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01-18-95 v RECREATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of Meeting of January 18, 1995 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cindy Corey at 7:35 PM in the Community Center meeting room. Present were: Cindy Corey, Chairman Edward Waters Patricia Goelz Jane Tanner Barbara Hopson Guests: Mayor Lyman Fletcher, Commissioners Dezrnond Waters and Bob Weiss, Steve Benjamin, Woody Richardson, Patricia Bell, and Patrina Caldwell Staff: Diane St. Laurent, Administrative Assistant The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and a motion made by Patricia Goelz to approve them, as written. Barbara Hopson seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Cindy advised that the meeting was to be conducted in an or- derly manner and in compliance with Robert' s Rules of Order. She also announced that the new Recreation Director, Tirnrny Johnson, had been hired by the City and will be attending the next Board meeting. A meeting was recently held with Don Ford, George Worley and Kim Leinbach or, the subject of the Donner Community Center building. Recommendations were made for some changes and Michael Dunlap will be meeting with the Board again regarding these changes, prior to presenting them to the Commission. The park study charette is scheduled for February 4. A list of those people to be invited was distributed. Cindy brought up that she had spoken with Chris Flagg with Genesis company. The business has experience with shoreline and parks work. Chris would like to meet with the Board and introduce his company. Also, Cindy mentioned Ice-T funds as a source of funding for projects. Jane Tanner reported on the results of the park tour of Janu- ary 14, and distributed a written report she had prepared (copy attached) . Participating on the tour were 3 Board members, Commissioner Weiss and city employee Allen Sowder. AB Little League representative Steve Benjamin reported that approximately $2, 000. 00 had been spent for repairs and fenc- ing at Russell Park. It was mentioned that transients were staying in the dug outs. This is to be directed to the City Manager for action. It was suggested that a priority list of areas needing atten- tion should be made. Barbara Hopson recommended that an item or two should be chosen at the next meeting so that work, as necessary, could begin on that specific item. The priority items could then be referred, in writing, to city staff. Guest Patrina Caldwell inquired about future plans for Jordan Park. She was advised that attention needed to be given that park and several suggestions were made for improvements. Barbara Hopson asked if the parks budget allocated any funds for beautification efforts. Cindy will check with the City Manager and advise. Barbara also suggested speaking with the Beautification Committee at their next meeting on this topic. It was announced that the composting class will be held on Saturday, January 28, at the Community Center conducted by Allison Johnson. Residents are to be invited and Cindy will check with the City Manager to see if a sign can be placed in front of the Public Safety building promoting the event. A short video, "Community Built Learning Structures", was watched and ideas suggested by the video were discussed, in- cluding use of volunteer community labor. It was reported that the bids for the Russell Park concession stand were too high and that Jim Jarboe has been directed to modify the specifications to lower cost. Mayor Fletcher re- commended that representatives from the AB Athletic Associa- tion attend staff meetings on the building construction. Cindy met with architect Michael Dunlap to discuss plans for modification of the Community Center to maximize usage of the building. She passed around a proposal of changes with areas for office space, community recreation, addition of TV, etc. Barbara Hopson moved to ascertain the cost or funding source for the proposal and pursue the idea and present the plan to the Commission. Patricia Goelz seconded; the motion passed. Further discussion took place on the proposed T-ball field proposal for the ABAA. Mr. Richardson and Mr. Benjamin gave information on the possible placement of the field in the park and its approximate cost of $3, 000. Patricia Goelz moved to defer a decision on the T-ball field until after February 4, the date of the charette. Barbara Hopson seconded and the motion passed. The Mayor presented information on Dutton Island and possible uses of that property if it were under the ownership of our - 2 - • City. He concluded that it would be a major effort but could be accomplished, or "do-able". Under new business, Commissioner Weiss reported that he had visited Austin, Texas and noted that a park there had rub- ber rock on the playground used as a safety feature under swings, etc. Cost is between $8. 50 - $15. 00 per sq. foot. He also reported oil a park there with an area where dogs are allowed to be off their leash, under owner' s supervision, to play/excercise. The area is fenced so as to be noticeable to others. The Board members were asked for their comments arid/ or concerns for such a proposed area in our City. Johansen Park was suggested as a possible location. Following dis- cussion, Barbara Hopson moved to endorse the concept of dogs in the park in Atlantic Beach ; Jane Tanner seconded and the motion carried unanimously. By-laws for the Board were discussed and a draft copy pre- pared. Patricia Goelz made a motion to accept the by-laws. Barbara Hopson seconded and the motion passed. It was announced that Beth Robertson had resigned from the Board due to other demands on her time and scheduling con- flicts. Some discussion, followed as to names of citizens who might be recommended to fill the Board vacancy. Patricia Goelz moved to recommend Pat Bell to fill the Board seat. Jane Tanner seconded and the motion passed. Patricia Goelz advised that Commissioner Rosenbloom had asked her to coordinate the proposed carnpout in Russell Park. It was expressed that this should be handled by City staff. A motion was made by Jane Tanner to recommend that plans for the second annual campout be continued under the auspices of the Parks & Recreation Department. Barbara Hopson seconded and the motion carried. There was no further business before the Board and the meet- ing adjourned at 10:45 PM. Re pectfully submitted, Ah- Carl Walker Staff Coordinator - 3 -