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06-19-96 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING JUNE 19, 1996 A regular meeting was held Wednesday, May 22, 1996, at the Adele Grage Community Center. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dezmond Waters at 7:25PM. Present were: Mark Beckenbach Dezmond Waters,Chairman Scott Debuty • Patricia Goelz Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commission Liaison Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and Barbara Hopson made as addendum which was, Mr. Lake agreed to make some sketches, however he somehow expects to)lijob if the project is under $2000. Barbara made a motion to approve, Patricia seconded and the motion carried. The first order of business was signage. Mr. Lake faxed Barbara some sketches for the Board to review and give input on. Barbara thought it would be better if he would attend the regular Board meeting. Dezmond would like for the Board to come up with a display of the types of signs thatit's,,accepted and not accepted by the Board. Barbara agreed to take the photos for the display. • The Board carne up with the following specs for signs: * Entrance and welcome signs must have all elements of the logo (Palm Tree, Ocean waves, and Sail boat) * Sand blasted process * All wood is to be the same material. (Redwood or Equal) * Format is,to be basically rectangle or square. * Lettering should be compatible to the welcome to Atlantic Beach signs * Same color as the welcome to Atlantic Beach signs * Style and size, same as welcome to Atlantic Beach signs All other signs are toi have the following specs: * Routed * Letters are do stand in relief of background * Wood Dezmond agreed to put the specs together and bring them back for review. Patricia discussed sending a letter to the state in support of the Rails to Trails program. Rails to • Trails is a program where the state/purchase old abandon railroads and turn ale minto trails. Der mond agreed to attend a Florida Greenways workshop at the Main Library Downtown, May 30, from 3-5PM. The Board will elect a secretary at the next meeting. Bull Park Subcommittee will give a presentation at the next meeting. Barbara expressed the need 0.1.pules in certain Parks and that passive Parks rule sltoul l be in a kiosk. There hying no otlr businesq Ole meeting adjourned.