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09-21-94 v City of Atlantic Beach Parks & Recreation Department 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5400 MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD MEETING OF SEPT. 21, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 7:50 pm by Recreation Director Blanchard, in the excused absence of Mr. Fagan, Chairman. She announced that Beth Robertson also had an excused absence. Present for the meeting were: Jane Tanner, Cynthia Corey, Henry Batts, Gary_ Santora and Patricia Goelz. Newly appointed members, Barbara Hopson and Edward Waters were also present, for introductory purposes and to become acquainted with the mechanics of this Board. Cynthia Corey moved and Jane Tanner seconded that the minutes of the meeting of August 17, 1994 be approved as written. The passage was unanimous. The introduction of the new members, who will take their positions on Oct. 1, 1994 were completed as well as the acknowledgement of Mr. Henry Batts and Mr. Donald Fagan who were outgoing members and who had seved with vigor and dedication. Mrs. Blanchard especially thanked them for their services over the past 6 years. The next'item on the agenda was the results of the poll that appeared in the September issue of the City newsletter, TIDE VIEWS, regarding a dog run. Cynthia Corey and Patricia Goelz were in charge of input into this subject and Patricia said she did not receive a single phone call. Cynthia did get one and the person stated that she had a new dog and no fenced yard and thought the idea was very good and would certainly be interested. The discussion continued among the members and as Mrs. Corey stated, the question, as it appeared in the newsletter, was not in a very prominent place and probably seemed to the residents that it was posed as: would you like a dog run?, which residents might have responsed to themselves, gee that would be a good idea. .therefore no phone calls. The final decision regarding this item was that the Board would talk to their neighbors and friends and get a more comprehensive poll for the next meeting. Under the agenda item, Members Comments, the following subjects were discussed: 1. POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE : Mrs. Blanchard fill in those members who had not been to the Budget Workshop Meeting where the children and some of their parents appeared before the City Commission with a request to assist them in finding some alternatives to "hanging out", specifically, in this case Skateboard facility. These are young people who do not play ball or participate in other sports, but enjoy skate- boarding and have no place other than the empty lot and building once occupied by the A & P store located in Neptune Beach, The children spoke in their own behalf and expressed their feel for "alternative recreational facilities". Mrs. Hopson suggested that perhaps the newly formed TEEN BOARD would be very helpful in such instances. The Board could hear the requests, and in this case, come to the Recreation Board who would then be their laison to the City Commission. It was suggested that the Teen Board assign a member to attend the Recreation Board meetings. The liability aspect regarding a municipality building a skateboard park was discussed and the fact that private industry could put in such a facility, instead. The bottom line of all the discussion was to place the skateboard isssue on the list of goals and studies to be done in the future. Mrs. Blanchard took this opportunity to adivse the Board that even if they had to rotate, at least ONE member of the Advisory Recreation Board needs to attend each City Commission meeting. If you are not there and the Commission wants to ask or question a point be there. . .it's in your own best interest! COMMISSIONER DEZMOND WATERS, who had dropped in and stayed for the meeting, encouraged the Board to attend Commission meetings. He explained the .6 mill tax to be levied, to purchase Park land, and explained how critical this subject is. He advised the Board that they need to know the land/properties in question, their anticipated uses and the Board's input into these vital subjects. Patricia Goelz stated that she had been in contact with a Mr. Smith at University of Florid, Architecture Dept. who is VERY interested in helping us plan our Parks, particularly if they are neither developed nor prepared. . .he said the less touched the property is, the better he could help us plan. She plans to discuss this with City Manager, Kim Leinbach as soon as possible. Mrs. Blanchard explained that the services offered by DEP in PAG. 2, ADV.REC.BRD.MTG.9-21-5 Tallahassee, were available to the City, at no cost, complete with plans, etc. This prepares us for qualification to apply for many different, matching grants, they offer. All the properties that the City is looking at for purchase, were discussed, to aquaint the members with their location. Commissioner Waters was able to answer most all of the questions the members raised. Generally speaking, the Board felt that to buy property now, would be a sound investment and if, in the future, the property did not lend itself to the needs of the City, the City could then sell it and make a profit. Limited discussion ensued in regard to the replacing of the Public Works Building and the Board will pursue it as a viable alternative and extension of park facilities in the future. In the discussion on beach accessibility, Patricia Goelz plans to invite Ron Storn, of the Beaches Council for Disabled Persons to a Board meeting, to discuss the alternativ. to building ramps on the beach for access for disabled. Patricia Goelz had two items she wished to discuss: 1. The article on the City Composting Bins. After she was assured that she had interpreted the information correctly, she suggested that we offer a class on Composting. The Board was unanimously in favor and Mrs. Hopson will give her the name of an excellent teacher, ALLISON JOHNSON. Mrs Goelz moved and Mr. Santora seconded the idea of presenting a class for the citizens interested in composting. Advertising methods of announcing important events, was discussed and Jane Tanner said she felt that the large sign at the 5 points on Seminole Road was very effective. Mrs. Blanchard said it surely is, but the City needs to provide signs of the SAME SIZE to the rest of the City. . .on Plaza and Mayport Rd. , Atlantic & Mayport Rd. , etc. the ONLY LARGE SIGN that is displayed is at the 5 points. . .and we do have interested citizens, west of Seminole Road. She strongly suggested that uniform sized signs be used in the future. Sign concerns brought up the idea that the City should have signs like the one at the New Friendship Baptist Church on Mayport Road. Mrs. Blanchard suggested that the Commissic et al, should check the Ordinance on Signs before taking any action. 2. Mrs. Goelz's next concern was the ballfield at Donner Park. She was informed that it is THE ONLY ADULT SIZED SOFTBALL FIELD IN THE CITY AND SHOULD BE LEFT ALONE EXCEPT TO ADD FENCING WHERE NEEDED. Jane Tanner reported that she saw gross negligence on the part of Soccer players and/or Coaches in regard to throwing their trash all over Russell Park in the area where they practice, daily. She suggested and Mrs. Blanchard promised, to have a trash can chained to the Tennis Court (farthest West) for their use and Mr. Santora said he would talk to the coaches and ask them to police the area and make their teams responsible for clean up. The Board next decided to attack the problem of continuity and therefore, by unanimous decision , the Board elected CYNTHIA COREY AS CHAIRPERSON, BETH ROBERTSON AS VICE CHAIRPERSON. The position of Secretary is held by STAFF and as soon as a new DIRECTOR of PARKS & RECREATION is hired, he/she BECOMES THE SECRETARY TO THIS BOARD. The next, and lenghy discussion was related to the plans for THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING CELEBRATIONS to take place ON DEC. 1, 1994. THE FIRST THURSDAY OF DECEMBER HAS BEEN THE TRADITIONAL DAY FOR THIS FESTIVITY AND SHOULD REMAIN SO. The Board, with the urging of Commissioner Waters will begin plans to plan and implement the Celebrations Mrs. Blanchard will provide phone numbers, contact people and all necessary information to the Chairperson. The BOARD IS ADVISED TO COORDINATE ALL PLANS B E F 0 R E FINALIZING, WITH THE CITY MANAGER, UNTIL A DIRECTOR IS ON BOARD! Mrs. Blanchard was very emphatic that a Tree Lighting in Donner Park IS ESSENTIAL. The citizens on that side of Mayport Road DO NOT ALL HAVE TRANSPORTATION TO RUSSELL PARK AND SHOULD NOT HAVE TO UTILIZE RUSSELL PARK ONLY - BY A DECISION FROM THE BOARD. MRS. BLANCHARD ASKED NEW MEMBER, ED WATERS TO POLL THE CITIZENS IN THE DONNER AREA FOR THEIR INPUT AND VERY STRONGLY STATED THAT BEFORE ANYTHING IS DECIDED FOR THE DONNER AREA, THIS BOARD IS TO COMSULT WITH GAIL BAKER, WHO IS THE ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR AND KNOWS HER CHILDREN AND THEIR PARENTS, THEIR NEEDS AND WANTS! There being no further business to come before this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm. THE MINUTES FOR THIS AND ALL MEETINGS OF THIS BOARD ARE ON FILE IN PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. - ON TAPE, IN THIER ENTIRETY.