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03-22-94 v MINUTES OF MEETING OF ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD AND GERARD VERMEY, ARCHITECT AND .REPRESENTATIVE OF ACTECH PLANNERS, INC. A meeting was held on Tues. Mar. 22, 1994 at 7:30pm in the Adele Grage Community Center to discuss with Mr. Vermey, the suggestions and recommendations of the members of the Advisory Board regarding the construction and needs for a Concession Stand building at Jack Russell Park and a similar one at Donner Park. Present were: Henry Batts, Cynthia Corey (Board Members) , Gail Baker, Activities Coordinate at Donner Park Community Center and Rose Blanchard, Parks & Recreation Director. Excused were: Don Fagan, Gary Santora and patricia Goelz. Beth Robertson was out of town. The three excused members had submitted their written report and recommendations which are attached. The Board asked Mr. Vermey to come back to us with a price for: A scaled down concession stand WITHOUT attached restrooms, but with a press bo) on a second floor with visibility of both fields and in general, a renovation of the present building with the purpose of making more efficient use of the building, as is. Restrooms were recommended to be placed on the North side of the Park, closer to the children's playgrounds, picnic areas and Little League playing fields. They would also be in clear view of parents and give little ones a faster access to restrooms. Members present were very much in favor of the recommendation of Patricia Goelz for the outside of the buildings: stucco the concrete, natural gray with mixed in coquina. NO PAINT! ! All members were also in accord that if activities in the future warranted, we could put up another "meeting room/activity room" in Russell Park, but at this time, there does not seem to be a need for any such addition. The Board will meet again, on Tues, Mar. 29th with the Architects of J.Bruce Duff, to see what they can present that meets our needs and a price for that work. After the Board studies both proposals, they will come before the City Commission to present our recommendations. One point all agreed on was to build the concession stand at Donner Park while Little League is still playing, then perhaps when we are done with Donner we can proceed with Russell. March 22, 1994 To Rose Blanchard: From Don Fagan r Concession bids at Russell and Donner Parks My recommendation is as follows: Donner: 1. Build activity facility to replace present trailer. The size and placing of building would depend on my imput from Activities Director at Donner AND area imput from residents. The size should be limited to means necessary to conduct present and future activities planned. 2 . Build concession stand behind ball field. It does NOT need to be as big as Russell Park concession stand. It needs to serve as storage area and for distribution of concession items during games. 3 . Bathrooms need to be built. 9#1' 4 . Build two dugoutssfor each side. I would talk to builders first to determine cost structure, compliance with ADA. I believe we do NOT need architech to design this simple building! ! -- waste of money. F SELL: 1. Build smaller version of concession stand with only tower on top. Activity room upstairs is NOT needed by Atlantic Beach! We are different than Jax Beach. Let us use-the original diagram designed by Gerard. Half shingles, concrete, et cetera. 2 . Redo bathrooms, and see cost of adding bathrooms near Plaza Road. Let us recommend that Donner be started NOW ASAP and Russell can be started when season is over. � � Q 1J IG I a I i ,N\NNN, tk,4 i � . Tv the'Parks and Rec Committee: Concerning the Russell Park Concession Remodel Last weekend I worked in the concession stand. The women I spoke with said the building is fine, just renovate the interior. I agree with this idea somewhat. I'd like to see the present building made more attractive by changing the exterior slightly. (My suggestion would be to stucco the concrete natural gray with mixed in coquina. NO paint!) If you wanted to change the roof line, that might be an easy way to add style to the building. I don't feel we need a second story meeting room in this building. The coaches can meet in City Hall if needed. Frequent ball game would not allow for others to use a meeting room where the call box is located. As for a calling box, a covered open gazebo type area would seem to look and work fine. Storage of equipment could be inside the concession stand. If this is not sufficient an enclosed gazebo area would work with the storage of equipment kept there. A very safe pull-down attic ladder could be used for access. Other things needed: Bring building up to code on plumbing and electrical. Add more sockets. Check for 220 use. An additional window needs to be added to the southern end of the building. Enlarge all windows and cover with retractable security door type coverings. My suggestion is to focus all concession business towards the southern end of the building. The concession only needs a small area to work from to service the customers. A large part of the present facility is used for storage of concession items. - - for possibility of a grill/griddle in the area of the present win. • • : - northwes s • : : • - building. If this is •• . , : . : • gas and allow for ventilation. T - - - : . -en • -- - • as • •e for the desire of community access to this ty•- : - • uipement for functions such as pancake •rea' . , : : : - . - - - - c. Install two flush to the ceiling, ceiling fans. Cover walls with wallboard and paint. Add appropriate floor covering. I would like see money spent to upgrade equipment, i.e.. refrigerator, freezer, ice bin shelving, etc. It would be nice to have the concession stand open on other popular park days. A couple ideas off the subject- Hire a weekend parks maintenance person. They could visit each park twice in a day. That person could function as park patrol and clean-up. I think this would enhance the park 100%. Since I have expressed a desire for a public gathering room but do not Seel it is appropriate in Russell Park, I do feel it would be great in the new areas Jordan Park we spoke about (the present Public Works Building). This would give all communities access to a wonderful facility.