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05-20-96 v P! CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MAY 20, 1996 A regular meeting was held Wednesday, April 24, 1996, at Adele Grage Community Center. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dezmond Waters at 7:17PM, in the Adele Grage Community Center meeting room. Present were: Mary McGee Ed Waters Patricia Goelz Mark Beckenbach Dezmond Waters, Chairman Timmy Johnson, Staff The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and a motion made by Mary McGee to approve as writter, Patricia Goelz seconded and the motion carried. The first order of business was the miprovements to Bull Park. Cindy Corey, Bull Park Sub-committee Chairperson, will present the mmprovements at the next commission meeting, therefore the Board would not see the plans before the commission meeting. The Recreation Director disagreed with the Board not seeing the plans, also he thinks the Chairman should present the plans. The Board is to get a written report from Cindy discussing the plans. Barbara Hopson contacted Todd Lake concerning signage and he has agreed to draw/stretch four signs but don't want to waste his time, so he really would like to know what the Board is looking for. The Board agreed to have Todd stretch the following types of signs: * Entrance * Emergency * Directional * Information In other business, the Recreation Director discussed the improvements to Russell Park, there was some discussion as to the down-sizing of the large swing, but overall the board excepted the improvements. Patricia Goelz discussed plans for a community garden and Dezmond Waters made a motion the Board except the community garden as a Board project, Mary seconded and the motion carried. With no further business the meeting adjourned.