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04-20-99 vf A special meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held Tuesday, April 20, 1999 in the Adele Grage Community Center. Chairperson DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 6:15 P.M.. Present were: DeJean Melancon, Phil Corp, Ray Coleman, Steven Jenkins, Peter Coalson and Timmy Johnson. DeJean gave a welcome and because of the number of guests present went over some meeting rules: he informed everyone to complete a form if the wanted to speak, to sign in and that an agenda is on the table. DeJean stated the Board was redirected by the City Commission to consider being specific in the recommendation, be sure to include input from Kelly Elmore, the Subcommittee and citizens and funding. The City Manager has identified three additional sources of funding which is $100,000 from convention development, $37,500 from the Florida Barge Canal and Tree Board $9,500. Ray motioned to modify the previous motion made and voted on at the previous meeting for re- discussion. There were three guests speakers: Kelly Elmore, Cynthia Corey and Rick Beaver. Kelly went over the plan and explained how the project got to where it is today. The process started with his meeting with Pete Dowling and Cindy Corey to the public charrette, approval and finally the bid process. The process cost estimate is between$250K and $275K and was done eleven months ago. Kelly was asked about the possibility of excluding the lights and he stated that they were included for safety, as decorations and security reason. In his opinion the lights can be removed, but the Board needs to make a decision on safety. Kelly addressed questions concerning trees and phasing the project. He stated that the double palm trees were picked to stay with the character of the area and to create shade and keeping in mind space is important. Kelly informed the Board that phasing would be costly because of mobility, but if Ocean Blvd and East Coast Drive were going to be affected by the storm water project, the sidewalk and parking should wait. Cindy Corey, Chairperson of the Bull Park Subcommittee gave the Committee's report. Cindy passed out the Town Meeting consensus report and stated that the Committee met several times between August of 1995 and the winter of 1996. The three main issues discussed in the Town Meeting were the parking, playground and the community center. The Subcommittee felt these goals were not achieved by the current design. As an alternative to the current plan the Committee proposed a new plan with conceptual drawings. They proposed 100k for landscaping and recreation and an additional$150K for rehab or building of a new center. Cindy passed out a conceptual drawing of a revised community center. Michael Dunlop assisted with the design. The Subcommittee is requesting time to develop the concept (90 days). Cindy also presented an additional conceptual drawing of the park. The Subcommittee is ongoing organization which had taken a break. Committee members Ann Winfree, Cindy Corey, Pete 0 Dowling, John Bell, Joanna Fletcher and Karen Mastroianni met and came up with recommendations. Ray Breault stated that no one contacted him. Mayor Shaughnessy read the Subcommittee's initial recommendations asfollow: A Memorial Park, expand playground area, relocate Memorials, Community Center changes, outdoor theater space, Central Plaza with Memorial theme and seating, sidewalk changes for better access for front of building to rear, plaza in front of building with a fountain, sidewalk to cut across green space, relocate several palm trees, relocate mailbox and newspaper stand, landscaping, tennis court remains, but landscaped with joint tennis and playground shelter, replace parking on East Coast with parallel parking, eliminate sidewalk on East Coast, play area will include climbing structure, play gym, seesaw, swing, merry-go-round, water fountain, basketball court, benches, shade. Patricia Goelz stated that the information the Mayor read is in the plan. Former Mayor Fletcher gave his opinion of the process and stated that cost is a factor. He suggested working from the base plan, address rehabing the rear of the building and trimming the cost. Mayor Shaughnessy stated that the building was phase two of this project. Mayor Shaughnessy stated that the building was intended to be phase two of this project. Scott added that the plan has been discussed in detail. Mayor Shaughnessy informed the Board that using the funds identified by the City Manager to rehab the building seems logical. Commissioner Rick Beaver went over the history of the area and showed pictures. He informed the Board that as a citizen he liked Genesis plan and recommends looking at the playground to the memorial Plaza area. Mayor Shaughnessy made a point of order, which as in her comments concerning phase two. She is not talking about phasing the park, phase I is the plan and phase II is the building. JP Marchioli expressed that the project should not be bid as unit prices. He added that it is important to get a bid in therefore, the City will have dollar amount to go by and can negotiate with the Contractor. Ann Winfree stated that she is not sure what will come out of the Recreation Board meeting, but in Committee things change. She request giving the Committee more time and expressed that the playa seems out of place and to reapply the consensus information. Fran Beaver expressed that both plans are nice and is in favor of doing something with the building. She also suggest getting private donations. Fran stated that phasing the building and the park does seem like the wisest thing to do. Patricia Goelz informed the Board that a prior motion was not to include lights and to add community built playground companies to the bid list. She recommends not cutting hedge and rehab rear of building. Ray Breault stated that he lives next door and has viewed the use of the park and building. It took several years to get to this point and trying to add the building will take longer. He recommends rehabing the building in phase two. Hope VanNortwick informed the Board that the Tree Board is identifying historical trees; therefore, she recommends not relocating the palms. Pete Dowling said that citizens have offered their time and has come up with a conceptual plan that will stay within the budget. He recommends completing the park in one phase and giving the ninety day delay. Former Mayor Fletcher added that he supports the ninety day delay requested by the SubComittee, but the children's play area needs to be done. He does not support eliminating the existing plan. Kelly informed the Board that the City Commission signed off on the plan twice. He is not in love with the plan and was informed to design this park as maintenance free as possible. He recommends not delaying the project. Dorthy Kerber recommends not spending $250K on this project, to stay within the budget of 103K. Removing the palms seem like over kill as well as the plaza. A material more durable than wood should be used. The park should be user friendly, shaded and have a play area. Cindy Corey added that the building should be added to existing plan. Mayor Shaughnessy stated that funds continue to come in for projects different ways. They City is given funds for park use on an annual bases Barge Canal funds and Duval County has given funds, she also informed the Board that the budget year runs from October 1 to September 30. There was a ten minute recess at 8:10. Deem Melancon called the meeting back to order at 8:20 P.M.. Ray stated that $21K can be saved by eliminating the overhead lighting and if the storm water project could do the parking more money can be saved. He is in favor of moving forward with the project. Phil feels that it is important to complete the existing plan;therefore, the kids can get back in the Park. Scott informed the Board that he likes the idea of enhancing the building, but this project should not be delayed because of the building. The building should be phase two and it is important that we move forward. Peter concurs with Scott and feels that money is available and should be spent on existing plan. The project should not be delayed because of the building. He is in favor of completing the project and not limiting the amount. Briefly, Steven stated that there is a project plan, design and bid documents. They represent the citizens view. The confidence to obtain the required funding is high. Rehabing the building will happen and between now and construction minor changes may take place. DeJean read the prior motion as follow: the Recreation Advisory Board recommends budgeting 160,000 to substantially complete phase one and phase three of the project. Motion made by peter Coalson and seconded by Ray Coleman. Scott stated that eliminating the overhead lights would save money. Kelly Elmore added that the specs for the playground are designed for a volunteer project. Ray Coalman motioned to approve the entire existing plan excluding overhead lights with a budget of$250K. Scott seconded and the motion carried. DeJean motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 P.M.. Steven seconded and the motion carried. tA Al Act. - 5 2_ 1 410