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05-06-98 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MAY 6, 1998 A special meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held Wednesday, May 6, 1998 in the Adele Grage Community Center Meeting Room at 7:25PM. Present were: Scott Debuty Peter Coalson, Chairperson Ed Waters Patricia Goelz Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison Peter reported that he read a short letter to the City Commission concerning the Mayport Road/Atlantic Blvd. Flyover. Scott made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 8, special meeting and regular meetings of March 25 & April 22. Peter reported that he has failed to get plans from Kelly Elmore;therefore, he suggest passing on the Bull Park information. Patricia stated that the Board should recommend to the Commission that the Board would like for the renovations to Bull Park playground be a community built playground. Patricia also made a motion that when the Commission send RFP's out for playground equipment, they send them to companies that help the community build playgrounds themsleves. Example, Learning Structures or Leaners. Scott second and after discussion the motion carried. Patricia will prepare a letter. Patricia farther explained that the company would send out a general contractor to over see the citizen/volunteer group and would assume all liability. Ed will attend the Cultural Arts Board meeting to discuss a proposed Art Festival. Peter will call Chief Thompson concerning bike path, street closing and greening the fences at Russell Park. Patricia read a revision of a letter concerning a proposed community garden. She also called George Worley concerning who owns the proposed property. Patricia motioned to hold a Board meeting at the proposed site for the community garden and invite DCDC Board and surrounding neighbors. Scott second and the motion carried.