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01-08-97 v • • w CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING JANUARY 8, 1997 • A special meeting was held Wednesday, January 8, 1997, in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Vice-chairman Patricia Goelz called the meeting to order at 7:33PM. Present were: Patricia Goelz Scott Debuty Ed Waters Mark Beckenbach Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commission Liaison Decision began with Mark's update on bicycle paths. He would like to set up a twenty year plan to acquire needed property for bicycle paths. Mark, also fills that because there is no bike path along the streets in Atlantic Beach, bicycling is a hazard. When riding on the sidewalks, people tend to back their cars out without looking and there are a lot of limbs and trees in your path. By enlarging some streets by four feet on each side a bicycle path can be added. Patricia added that if the city's streets are widen traffic flow will increase and vehicles tend to speed. The three reasons people use bicycle paths are: transportation, strolling, and to get from point A to point B. The public would have to be educated about biking. Two large kisoks would be placed in Donner and Russell Park, detailing the bicycle path. Mark will meet with the City Manager to discuss a bike path around Johansen Park. The Recreation Director informed the Board that the proposals for Bull Park where in and staff are reviewing them. The Camp-Out Under the Stars will take place Saturday, March 8.