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09-13-90 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1990 7:30 pm AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Representative of ATLANTIC BEACH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION regarding some requests they have for the future. 3. POPS IN THE PARK-NOV. 11, 1990 2pm 4. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING DEC. 6, 1990 6pm-8pm 5. Request from Beaches Soccer Association for $5,000 annually toward the upkeep of the Soccer Fields. 6. Report from Rose Blanchard, Director of Parks & Recreation, regarding the walk through with 2 Engineers and feasibility study of Russell, Donner and Jordan Parks. 6. Comments by Members 7. Adjourn MINUTES OF RECREATION ADVIOSRY BOARD MEETING THURS. SEPT. 13, 1990 7:30 pm The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by Chairman Donald Fagan. Present were members, Gerard Vermey, Richard Riley, David Turner and Sharette Simpkins. Members Jeff Croom and Henry Batts were excused. Guest representative of Atlantic Beach Athletic Association was Mr. John Seroyer who came before the Board with the following requests: 1. In order to recognize the Leagues Championships and the children who made these awards possible, the League would like to post, high on the backstop fence on the Little League field, signs that would acknowledge the fact that these teams were District, State, Regional and placed 5th in ghe National Competitions as Champions. Vermey moved, Turner seconded motion to recommend approval. 2. After seeing the same idea in some of the other places they played this Summer, the Leaguewould like to "dress up" the Concession Stand by painting on the Eastern most wall, the name: HARD BALL CAFE, ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. The logo wouldbe a baseball diamond, with a baseball within. It will be painted in multi- coloroed, floursecent paint (orange outline, green field, etc.) BOTH OF THE ABOVE PROJECTS WOULD BE AT NO COST TO THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. Turner moved, Riley seconded motion to recommend approval. 3. In preparation for possibly hosting a State Tournament at Russell Park, a grass infield is a MUST for Major League Tournament (11-12 yrs. olds) . The Minor leaguers (9-10 yr. olds) would NOT have to have a grass infield, according to regulations. In that hope, the LEAGUE would pay to grass the infield. The City would be asked to extend the present sprinkler system by adding sprinkler heads to conform to the changed field dimensions. The City crews would cut and fertilize the grass. little League will maintain grass etc. in its usual fashion. The new dimensions would be a 60' X 60' X 60' diameter grass pad, inside, except for the pitcher's mound. Vermey moved, Fagan seconded motion to recommend approval. 4. The League wants to Host a State Tournament at Jack Russell Park, next year. In order to do this, they must present a "package" (offer) to the State Board on Sunday, September 23, 1990. These are some of the things this would entail in order to successfully carry a Tournament: 1. a grass infield 2. two or four more portable bleachers. People could furnish their own lawn chairs to place around the fence to accomodate about 500 people. 3. Present a "packsage" to the State, and if they are successful, the Little League would pay the $750 entry fee. The time table would be July 5, 1991 to July 15, 1991. 4. Need a press box 5. Cooking tents and Concessions 6. Police 7. Parking facilities 8. Volunteer staffing 9. Charge admission to come into Park to see the games. Charges would be $2.50 - $3.00 for each game attended or a Tourney pass for $10.00 for a full day of games. Mr. Seroyer expressed the thought that some of the Bed tax monies be used by the City to "sponsor" these events. 10. Practices would be held at other sites during this time, in order to keep playing fields in shape. Mr. Seroyer stated that this City is considered the "fair haired boys" of the League as a result of their outstanding record of wins, and therefore, he needs approval from the City to go to the State Board on the 23rd of Sept. 1990 to present his "pakcage". The deadline comes BEFORE the next City Commission meeting on Sept. 24th. Mr. Seroyer was asked to write down ALL of his requirements and list of requests and present them to Mrs. Blanchard on Friday, Sept. 14, 1990 so that she might present them to the City Manager, who in turn would be authorized to present these to the City Commission prior to their regular meeting. Riley moved, Fagan seconded motion to recommend approval. SEPT. 13, 1990 REC. ADV. BOARD MINUTES-PG 2 In the matter of Construction of press box and storage room, although the plans were approved by the Building Inspector, Don Ford, some time ago, any bulding at this or any other park, is on hold until the site plans can be had and then a program of "restructuring" the uses within each park is final. The League is willing to build storage building with press box as a 20' X 20' structure at NO COST TO THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. The structure would house a store room at the lower level and a double press box and office on the top floor to accomodate League needs. Mr. Fagan moved and Turner seconded the motion to temporarily table this item until the site plans and further studies are completed. A discussion on user fees ensued at this time and Mr. Seroyer wanted to go down on record with his opinion in this regard. He stated: to charge user fees to those who get out and volunteer to work with kids and for kids, is unacceptable. If the City would like to take over the running of the League, entirely, it would be a welcomed situation. The cost of equipment was discussed at lenght as well as money raising situations which totalled $18,000 for this years tournament plays. Mr. Seroyer stated that although he would no be the President of the League for next year, he would be the Chairperson for the State Tournament at that time. Mr. Fagan asked if this (Russell Park) were to be a baseball park, what would the League envision? Mr. Seroyer answered that a Central point would be at the Left field line, put in 3 fields, BUT that would eliminate room for ANY OTHER SPORT IN THIS PARK. The Tennis Courts, in the presently proposed site would be interferring with the Softball field and also eliminate the present Soccer fields used for parctice. Mr. Seroyer explained that each year, for the past three years, enrollment in Little League has increased appreciably. He stated that no child is turned away because his family can't pay, or he lives out of the area, or any other reason. He said the League pays for any child who cannot pay but wantSto play, either through some of the parents who sponsor "needy" children or the League itself. He also stated that some of the children play "up or down" in age according to their ability. In the discussion regarding the grass infield, Mr. Seroyers wants to close off the field in November. Mrs. Blanchard strongly disapproved this idea. In Nov. we will have a Pops in the lark Concert and in Dec. we will have the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremoney and in BOTH cases, we will probably need to use the Little League field. She suggested that Mr. Seroyer plant the grass infield AFTER DEC. 6th, 1990 AND THEN CLOSE THE LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD during the time when it is LEAST USED. Mrs. Blanchard INSISTED that the Little League field be planted any time AFTER DEC. 6, 1990. No other solution will be considered due to the fact that the parking and anticipation of a crowd twice the size of last year at this event, dictates that we have ALL THE PARK SPACE WE CAN USE. The site of the construction of the new City Hall will still be fenced off and praking spaces will be premium. The Little League field could easily be used to set the risers up for the Chorus' snad Bands to perform and people could sit on the bleachers to listen to them and all other entertainment could be at different points in the Park. The next item on the agenda was the discussion of the POPS IN THE PARK, NOV. 11,1990 2 pm JACKSONVILLE RIVER CITY BAND AT JACK RUSSELL PARK. We have the risers (6 each of which measures 4' hi, 8'1 x 4'w) and 8 posts with red velvet rope to cordon off a section for "Sponsors". The chidlren of Atlantic Beach Elementary School will make the posters and River City Band Assoc. loaned Mrs. Blanchard 2 concepts (via posters) of a Concert in the Park so that the children may procedd with the posters. Mrs. Blanchard will deliver pictures to Ms. Rita Ward, Art Teacher at Atlantic Beach Elementary. After Mrs. Blanchard established the needs for power sources, the Board will decide where the Band will actually perform form (softball field, Little League field, etc.) Regarding the parking, it has been suggested that perhaps people could be encouraged to walk or bike to the park, thus eliminating SOME of the cars. Chief Thompson, Chief of Police for Atlantic Beach, has assured us that his men will assist wtih traffic control during this event. The power needs have been determined by the representative of the River City Band as 4-6 110 volt outlets. We have at our disposal, a light pole at the site of the new City Hall construction, in the Modular and in the Concession Stand, sufficent outlets. We can accomodate the Band from a 6 way gang at any site in Russell Park. SEPT. 13, 1990 REC. ADV. BOARD MINUTES PG.3 Little Caesar's Pizza Co. has offered to come and be alsource of Concession for the POPS IN THE PARK CONCERT. The Board approved these folks1 to be the sole source of Concession, serving Pizza and Soda from their truck. We will determine the Charge for them to pull their truck into the Park. We WILL announce to people BEFOREHAND that according to the Ordinance, their will be NO ALCHOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN THE PARK. The Police will be instructed to oversee this possible problem. The next item on the agenda was the ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY. Introduced Susan Podzamsky and Joann Fletcher, who will be heading up the Refreshments and Publicity Committees. The area at the backstop of the former T-Ball practice field had been suggested as the site for the Tree. We could use the light pole at the site of the construction of the new City Hall. Mrs. Blanchard suggested that the Entertainment committee (Mr. Fagan) invite Mr. Gene Nordan to play. Also invite Rev. Kennerly to bring his children and/or adult choir, in addition to New Friendship Baptist Church Choir we had last year. Mrs. Blanchard suggested any input on what to give the children, from "Santa" would be appreciated. Perhaps we could eliminate candy and try little surprise balls. The concesus was to go with Christmas Suckers. Mrs. Blanchard would be the final decision maker on this item. Next was the discussion on the Posters. Susan Podzamsky informed the Board that Gail Cooper would again design the poster and perhaps John McManus would again run off the main copy. She (Gail Coopers) suggested adding a few "ornaments" at the bottom of the poster. The children would color them and we could hang them on the outdoor tree.Everyone liked the idea. (It would be sensible to have the ornaments protected by lamination) . The design and Mr. McManus' work is all FREE. Susan will take care of correcting the date on the poster that will hang at the Fire Station entrance, and she will submit press releases to the Sun Times, Beaches Leader, and Jacksonville Journal. Press releases should be in the Nov. 28th editions of these papers. The risers are being donated by Jacksonville Beach Recreation Dept. (Jimmy Wilkins) and Susan has approached Publix in regard to refreshments and they indicated that they would like to be the exclusive donor in that regard. They offered hot chocolate, hot dogs, popcorn and cookies. The Baord approved all BUT the hot dogs. Susan will write the letter and Mrs. Blanchard will type it on City letterhead to be hand delivered by Susan. In the area of additional entertainment, the Board voted on 2 face painters for 1 hour each for a total of $200, ree balloon giveaway by Marus Real Estate firm. These two activities would lesse the "antsy" anticipation on the long, boring lines to see Santa. All these things could be going on simultaneously. The Board estimates about 1,500 people for this event. (Last year we estimated about 500-700 atendees) . The Police Dept. will assist with traffic control. Several different logistic ideas were discussed regarding who and what went where, etc. but final decisions would be made at the next meetings. Mrs. Blanchard informed the Board that Ann Winfree of the Children's Section of the Beaches Library volunteered to do a 5 minute, humorous recitation during the entertainment segment. Mr. Fagan will find out how much power will be needed for the entertainment groups. The next item up for discussion was the letter we received from the Beaches Soccer Association requesting a $5,000 annual contribution to their organization for upkeep of their new fields. Mrs. Blanchard informed the Board that as of Oct. 1, 1990 the city would NOT disburse ANY funds for charitable or other organizations in this Fiscal Year (1990-91) Tennis Courts placement was discussed briefly and the fact that no plans would be finalized until site plans, etc. were complete. There being no further business before this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 pm. The next meeting will be Oct. 11, 1990. Respectfully submitted: ►,(,6 Rose H. Blanchard, Secty. �'1�"