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12-14-89 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 1989 7 pm RECREATION MODULAR - JACK RUSSELL PARK AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Discussion on Success of First Annual Christmas Tree Lighting 3. Discussions: a. Report on site trip to Donner & Jordan Parks b. Decision of City Attorney regarding Ordinance to create this board. c. Announce that Mr. Henry Batts has accepted the invitation to join us on this Board, replacing Kathy La Pointe. Also pursuing the possibility of a Senior Citizen as the replacement for Mr. Tim Brewer. 4. Members Comments S. Adjourn INUTES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 1989 - 7 pm Present: Donald Fagan, David Turner, Jeff Croom and new member Henry Batts. Gerard Vermey had notified that he would be out of town. Ron Summers was absent. This meeting was not recorded on tape as everyone came in at different times and we all began talking out our concerns, so that the meeting began at 7 pm with the arrival of the first member and continued until we adjourned. Everyone was highly complimentary on the first Christmas Tree Lighting Celebratio and feel that they can and should be the committee to work on next year's event. Mr. Henry Batts was introduced to the Board and had some very important input and was very welcomed. Rose Blanchard, Secretary, reported that the decision of the City Attorney, Alan Jensen, was that we did not need an ordinance to create this Board. The rest of the evening was spent discussing the Donner and Jordan Parks and their immediate neighborhoods. All were in agreement that both those areas are in serious need of up-grading in order to intice the citizens to come to either site and enjoy the benefits of recreation. It seems to be the feeling in the neighborhoods that Jordan Park should be designed for a "family oriented" Park. This means that they do not want ballfields there but a place for families and Churches to hold picnics and fellowship related activities. Donner Park needs to be up-graded to provide shade, a center and a more active site. After much discussion on the proposed new City Hall and the Donner and Jordan Parks, the Board requested that every possible effort be made for this Board to meet wi Mayor and the City Commissioners as soon as possible after the holidays, to better understand their role, duties, expectations as well as to voice their opinions of the direction they feel they should go. There being no further business before this group, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm and the January meeting will be set according to the pleasure of the City Commission and the Board will be notified accordingly.