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06-13-91 v MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD MEETING, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1991 The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the New City Hall and was called to order by the Chairman, Donald Fagan at 7:30 pm. Present were Mr. Fagan, Gerard Vermey, Jeff Croom, Richard Riley, Henry Batts and Recreation Director, Rose Blanchard. Member, David Turner was absent with no notification. There is no seventh member at this time. Mrs. Blanchard began the meeting with a tour of the New City Hall for the members, as most of them had not been inside the new building. Once back in the Conference Room, the meeting continued. Mrs. Blanchard updated the members on the status of the Donner Park Project by informing them that several proposals had been received by the City, with the purpose of design considerations for a Community Center in Donner Park. These efforts are going to be paid by applying for a State Grant. She also informed the membership that DNR had sent the plans for Russell Park and Mr. Vermey offered to study them and report back at our next meeting. The uses for the former City Hall, to be referenced as the "Communtiy Center" for now, were discussed and Mrs. Blanchard advised the Board that as soon as the Committee that had been assisgned the study, had a report she would report their findings to the Board. Mrs. Blanchard also told the Board that we were going to have to re-bid the Basketball Court in Donner, as the price range between the 2 bids was unacceptable and that one of the bidders did not qualify his bid properly. The only item on the agenda: to set a schedule to implement the placement of play areas in Donner Park, was opened to discussion. Mr. Batts reported that the Churches he contacted for help in this area, were committed to several projects for the summer and would therefore be unable to assist us. After lengthly discussion, it was decided that Mrs. Blanchard would contact Mr. Ivan Browning of the C & S Bank on Friday, June 14, 1991. Mr. Browning, as representative and Vice President of the Bank, had offered to assist the City with Donner Park Project. We will approach Mr. Browning with the suggestion that the Bank furnish professionals to erect the play areas as their contribution. We would emphasis that due to the fact that we are unable to get enough volunteers who would know how to build and create such a project, the Bank would be the factor that allows the children to play in that Park, much sooner than we could do it with available volunteers. The Board hoped this would be accepted as a viable solution, and suggested that if it did not materialize, then we would advertise in the local newspapers for Community Volunteer Action. General discussion ensued on several topics around Recreation, none of which required decisions or recommendations. There being no further matters to be considered, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.