05-03-95 v RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes from the workshop meeting: May 3, 1995 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Corey at 7:20pm in the Community Center meeting room. Present: Cindy Corey, Chairperson Patricia Bell Barbara Hopson Patricia Goelz Jane Tanner Guest: Sharette Simpkins Staff: Timmy Johnson The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and:a motion made by Barbara Hopson to approve them, as written. Jane Tanner seconded and the motion carried. DONNER COMMUNITY CENTER The meeting for selecting the site was held Monday, May 1, and the Commission selected the original site on a 3-2 vote. After all the hard work and reasoning the Board feels the Commission didn't give their site selection enough consideration. Therefore, Cindy recommend that the Board stay out of the remaining Donner Community Center business and the Board agreed. Jane Tanner will draft a letter to the Commission stating, the Board feels the site selection process didn't take place correctly and why. ADELE GRACE RENOVATIONS No action taken. . . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA STUDENTS PARK STUDY The University of Florida Park Study is a tool for helping us with ideas rather than something that's going to be cared through. There was no further business before the Board and the meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.