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04-05-95 v . 4 I ' . RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes from the April 5th Special Board meeting The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Corey at 7:05pm in the Community Center meeting room. Present were: Cindy Corey, Chairperson Ed Waters Patricia Goelz Barbara Hopson Jane Tanner Staff: Timmy Johnson The minutes of the last sopecial meeting were reviewed and a motion made by Barbara Hopson to approve them with the following corrections: The Chair nominated Barbara as vice-chair and there was not a motion made that said Donner Community Center is a phrase three project. Patricia Goelz seconded and the motion carried. GARDENING CLASS SERIES Cindy reported on the progress of the Community Garden. She meet with Sheena, who is coordinating the Community Garden and stated that Sheena is very excited and ready to go, also Cindy gave Sheena a list of people interested in the Garden. As for as the gardening N class, Cindy got a committment from Ben Dinkins to do a native landscaping in your home class. PARK CHARETTE The date of the Park Charette is May 6, beginning at 9:30 at Adele Grage Community Center meeting room. Notices of the Charette will go out April 17. If there's a meeting with Stan, Cindy would like to have that meeting posted so that the Board could attend. DONNER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Further discussion took place on the proposed site location of the Donner Community Center. The Board recommends the Northwest corner site, attached is a list of pros for this recommendation. Cindy ask that all Board members be present when she make recommendation to the Commission. BOARD'S RELATIONSHIP TO RECREATION DIRECTOR In new business the Recreation Director presented Chairperson, Cindy Corey with a memo asking that the Board contact him about any issues facing the Recreation Department, also if she would like for him to type an agenda, he must be presented with a written agenda one week in advance of meeting. Cindy stated that • the Recreation Director is in no position to set guidelines, that the Board is an arm of the Commission and as staff Liaison the Recreation Director should keep the Board informed on what's going on in the City. The majority of the Board feels the Recreation Director should be informed of what's going on. . , EXTRA Jane Tanner presented the Board with a list of priorities for Donner I410 Park, because of this list Cindy suggested that the Board members select certain Parks and do the same. The Board decided not to hold elections because of the timing, therefore Barbara made a motion to change Article V of the By-Laws to read: Officers and Election of Officers Officers for the Board will be elected annually by majority vote of the membership. Officers will consist of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary. The office of Secretary may be held by an appointed city employee. The election of said officers will be held at the September Board meeting, to take office in October. Any officer may may be re-elected to the same office. Jane Tanner seconded and the motion carried. There were no other business, so the meeting adjourned. • Donner Community Center w • • Site selection: Pros for Northwest corner site Concept: The corner placement spreads out the facilities on the property. (Remember the comments about Russell Park having everything in one area.) We feel we can still use present architectural plan with a slight adjustment. The entrance might be moved to the side of the building. Visual Impact: The present flow of traffic seems to come from Church St. and Mayport Rd. The building will be viewed in a similar way, through the trees, as most people enter the park via Church Street. Solar Gain: The building could still be located in the favorable E/W position with shade provided in the morning. There would be a large tree at the north entrance side of the building. Trees could be planted to the west. M Views: Two sides into park would have views of the play area which is important for the after school care program. One view would look to the street and new subdivision. One view would look to parking area (At this time we would suggest leaving the grass as parking). Wind: As the strongest wind usually comes from the northeast, the corner site would also have the building protected. Site vegetation: There would be no tree loss in this area. Landscaping and_ trees can be added: Parking: Parking could be adjacent to the center, with the center separating children from parking. Security: The neighbors adjacent to the present center watch the building. Gail • has no problems with this location. Two sides of the center will be in a more open atmosphere . There is fear that when the building is nestled in the trees there would be a more likely chance of vagrants: