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03-15-95 v i RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes from the regular board meeting: March 15, 1995 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Corey at 7:15 in the Community Center meeting room. Present: Edward Waters Barbara Hopson Patricia Goelz Jane Tanner Chairperson Cindy Corey Guest: Commissioners Dezmond Waters, Suzanne Shaughnessy and Mayor Fletcher Staff: Gail Baker, Activities Director The minutes of the last regular meeting were reviewed and a motion made by Cindy Corey to approve them, as written, Jane Tanner seconded and the motion carried. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA PARK TOUR Cindy Corey gave a brief report on the tour with the University of Florida. She thought the students were excited and full of energy, some where graduate and some were undergraduate, but it seemed to have been successful. The tour started at Russell Park where they broke up into teams of 3 or 4 members and ended at Bull Park. The class will come up with an over-all park plan and each student in there group will come up with an individual park plan for the park in which he/she is studying. The final will be ready at the end of April with a presentation taking place April 12, 1-5pm at the University. DONNER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER The main issue is where to construct the new Community Center, either construct the Center where the existing building is or to construct it in the new site, amidst the trees. The Board would like to see the Center constructed where the existing building is located. Michael Dunlap did not show, but plans were available for viewing. Jane Tanner met with Michael and he said that this is a phase 3 project and that the budget is ready to start with the first phase, which is the building along. Phase 2 is the surrounding porch and phase 3 is the restroom and concession stand. If there is enough funds available the Board would like to see phases 1 and 2 combined. A workshop meeting is setfor March 29, to meet with Michael Dunlap. GARDENING Patricia recieved a few calls from residents expressing a concern for the community garden. Cindy will turn those names over to Sheena who will coordinate the garden. Cindy also stated that Sheena is ready to go and that she normally starts with 10 plots. Because the City Yard is being cleaned the community garden will have to wait until the fall. RICHARDSON PROPERTY Cindy spoke with Susan Wilderson of Episcopal Child Service and Susan stated that there is a great demand for after-school and summer programs. Because of the cost of pre-school and after-school programs and the lack of parking a motion was made by Jane Tanner to purchase the Richardson Property because it can serve as a demand for youth services the motion was second by Barbara Hopson and the motion carried. EXTRA Cindy appointed Barbara Hopson as Vice-Chairperson of the Board. There was no further business before the Board and the meeting adjourned at 10:00.