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02-06-92 v -MINUTES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING FEB. 6, 1992 7:30 pm chairman Don Fagan called the meeting to order at 8 pm. Present Mr. Fagan, Mr. Batts, Mr. Riley and Rose Blanchard. Mr. Turner is no longer on the Board and had been notified. The minutes were received in the mail by each member, before the meeting. Mr. Riley moved and Mr. Fagan seconded, that the minutes be accepted and approved as noted. The next item on the agenda was the Contract-Agreement to be reviewed by the Board before presentation to the City Commission on Monday, Feb. 10, 1992. The Board wanted to be sure we would be flexible with the times and days of play in cases where they had a rain-out. The Soccer Association is willing to set up a "practice field" with some help from the City, which the Recreation Dept. has agreed to. Mr. Batts suggested that in trying to make Donner Park more evident, we should go into that Park, slowly, easing in, such as having Soccer Practice there and/or Little League Practice. Once the residents see the use increased, they will become more interested and therefore make the reality of a "regional Park" more attainable. The dual uses for "ball playing" has got to be one of the basic ways to expand the Donner Park facilities. A short discussion ensued regarding moving the Trailer from Russell Park to Donner Park as the only way to offer a Summer Camp for the children instead of transporting them out of their neighborhood. They want very much to have "camp in their own Park". To do that, we could hire temporary workers to facilitate programs, or approach the Boys/Girls Club to use Donner as a satellite center. The Board concurred with Mrs. Blanchard's plan to use the trailer as proposed, and recommends we do it. Going back to the Contracts for Little League and Soccer, the Board, after discussion felt they would recommend to the Commission, that we accept the Contract-Agreements for the Soccer Association and the Atlatnic Beach Athletic Association as presented. Regarding the fees on the signs, Mrs. Blanchard explained to the Board that we did not make any decision on the fees and her feeling is that we need to give the present President, Mr. Gary Santora, every opportunity to get this League back on an even keel. He has inherited a large debt and other negative obligations and the Board agrees with Mrs. Blanchard that this man aims to work with us and do the very best for the children and we, in turn, should give him every help we can. The last item on the agenda was to recommend a name to the City Commission to replace Member David Turner. We were going by the list of alternates we prepared back in 1990, but after discussion, Mr. Fagan recalled that the City Commission had asked us not to keep a list as situations and needs change and that would not necessari] be the best way to replace. At any rate, the Board decided to let the City Commission make a recommendation. The Board would consider any nominations from the Commission. The name of Mr. Henry Isaccs, Jr. was the only suggested nominee and Mr. Riley would contact him and the Board will recommend his name to the Commission. REC.ADV.BRD. PG. 2 Mrs. Blanchard gave the Board advanced notice of the Easter Egg Hunt & PARADE. Instead of a Hat and bonnet contest as in the years past, we will parade from the Grage Community Center, down Plaza to Jack Russell Park, then hunt. Hardee's has approached us and want to be the sole supply for refreshments at our Annual Easter Egg Hunt. . . .we graciously accepted! Ricky Racoon, Peter Rabbit, & Hardee's HUG will grace us with their presence. There being no further business to come before this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. Respectfull submitted: mged Rose H. Blanchard Date: 3/4A,;?... Parks & Recreation Director Secretary to the Board.