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02-27-01 vw. • A regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held on February 27, 2001 at the Adele Grage Community Center. DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Ray Coleman, Peter Coalson, Phil Corp, Kim Greene, Barbara Hopson, and Tom Vogle. Visitors: Brian Christianson, Ryan Ridge, Kevin Cox, Tim Cox, Jim Mason, and Jay Mason. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting held on January 24, 2001. Ray Coleman noted two errors. The minutes indicated that Ray attended the January meeting, which he did not. Rays' last name was listed as Coalson rather than Coleman. The Board acknowledged the errors. Ray motioned to approve the minutes, Kim Greene seconded and the motion carried. VISITORS DeJean introduced the visitors to the Board. All three guests are avid skateboarders and DeJean asked them for specific comments regarding the plans for a skateboarding facility in Atlantic Beach. UPDATE SKATEBOARD FACILITY DeJean presented five questions from the Commission for the Board to consider. 1. Should the City of Atlantic Beach construct a skateboard area? 2. Should the location be Russell Park? 3. What equipment is necessary and how much should it cost? 4. Will facilities at Russell Park end Skateboarding at Bull Park? 5. Is the City the only source of funds for this project? DeJean encouraged comments from Board members as well as guests and he shared the positive reasons for establishing a skateboard area at Russell Park.. Russell Park provides adequate space, supervision, and emergency assistance if necessary. The Board agreed that Russell Park is the core of athletic activity. Board members seemed concerned that the addition to Russell might create a congested situation. Ray Coleman suggested that skateboarders and pedestrians don't mix. Tom Vogle spoke on behalf of the tennis players, expressing opposition to plans for skateboarding in Russell Park. The primary concern is the potential for damage to the tennis courts from skateboards. Ray Coleman feels parents of children involved with baseball programs don't support the skateboard plans for Russell Park. The age difference is a source of concern for the parents. Potential for vandalism is another concern. Kevin Cox stated that most skaters would appreciate such a facility and would concentrate on their sport. Board members asked for information regarding the developer of a future skateboarding facility. Tim Payne of Orlando, Florida will be consulted for more information with regard to development. Brian Christianson advised the Board of the benefits of ramps constructed from 0 concrete and steel rather than wood. Concrete and steel require much less maintenance in the long term. DeJean thanked the guests for their attendance and their input. Board members agreed they were better able to address the questions put forth by the Commission due to the information provided. DeJean asked the Board for their response to the five questions regarding proposed skateboard area. The Board voted six to one in favor of constructing a skateboarding facility. Two members oppose Russell Park as a potential site for skateboarding. Phil Corp asked that the opposition be allowed to make their arguments. Ray Coleman is opposed to a new skateboarding area and feels Bull Park provides skateboarders a place to practice their sport. Ray also stated that if the additional area is approved, Russell Park is probably the logical site. All Board members agreed that plans should allow appropriate funds for proper construction. Suggested size for the area is 50 x 60 . The suggested cost for construction is $20,000. Several Board members questioned this figure, commenting that it seemed too low. The Board agreed that skateboarding activity would decrease at Bull Park if plans for Russell Park go through. The idea of a fundraiser combined with money from the City appealed to the Board and they agreed to recommend a joint fund raising effort. Barbara Hopson inquired about alternate sites, and suggested Jordan Park as a potential site for a skateboarding park. DeJean expressed interest in viewing videos with design ideas as well as researching the Skateboard Park in St. Augustine. DISCUSSION ON THE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Board members agreed that their purpose is to receive input from the community and make recommendations on that basis to the Commission. The Commission should be willing to listen as well as communicate directly with the Board. Even though City staff has access to the Board minutes, it would help if the Board liaison from the Commission could attend Board meetings a little more frequently. City Manager Jim Hanson might encourage the Commission to provide the Community Boards with research assignments in writing as well as offer suggestions for goals. The Commission should be interested in information the Board may assimilate regarding public opinion. DeJean stated that a breakdown in communication is quite evident with regard to several important issues. DeJean complimented the Board on their efforts to make improvements to Bull Park a reality. Program development has been successful as well. RESIGNATION Peter Coalson announced his intent to resign in the near future, but is interested in serving on the Board until his replacement can be approved. DeJean motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Kim Greene seconded and the motion carried. III City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Advisory Board Meeting March 27, 2001 AGENDA A. Call Meeting to Order B. Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting from February 27, 2001 C. Visitors D. Old Business 1.Discussion relative to the Board's roles and responsibilities Commissioner Beaver) 2.Discussion and possible action on a proposed skate park. E. New Business F. Adjournment