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09-26-00 vs GA regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held on September 26, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Adele Grage Community Center. Present were: Phil Corp, Ray Coleman, Barbara Hopkins, DeJean Melancon, Tim Johnson, and Susan Gorman. Visitors: Rusty Pritchard. ADDDntT TT OF T',(T!.TrTTLc1I\J Y f1L JI MIA i v i L.J DeJean asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting held on August 23, 2000. Barbara noted that her last name was misspelled, but motioned to approve the minutes, DeJean seconded and the motion carried. C\T Tl 1)TTCTXTT;CC JL.iF 1J if JTI1 N-1.<1...3 J DeJean asked if the Board's recommendations were in the approved budget. Tim Johnson confirmed that the recommendations .Aro Mclu or and (1ctober la.o.,l 1 i 1i1tLi JI1 Vlittlll i11Vli LLi 4L LLL, LVV lit[titLVtli.fL.LL1Uft.a were li l'vf L4 3l& (U il.t l/aJLUtJ I+f YW' JLiAU begin the new fiscal year. DeJean noted that he would meet with Jim Hanson to Viiiniii UiC. LIUi1ur amounts. Rose Park development should begin in the near future, according to Tim Johnson. He workingng w th Grant writer in order to obtain a grant provide funding for lie is YY Vll i15 Y l: a L: li to funding i the project. Tim informed the Board that tennis lessons will be available to the public at Russell Park beginning in October. ATCIIr Dl IC'TKTI=C C iN1,VV i;LiJIi'i_.JJ eed that the Boardvoterequiredt '3ngp the meeting date, and it was agt thatAistochange should meet on a specific evening of each month. Ray Coleman motioned to amend the by-laws, but everyone agreed to check with other Board members before rescheduling the meeting time. Ray Coleman motioned for the Board to meet on Wednesday, October 25, at 7:15. Barbara seconded and the motion carried. Termlimitswere discussed-and Tim Johnson-informed he L)UCUU ,:hat. Seven Jenkins term ends as of September 30, 2000. Ray Coleman and DeJean offered to continue serving the Board, as their terms are soon to expire as well. Rusty Pritchard informed the Board of his recent letter to the Mayor requesting that he should fill the vacancy on the Recreation Advisory Board. Tim Johnson mentioned that the Mayor could make the appointment in the very near future. Board members agreed that Karen Sadler should be invited back to help formulate ideas for summer programs.ams. Tim advised the Board to explain the budgetingpro1 gr Y :• 1 i process to Karen in order to avoid confusion about consultation fees. There was a slight misunderstanding regarding payment during the last season. Public hearings about Program planning will be scheduled in the near future. Newspapers and the marquis at City Hall will serve as formats to advise the public of discussions concerning programs planning. Phil Corp inquired about feedback regarding the renovations to Bull Park. Other Board member suggested that comments were generally favorable to the recent changes. 1cUsuggested that input from the public is welcome, but also oted that there was ample time to engage in discussions before the renovations began. Other Board members agreed. Rav Coleman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. DeJean seconded and the meeting was adjourned. I 11111 City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Advisory Board Meeting October 25, 2000 AGEtir" A. Ca!! Meeting to Crider 1. Approval from the spacial mooting. September 2F Znn0 B. Visitors 1. Wolr-,,.oma now mAmhor_ Tnm Vr r4 I C. old Business 1. Discussion relative to programs I Inrdato riri Dtdantir; Roarh Giomentary prenorty 1.1e 3. Discussion and action relative tar-hanging meeting day & time D. New Business 1. ElectionGCdiot yf vrIgca II F. Ronnrts!Other Businessr .. III