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03-11-93 v (!lp,AV;,*(), CITY OF fitelztic 'each - 96veida LF , • PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD 1 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5828 ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD AGENDA MEETING OF MARCH 11, 1993 7:30 PM ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER LOBBY 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes of meeting of November 12, 1992 3. Discussion of status of Property at the Singleton Mobile Home Park 4. Equitable user fees for the use of ALL facilities. 5. Recreation Director's reports 6. Board Members comments 7. Adjourn i'12�-��-?tet/ ��G�DJ iati0— o�-r•�.C/ e_e7la 1 /