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11-12-92 v • ( J RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of November 12, 1992 The Recreation Advisory Board met on Thursday, November 12, in the Conference Room of the Adele Grage Community Center. Present were: Donald Fagan, Chairman Richard Riley Henry Batts Henry Issacs Staff: Kim Leinbach, City Manager Carl Walker (for Rose Blanchard) Guests: Gerard Vermey, Architect, Rusty Bennett and Bruce Cochran, Little League representatives The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Don Fagan, at 7:35 pm. Minutes of the last meeting (May 14, 1992) were reviewed and accepted as written. Don Fagan advised the Board of the results of the special meeting held by the Commission on November 9 regarding the proposed remodeling of the concession stand at Russell Park. The two Little League representatives gave their input on what improvements they felt were needed and discussion took place on such items as: press boxes (2) , restroom facilities to include requirements for the handicapped, increased stor- age space, meeting room facilities, and grass infields. Mr. Bennett & Mr. Cochran further advised that it was their desire to bring the field and building up to standards re- quired to apply as a site location for Babe Ruth affiliated State and regional play-off games and tournaments. On their "Wish List " for the league, such items as a P. A. system, air conditioning and heat for the press boxes, and other improve- ments were brought up. It was also stated that if grass in- fields were installed, the League would maintain them. Mr. Cochran asked if the City would be receptive to a dona- tion from the League' s profits toward the potential improve- ments. He was assured this would be appreciated. Kim Leinbach explained that the Mayor had proposed further improvements to the facility in order to create a usage to serve other interests, citing an example of adding a stage area. After additional discussion, it was the consenus of the Board that Mr. Vermey prepare conceptual drawings at a related cost of $ 80, 000 - 100, 000 for the increased remodel- 1 ing instead of the original figure of $ 50, 000. The time frame from the period that final approval to the plan was given until such time as the remodeling was completed was estimated at 60 - 90 days, taking into consideration the re- quired City bid process. Also under new business, the topic of the property adjacent to Singleton' s Mobile Park was discussed. This item had been referred to the Board by the City Commission, after the Com- munity Development Board had denied the request for the land to be used for trailer park expansion and recommended that consideration be given to acquiring the two lots as a City playground or park area. Kim Leinbach explained that the trailer park was currently in non-conforming use so expansion could not be considered. The Board agreed to table any action on the request until the next meeting so that they could further check the area and its feasibility of City usage for a park/playground. Carl Walker apprised the Board of the recent addition of the double-wide modular unit at Donner Park, and his understand- ing of its intended use. He also reported that a part time employee had been hired to supervise activities at that lo- cation. o- cation. The final item on the agenda for discussion was the annual Christmas tree lighting at Russell Park set for December 12. In the absence of Rose Blanchard, the Board members volun- teered to handle some arrangements and discussed details such as posters/flyers, the P. A. system, seating risers, enter- tainment, etc. Carl Walker advised that he knew that Rose had been working on some of these arrangements prior to her hospitalization and also that Jim Jarboe had agreed to take the remaining responsibility for the event. It was Carl' s suggestion that rather than conflict with, or duplicate, any efforts already in progress that Rose and/or Jim be first contacted. Don Fagan agreed to do this prior to the Board members involvement. There was no further action or business for the Board and the meeting was adjourned by Don Fagan at 9:05 pm. CiAtz,_‘___ � � --_-- Submitted by Carl Walker, in the absence of Rose Blanchard - 2 -