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08-28-01 vA regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held on August 28, 2001 at the Adele Grage Community Center. DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Ray Coleman, Phil Corp, Kim Greene and Tom Vogle. Susan Gorman operated the tape recorder. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting of July 2001. Phil motioned to approve, Tom seconded and the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS DeJean provided an update on the budget request list. He also advised the Board that one item, property purchases was omitted from the City Manager's revised list. Approval of a nominal amount is expected for the proposed skateboard Park, this would qualify the City for a Grant application. An amount of$30,000 should cover Project design cost and this would help process the application. The $30,000 will be approved in order to apply for the Grant by autumn of this year. Interest has been expressed in cooperating with the Beach Community at large. Final vote on the budget will take place during the September Commission meeting. DeJean indicated to the Board that the proposed budget list is much more defined than in previous years. Board members expressed concern over liability issues connected with the proposed skateboard park. Ray Coleman advised the Board that designation of a specific skateboard park site would create liability. BOARD MEMBER TERMS Terms of three Board members will expire in autumn of this year. Peter Coalson and Kim Greene have indicated to the Board that they plan to allow their terms to expire. Ray Coleman indicates that he is available to serve beyond his current term. Ray expressed his satisfaction with the role that the Board has played with regard to community affairs. DeJean noted that the Board played a vital role in getting several projects off the drawing board. He also asked the Board if they feel instrumental in decisions made by the Commission. Phil suggested that the Board serves as a sounding board to the Commission, but citizen input is lacking despite the Board's effort to reach out to the community. Ray suggested that the Board table their discussion of the Board's relevancy until a later time when at least 6 members are present. DeJean and the other Board members agreed with Ray's suggestion. DeJean motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.