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09-20-95 v �, • I AGENDA MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER, 7:00 pm 1. Call to Order 2. Review/approval of Minutes of last meeting 3. Reports A. Parks & Recreation Sub-committees progress 4. Old Business A. Review goals and mission of Recreation Board B. Discussion relevant to this year's proposed budget 5. New Business A. Goals for 95/96 and action plan B. Election officers for the coming year 6. Adjournment oujoj...eA, ifff211.556///19a4 `;P t da , I �Jal eta- 64-4-/G` st4e4 ite41 V •00A,0_, CiAC City of Atlantic Beach Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes September 20, 1995 The regular meeting was held Wednesday,September 20, 1995 at Adele Grage Community Center. Present were: Timmy Johnson, Park and Recreation Director, Julie Richardson, guest, Edward Waters, Patricia Goelz, Barbara Hopson, Scott DeButy, and Pat Bell . Patricia Goelz, in the absence of the chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. .The minutes of the August 16 meeting were approved as written following a motion by Barbara Hopson and seconded by Edward Waters. Barbara Hopson was secretary and took notes to prepare the minutes for this meeting. Julie Richardson was introduced as a member of the Atlantic Beach Athletic Association. She explained that she was attending the meeting as an observer as well as bringing concerns and requests. The following are highlights from that discussion: 1 .The fate of the T-Ball field has to be decided. The field has been built by members of the ABAA, and it is requested that the field remains in its original position. A fence needs to be erected. Parking, which was a problem, has been corrected. Since there are no shade trees for the benchesarea, trees should be planted to correct the situation. 2.ABAA has spent its monies on re-wiring the concession stand, sodding part of A-field, etc. .Therefore, no monies are available for planting of trees or other beautification • efforts. 3.Lights should be installed in B-field. 4.The concession stand could not be shared with other groups, because the equipment belongs to ABAA and not the City of Atlantic Beach. 5.A major problem exists with the cleaning-up of the bathrooms. They are not clean at the beginning of game-time. ABAA will clean them up after each game, but does not feel responsible for clean-up before each game. It was suggested that Allen Sowder should be consulted to determine why city crews are not cleaning the bathrooms. Timmy Johnson will look into it. Julie Richardson offered that the ABAA would be willing to contribute to hiring a person to clean-up the bathrooms , but the city would have to contribute also. 6.Julie Richardson felt, in general, that the city is not supporting ABAA enough. Discussion centered around where to put the T-Ball field. Board members suggested that other parks like Donner Park would have ample space to accommodate sports events including the T-Ball field. This would reduce the overcrowding of Russell Park. Strong opposition was voiced by Julie Richardson. 1 . Parents would not like to see their children split up between two parks playing games at the same time. 2. There is a lack of manpower and equipment to keep up Donner fields. 3 . Donner Park is not a safe place as perceived by the public. 4. There are no bathrooms nor concession stand available at Donner. 5. Russell Park has the ability to handle injury emergencies quickly. Edward Waters expressed his disappointment by sharing that as long as he can remember Russell Park was awarded funds, but Donner Park was neglected. He felt that Donner Park would be suitable for all kinds of sport events. He also suggested that the present bathrooms be converted into a storage shed to house ABAA equipment. Patricia Goelz suggested the the T-Ball field issue should be discussed at the next regular meeting and be placed on thre agenda. The rest of the board agreed. She also suggested that board members visit the present T-Ball site. Julie Richardson was asked to submit a copy of the ABAA budget for board review at the next regular meeting. • Sub-committee reports were given next. Russell Park Committee: Scott DeButy reported that the committee did a thorough job in establishing goals for Russell Park. Main points: lights are needed on playground,clay needed on playground, T-Ball field needs to be finished. Linkage Committee: Pat Bell reported that no meetings have taken place. Donner Park Committee Jane Tanner was absent. Report delayed to future meeting. Howell Park Committee: Barbara Hopson reported that a report was filed with Timmy Johnson and Cindy Corey. Some points of that report are: 1 . The park is serving an important function: it is a natural preserver of native flora that should be expanded. As a nature park it performs an important role in our community. 2. The park needs repairs to make it safe,i .e.the trails need to be improved. The committee felt that was a first priority matter. Other repairs and improvements are incorporated in the report on Howell Park issued by this committee. 3 . The park could also be utilized for a program called: Project Adventure. Details are included in the Howell Park report. Board members suggested the boy scouts under the leadership of Ron Schiebler could be utilized to help with the cleaning- up of Howell Park. Edward Waters volunteered to find out if railroad ties could be donated. They could be utilized for Tresca as well . Timmy Johnson felt that recycled materials should be used for the trails so that maintenance costs could be kept to a minimum. Jordan Park Committee No report available. Program Committee Patricia Goelz requested that this committee should consist of members from all the other committees, since they would know the needs and goals of their respective parks.No action was taken on her suggestion. Review of goals and mission of the Park and Recreation Board came under discussion next. Strong concern and disappointment were voiced concerning present lack of cooperation and coordination of efforts between the board and the park and recreation director, commission, and administration. It was felt that all efforts ( for example:the work of the the various dubcommittees would be shelved and ignored) would be worthless . Frustration exists over the lack of clear guidelines outlining how the board fits into the decision-making process . The commission has not addressed this issue even though the board requested , in a formal letter, clarification some time ago. The park and recreation director goes in one direction , the commission and administration go in another. The board members are clearly frustrated and feel ignored. Timmy Johnson was asked to comment. He felt that the charette ( not yet scheduled) would summarize the sub-committee reports and come up with "a big picture, " from which a masterplan could be developed. He committed himself to working with the boardto come up with a masterplan that the board and he could support. He further promised that he would consult with the board on further budget matters . He felt that we must come up with a priority list . Not all can be done at once, but shou ld be detailed in a 5 - 10 year plan. The board encouraged the utilization of organizations such as Kiwanis, Rotary Clubs, Greenscape, and garden clubs to help with park projects. Budget matters were discussed. Timmy Johnson reported that $5000 -$6000 were left-over in this year ' s budget and is being returned unspent, because he was waiting for board suggestions how to spend it. The money could not be spent on the board developed summer program because of volunteer considerations. The board again voiced concern over the volunteer issue . Board members feel that they must have the freedom to volunteer when and if they want to and not feel obligated to volunteer solely on the premise: one is a board member,therefore one is a volunteer. Disappointment was voiced that miscommunication apparently existed and therefore not all of the money in the budget was spent on sorely needed park projects. It was hoped that this would not happen in the future. Election of board officers for the year 1995-1996 was next. The following members were nominated for chairperson: Jane Tanner and Cindy Corey. Since both members were absent, a motion was made by Barbara Hopson to ammend the by-laws and Pat Bell seconded. The by-laws are ammended to read: For 1995-1996 only, the officers for the board will be elected by the majority vote of the membership on October 18, 1995. The change of the ammendment was approved unanimously. Points of interest: 1 . The Haunted House will be a P&R Department project. The Teen-Council has been asked to be helpful .Timmy Johnson will call for volunteers . 2. The 4-H program is being developed and is in its beginning stages awaiting a volunteer to run the program. 3 . A member from ABET should be invited to be present at the P&R Board meetings. 4. The members of the "new " commission should be invited to attend the November P&R Board meeting. 5. Agenda items for the October meeting should be: a. Russell Park T-Ball field b. Election of board officers c. Renewal od contracts (Timmy Johnson will supply copies of existing contracts ) The next meeting of the Park and Recreation Board will be held Wednesday, October 18, 1995, at 7: 00, at the Adele Grage Community Center.There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned by Patricia Goelz at 9 :25 p.m.