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10-23-96 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING October 23, 1996 The Board held a regular meeting Wednesday, October 23, 1996, at the Adele Grage Community Center meeting room. Vice-chairman Patricia Goelz called the meeting to order at 7:20PM. Present were: Patricia Goelz Mark Beckenbach Ed Waters Mary McGee Barbara Hopson Scott Debuty Mayor Lyman Fletcher Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commission Liaison The Board reviewed and approved minutes from the last regular meeting as written. Patricia discussed the proposed plans for the Tresca property. There are three plans and the difference in the three were the parking and location of the canoe launch. Within the plans there were a canoe launch, bird watching center, picnic areas, five scenes area, decked trails and trails with shells, look out dock. Play area can be east of the Intracoatal. The Commission estimate cost at $400,000. Begonia Street will be closed. After gathering information from the Commission and the public the group from Dames and Moore will give another presentation at the November 25 Commission meeting. Mayor Lyman Fletcher discussed several things that he would like for the board to do to get the park system to a level in which the Board has never addressed. Things that are important to him at this time are: Tresca Property, Dutton Island, Bull Park,Howell Park and the property behind the public work building. Mayor Fletcher discussed the proposed Johansen and Howell Park projects. Both projects are similar in that they play an important role in the drainage of the city. Engineers from England, Timms and Miller suggest putting in a lake, dredging the creek in Howell, putting in pipe in Johansen that will make the banks steeper. The work for Howell Park is on the back burner. As for Johansen Park the Commission will address the alternatives at Monday's meeting. They estimate the cost for putting the pipe in at $98,000, they estimate they estimate the cost for the lake at $98,000 and the cost for dredging at $15,000. The Board needs to take a stand and protect our Parks as we address these issues. Patricia suggests taking native plant classes. Patricia mentioned that the State of Florida Rails to Trails program is holding a conference in Gainesville Thursday,November 7 thru Saturday,November 9. At this conference they will discuss the following: Florida's Statewide Greenways Plan . • Managing Trails and Greenways Building Partnerships Funding for Trails and Greenways Legislative Issues Trail Design and Development Ecosystem Management and Greenways Barbara would like for it to be a part of the minutes that she is against using cypress mulch in Howell Park. The Tree Lighting will take place in Donner Park beginning at 6:PM and will follow the same format as last year. Patricia suggests asking people to bring something for the needy. Scott discussed, the difficulty would have with using the field at Donner Park. The field is not in playing condition, split fields make it difficult to manage. We should look at purchasing the adjacent property so we can offer adult softball or teenage softball/baseball. Copies of the contracts for different organizations using the city's facilities will be made available at the City Clerk's office. A motion was made by Barbara that whatever solution is used to solve the drainage problem it must include beautification and trails to make useable park. Mark seconded and the motion carried.