Mike seconded and the motion carried. Peter volunteered to write the letter. Mike indicated that the board discussed the following asgoals : 1 . Bike Path/Route 2 . Community Garden 3 . Purchase land near Jordon & Donner Parks 4 . Arts & Craft Fair 5 . Earth Day 6 . Information Kiosk at Russell Park 7 . Additional staff for Recreation Department 8 . Replace YMCA building 9 . Expand Tresca Park 10 . Green the fences at Russell Park Barbara commented that she is disappointed that the board did not include an ordinance to use park lands as only park lands. There were some general discussion on creating an ordinance to use parkland as only parklands . The Mayor informed the board that Neptune Beach has such an Ordinance . Barbara made motion that the board recommend to the Commission that some legal document be made to protect park land and we as a board commit ourselves to pursue that goal . Scott suggested that the board take the Mayor' s suggestion to review Neptune Beach Ordinance because they invented the wheel one time . Barbara Seconded. Barbara withdrew her motion. Mike reported that he spoke with Dick Brown concerning the use of land across the street from Donner Park. Dick will look into it and Mike will call him next week. Ed reported that there was an article in the newspaper concerning a bike path in Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach. Peter suggested that the board take the land acquisition as the second goal . Patricia prioritized the goals: ( 1 . Community Garden 2 . Land Purchase 3 . Park Linkage 4 . Programs Scott suggest that each Board Members address a particular goal . Mike suggested that the board add a goal to address staffing for programs and maintenance . Peter suggested that the board take the list of goals , and make an agenda item. Each Board Member were assigned a goal : Ed Program Pat Community Garden Scott - Park Maintenance Peter - Park Linkage Mike - Contact Dick Brown Barbara - Ordinance Phil - Assistant to Recreation Director Peter reported that the park at Dewees Street could be enhanced if enlarged. He has been contacted by a few of his neighbors concerning closing the street . Patricia made a motion to recommend that the Commission close the right of way of Shell Street to enlarge Marvin' s Garden. Phil second and the motion carried . The board will discuss the future of Rose Park at the next meeting . The board discussed the possibility of a volunteer group installing the playground equipment at Bull Park. The board decided to table the discuss for two weeks . Place on agenda for the next meeting: Goals Community Garden Clarify that everyone has a park Adjourn: 8 : 55p.m.