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02-21-91 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1991 7 pm AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes of the meeting of January 31, 1991 3. Further discussion of the Plans for Donner Park 4. Acknowledge Mr. Ivan Browning and his interest in Donner Park, via YMCA participation 5. Comments by Members 6. Adjourn -'MINUTES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING HELD THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 1991 at 7 pm An the temporary absence of the Chairman, Donald Fagan, Recreation Director Rose • Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:13 pm. Present were: Jeff Croom, Sharette ;Simpkins, David Turner, Henry Batts, Gerard Vermey, Richard Riley and Rose Blanchard. ;W. Ivan Browning Vice President of the C & S Bank in Neptune Beach, was the guest of honor. The minutes were accepted as submitted - moved by Richard Riley and seconded• Jeff Croom. 'Mrs. Blanchard proceeded with the discussion of the Donner Park Master Plan Site -'Tlan and a list of estimated prices for the different phases. This sheet is attached .:to these minutes. The financial sheet was discussed item by item. In this realm, ' :the following suggestions came up. Mr. Croom suggested we check with the seeding company they have included the preparations to check for wet sod, worms, crickets, etc before 'fthey hydroseed. After we place a sprinkler system in then maintenance would be all that --qs necessary (include fertilizing etc.) Police Chief Thompson had come by the Recreation YDffice earlier in the day and suggested when we consider the "dug outs" for the soft- ball field we should construct them with a fence and provide a weather shade over their .`head for sun protection, rather than solid block construction. Mrs. Blanchard advised :'the Board that the old playground had been taken out of the park and fill dirt had been ''donated through Billy Howell for fill dirt in Donner Park by the site contractors who `.;'at this time, were working on the street paving, etc. in Section H. (This is the part :•!o :• f the City, south of Donner Park that would be included in the area that we propose ,• s participants in the "regional Park" known as Donner Park) . Jeff Croom and Gerard Y,- ermey instructed Mrs. Blanchard that we would need Basketball goals, rims, nets, etc. and Soccer/Football goals, some of which could be "dual purpose". She will follow up • .: on these requests. Mr. Riley suggested we price a split-rail fence around the playground. • .'=Mr. Fagan arrived at this time and Mrs. Blanchard finished her reports to the Board :,with the following information: ' .Chad Hill, aspiring Eagle Scout had submitted his plans for the Sand Volleyball Court(Russ.) -'and replacement of the Cross in Howell Park. His request will go before the City Commission 4',on Monday, Feb. 25, 1991. The group was informed that this is the 3rd Eagle Scout project . • in our Parks and we are very grateful. s• The report was made that eased everyone's fears, regarding Calvin Blair. At the City 'Commission meeting of Feb. 11th, Mr. Fred Lewis announced that he had hired Calvin ~ Blair to work for him in his "teen club". Mrs. Blanchard confronted Calvin and he • . ,:emphatically stated that he had NOT been hired by Mr. Lewis, nor was he interested. This releived all present, as Calvin has been a volunteer for us for about 1 year and is a .-candidate for the 24 hour, on site person to live in at Donner Park. Discussion continued and the final announcement that Calvin had NOT gone to work for Mr. Lewis was gratefully :accepted. ":Mrs. Blanchard then reported the following suggestions from Police Chief Thompson in :regard to Donner Park project: ;'Firstly, he was very pleased with the general plan and MOST pleased and grateful to this ' ;.Board for recommending that we DO NOT fence the perimeter of the Park. He then suggested ;::that we erect chain link dug outs with a weather shade material on top to deflect the :'sun. He has a copy of the Site plan and offered to run it through the Crime Prevention Bureau for their input, due to the fact that the area is considered a heavy crime area. r,r ! He, also advised that we DO NOT alter the softball field in Russell Park. (I suggested -;:.that we make it a NO ADULTS field. He suggested that it is the ONLY available Softball :.field available and is used extensively by families in THIS PARK. Big time objections '' would be voiced.) Everyone concurred and this leads us to re-consider the position :. of the new Tennis Courts. The City's Water Dept. informs me that there would be NO PROBLEM to hook up a sprinkler • ``system, in house, in Donner Park. Mr. Ivan Browning, our guest, came before us to offer some cooperation between the C & S • ' Bank and the City of Atlantic Beach, particularly in the Recreation Dept. It seems , that the Bank wants to become a more integral part of the community and the Board :.asked Mr. Browning if he were talking particular amounts of funding. He could not • answer that question in exact terms, but felt that the Bank would probably do something • •like an exercise or jogging trail or perhaps some additional facilities. We will receive a letter from the Bank, confirming their committment. CITY OF ritiaat-C VCad - '7cnGGGR , A 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD 4� '� P.O.BOX 25 \ . ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 ,��Ot ;; TELEPHONE(904)249-2395 February 22, 1991 Ivan C. Browning, CFP Vice President - Branch Manager The Citizens and Southern Bank of Duval County 301 Third Street Neptune Beach, Florida 32266 Dear Mr. Browning: It was a sincere pleasure having you in attendance at the Recreation Advisory Board Meeting last night. As you are well aware, the City of Atlantic Beach, particularly its Parks and Recreation Department, enjoys working with other members of the Community, especially when services, mutually afforded, are for the benefit of the citizenry of all ages. We, the City and the Recreation Advisory Board are very pleased that you, "the new kids on the block", so to speak, would like to share our goals of providing much needed recreational facilities in an area where our less affluent citizens live and play. It is with great pleasure that we accept any mutual committment between C & S Bank and the City of Atlantic Beach's Recreation Department. May we take this opportunity to thank you and the Bank family for your interest in our City. We are proud of our progressive attitudes and try to get things done with alacrity. Looking forward to a long and friendly association with your institution, I remain Si. - : y, Rose H. Blanchard P. rks & Recreation Director