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09-22-99 vlu9%30/1999 16:17 9042475843 C A B PUBLIC WORKS PAGE 01 A regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held on September 22, 1999 in the Adele Grage Community Center. Chairperson DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Ray Coleman,Phil Corp, Barbara Hopson, Steven Jenkins, Tim Johnson,DeJean Melancon, Susan Gorman,and visitors:Tom Atkins of Landers- Atkins Planners, Kim Allerton with Environmental Resource Solutions,Inc. And Tom Downing with Chantal Bowen Engineering. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ray motioned to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting,but DeJean suggested a few changes. The Budget update should indicate the purchase of additional soccer and ball fields,not plans to purchase the additional land. Under the New Business heading, Program Development concerns should be addressed in a separate paragraph and mention Karen Sadler as a potential consultant along with Karen Clark. Ray motioned for approval of the corrected minutes,Steven Jenkins seconded and the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS DeJean announced that the order of business for the Board to consider involved the presentation of the Dutton Island master plan. Tom Atkins along with Kim Allerton and Tom Downing gave the presentation to the Board. Board members expressed a variety of concerns about the future of Dutton Island. Tom Atkins explained the layout of the park and the details of development that would effect Dutton Island. Board members all agreed with the original concept of maintaining Dutton Island as a passive park. Concerns from Board members varied. Steven and Barbara questioned the wisdom of allowing overnight campers on Dutton Island, Ray mentioned washing facilities and his preference for a permanent simple structure over pre-fab structures. Tom Atkins explained to the Board that plans to develop Dutton Island were guided by the grant money provided for the project. The concept of a natural preserve would be maintained and Dutton Island would be unique as a fresh water marsh and a haven for waterfowl and small mammals. Structural development on the island would be kept to a minimum, roads,picnic shelters and camping sites. No sewer or water lines are present on Dutton Island. A limited amount of limerock would be necessary to stabilize the few roads leading to Dutton and around the island. Primary financial sources are the City of Atlantic Beach,the Port Authority,and the City of Jacksonville. Surveys and analysis of vegetation and wildlife were conducted by Environmental Resources Solutions,Inc. Kim Allerton explained the survey results to the Board. A controlled burn was recommended,due to the high fuel levels on Dutton Island. After the initial presentation,DeJean questioned how the Board should respond to the information offered in the presentation. It was suggested that the Board should ask questions, and clarify any confusion related to the development of Dutton Island before supporting the Master Plan. 09/30/1999 10: 17 9@42475943 C A B PUBLIC WORKS PAGE 02 Barbara Hopson requested that the Board note a strong objection to any controlled burn for Dutton Island. Kim Allerton explained that a wild fire would destroy everything and that a controlled burn is the best defense against such a catastrophe. The Board debated many issues, camping, methods of controlling the number of campers, the availability of a canoe launch, security, shelter for security,the need and style of washing areas,and the recommendation for a controlled burn. Phil inquired about the construction schedule, and the Board was informed that work would begin next spring. DeJean asked the Board to decide if they could generally support the Master Plan presented by Landers-Atkins Planners. Steven expressed enthusiasm for the Master Plan and offered a motion for support of the plan but subject to: A. Final approval of a detailed primitive camping management plan to include at a minimum: 1.maximum road,campers,and campsites 2. resident custodian provisions 3. campsite permitting policy B. Final approval of restroom facility specifications to include permanent construction rather than pre-fab facilities. C. Adoption of a pre-burn approval policy per USDA Division of Forestry guidelines and recommendations. Ray seconded and the motion carried. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Steven suggested that approprations for new programs should involve community input. Breaking down the programs according to interest level might provide ideas that would impact the various groups,teens,children,or retired residents. Dejean agreed,and advised the Board to gather feedback from the community. Ray Coleman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Barbara seconded and the motion carried. 1111