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04-14-94 v MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD OF APRIL 14, 1994 - 7:30 pm GRAGE COMM.CENTER k PRESENT: Mayor Lyman Fletcher, City Manager Kim Leinbach, Members: Donald Fagan, Gary Santora, Henry Batts, Cynthia Corey, Patricia Goelz, Beth Robertson, Secretary/ Staff, Rose Blanchard, Parks & Recreation Director. Special Guest, Bruce Carter representing the Atlantic, Beach Athletic Association, in the absence of new President, Warren Anderson. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm, by Chairman Fagan. The minutes of the March 10, 1994 meeting were moved for approval by Gary Santora and seconded by Beth Robertson. All members were in favor and approval was unanimous. The first order of Business was to introduce Mr. Bruce Carter who explained to the Board that some administrative changes had been made in the League and that the League wished to work with and cooperate with the City of Atlantic Beach in it's Board meetings. It was suggested that a member of the Advisory Recreation Board would attend Atlantic Beach Athletic Association Board meetings and report back to this Board any information that would help us work together for the betterment of the children who play ball at Jack Russell Park. The Advisory Recreation Board unanimously appointed Gary Santora, who coaches a team, to be the representative from the Board. Several members expressed the desire to also attend meetings. Mr. Carter said that would be fine, and they should feel free to do so. He also encouraged the City to expand Donner Park so that games could be played there and facilities, though not as elaborate as those at Russell Park, could be planned for. He expressed his feeling that a moderate building for Concession, would meet the needs of the League at the times of year they would use it. Discussions persued regarding whether or not to re-affiliate with the Florida Little Major League or stay with the Babe Ruth League. Mr. Santora explained why the League changed affiliations. The present organization allows the children to play in local, regional and state championships and move on to National Play. The Littl Major League allows only PLAY IN FLORIDA. The Mayor and the Board agreed that the prese administration of the Little League have handled their situation, very well and all agree that accountability is a must in all groups using City facilities. Mr. Carter asked if ALL municipal buildings are SMOKE FREE and was told they indeed are. It seems there was some confusion regarding this, among Concession stand workers. CONCESSION STAND IS A CITY BUILDING AND THEREFORE SMOKING IS ILLEGAL! The next item for business was the Concession Stand buildings. There was a great deal of discussion of whether or not to have attached vs. detached restrooms, etc. The Board had elected that we should build these Concession Stands/Restrooms as soon as possible. Mayor Fletcher directed the Board to take their time, think out the building plans as we would plan our own homes, looking toward the future, and doing it right the first time. There were as many opinions as there were members in attendanc but all in the vein of completing what would best serve. Pre-fab buildings were also discussed and Mrs. Blanchard promised to get some prices on these, in the event that such an alternative would be feasible and cost effective. Cynthia Corey moved that the Board move on the project, as soon as possible. Patricia Goelz wants to take the finished copy to the Commission with the statement: this is what we think should be built. All agreed that the restrooms should be separtate and NOT attached to the buildings. Mr. Santora agreed to draw some simple plans to coincide with the study conducted by this Board as a result of the "walk through the Parks" and past meetings. The Board will then present this to the Architect and after they receive costs, they will make their presentation to the City Commission. The City Manager stated that the City could do its own RFP's or talk to Achtect and have them finish the project that they have started. The Board has to present the "case" with prices, then go to bid. Mr. Santora declared that if the League did NOT have a concession stand ready during "Fall Ball" it would not cause a major problem. Basically, from June thru Oct. or Nov. would be fine. Relative to the Donner Park buildings, the Mayor suggests we meet with the people in the Neighborhood, to discuss their needs for Concession, Restrooms and Permanent Community Center. Gail Baker expressed her needs and they will be considered primarily. The Mayor reiterated that the whole Donner Subdivision, East and West of Mayport Road is slated for re-development in the future. The Donner Community Developme Corporation, for one, and Habitat for another, are planning to upgrade the West end of that tract of land as soon as they finish the present projects underway. tWV.LJ 1,.DLU).l'll.s.'F-1'+-7'i PAGE 2 h` Patricia Goelz asked what were the plans for the road that runs beside the Jordan Park property, from the City Yard. The City Manager said he plans to see that the road is closed after the Donner Road extension was successful. It was requested that a site plan for Donner Park should be on file or contracted for as soon as possible. Mrs. Blanchard would see if there is either a site plan or survey for Donner Park. Some discussion continued about moving the Public Works Yard to another site. Of course there are pros and cons but the idea is feasible and possible - in the future. This drew discussion of the thought to annex the northern end of Mayport Road and perhaps put the Yard there. These thoughts all bridge on the fact that this Board wants to see expanded Parks and growth in residential area, for the citizens.The Mayor enjoined the Board with these words, " You all do the dreaming, wenn (Commission) make it happen!" Under the heading of comments, the Board was informed that the Mayor was informed that there is a vacancy on the Board. Carol Wright submitted her resignation due to work scheduling that would prevent her from attend the evening meetings. Some suggestions to the Mayor, were BARBARA HOPSON (retiring from teaching at Atlantic Beach Elementary School) and an excellent Senior representative. Beth Robertson asked for a qualifiying of the duties of the Advisory Recreation Board and Arts & Entertainment Board. The Mayor qualified that by saying that the Parks & Recreation Dept. was events in and of the Parks. The focus of the Recreation Board and Dept. has not changed "one wit". The Fine Arts Board is an enhancement of the Recreation Dept. but our only connection would be if they felt they wanted to use any Park facilities or Recreational facilities, they would then have to come to Mrs. Blanchard for scheduling. Other than that, the two are separate Boardsthat could compliment each other and therefore provide the citizens with more activities and family fun. The City Manager spoke to the Board to facilitate and explain the organizational "chart" to the members, as some had requested he do so. He stated: 1. The Commission is ultimately responsible for everything. 2. They are supported by different Boards and Committees, some established by Ordinance(Comm.Dev. Brd. , Tree Brd. ,) Others are established by Resolution, and are advisory, such as this Board. Ordinance established Boards are defined in the Code Book. Still other are not even found in the Code Book (Solid Waste) .These are committees appointed to help and advise the Commission. All Boards do the "leg work" for the Commission. 3. Boards and Committees are supported by staff (like Mrs. Blanchard is doing now) because that is our job (staff) . Once the Committees and Boards recommend to the City Commission and they (CC) agree to proceed with something, we the staff see that it gets done. In terms of the Arts & Entertainment Board, another staff member will support this group. All Boards have Staff member on board and STAFF IS NOT A VOTING MEMBER EXCEPT ON THE PENSION BOARD. No Boards or Committees are empowered to expend funds. All staff members will keep each other informed and the City Manager will attend any meeting he is asked to attend, with any Board, to show support. The Mayor then invited any member of the Board to attend Budgetary process meetings when we begin them. Mrs. Blanchard then asked the Board members to come and look at some equipment she plans to buy for the Parks, for their advisory opinion. Mrs. Corey asked about the possibility of drawing up By-Laws for the Board. There are none in place at this time and the City Manager and Mayor encouraged the Board members to do so if they felt it would be helpful. It was explained that the Secretary/Staff member is NOT a voting member of the Board and the reason a Staff member is Secretary is because it is part of their jobs to do the minutes, mailings, etc. for the Board they serve. Following a recap of some topics, and feeling that they had covered as much as they could, and there being no further business b-fore this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm. ' I I ' / „'