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04-11-91 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD, THURS. APRIL 11, 1991 7pm 1! With the delay of chairman, Fagan, the meeting was called to order by Rose Blanchard Parks & Recreation Director at 7:06 pm. The main topic was to be the priorities of the Donner Park development. However, some other items were to be discussed as a result of a directive by the City Commission on Monday, April 8, 1991, at the regularly scheduled meeting. Sharette Simpkins was absent for the THIRD time. No show, no Call. Each member was given a copy of the minutes of the Public Meeting, and a cost list for the projected development of the "Activities" segments. Mr. Croom pointed out that I had only allowed for ONE Basketball goal and should have TWO, so we will add one more. Mr. Vermey also noted that we need TWO Combination Goals for Football/Soccer but do not need a Football Goal net. Other than that, the cost list was agrreed upon by all present. The question of grass came up, and Mrs. Blanchard noted that we have seed and fertilizer and there will be the availability of water to the sites. The materials are on hand at this time, therefore no further expense. The next discussion was regarding the user fees, which the City Commission requests a sample set up of fees for ALL facilities within our City. Each member had in hand, several copies of proposed ways of implementing fees, since January of 1987. Since that time, several different proposals came up for discussion. After much verbalizing, the Board was informed that THE CIY COMMISSION WAS EXPECTING A SET OF CHARGES FOR USER FEES FOR ALL FACILITIES. Mrs. Blanchard emphasised that this Board was NOT being asked IF they would recommend implementing user fees - they are directed to PRESENT TO THE COMMISSION, A SCHEDULE FOR IMPLEMENTING USER FEES. Once that idea was established and understood, the Board moved forward. There being much discussion about their feelings, pro and con in regard to user fees. Mrs. Blanchard asked that they submit their WRITTEN statements to her NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1991, to be forwarded to the City Commission. The general feeling among this Board is that user fees "will not work in Atlantic Beach". The Tennis answer was, "the teams would move out, and many present players would go else- where, the courts would be dead, no one will play". Mrs. Blanchard asked, "would you PAY at the new spot?"The answer, "Sure". Well, then, the thought was again surfaced you'll pay to play elsewhere and NOT here? The answer was "yes". . . . With that answer, Mrs. Blanchard stated, _ that user fees are to assist in the continuation of services to the CITIZENS of this City. Everyone has agreed that money is tight and the economy is in serious deficit. The City of Atlantic Beach, stands to begin the Fiscal Year with a State Deficit of $160,000. Suggested was: if you don't want added property tax or such, then let the NON-Resident pay for the use of what the CITY provides you, the citizen. Discussions on the Little League user fees went on with gusto. In brief, yes NON RESIDENTS should pay OR Pay more than the City residents. If the League was to return to the old regime of only 12 Teams (we now have 28 teams) , we would have more space and less fuss. Mrs. Blanchard suggests that when this Season is over, we should meet with the Parents of Atlantic Beach, and get our League back to the way it was. The children on the other side of the Intracostal Waterway, will have Parks to play in. OUR RESPONSIBILITY IS TO OUR CHILDREN We must formulate rules and regulations for ALL USERS OF ALL FACILITIES IN EVERY PARK. It was agreed that the BOUNDARIES OF ATLANTIC BEACH must be clearly noted. Perhaps the change in the Postal address for this City would be a better way to clarify this. Mrs. Blanchard concluded that each member was to submit to her, by APRIL 18th, their thoughts, pro and con, on user fees, as well as a sample option on how to go about the implementation thereof. All six members agreed. Chairman Fagan assigned the chore to David Turner, to count the # of Tennis Players who use the Courts daily, in that he is on the courts, daily - reporting # of Citizens vs. # of Non-Residents. Mrs. Blanchard stated that these fees will be collected as of Oct. 1, 1991 rather than before then. This will give everyone time to study, ingest and act on user fees. The Board was informed of the possible Dedication of the New City Hall on June 01, 1991, and their presence was requested. There being no further business before this Board, Mr. Fagan adjourned at 8:30 pm CITY OF r audit Fe i - 94144 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD mss► 4 _ P.O.BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 ,* " N:; y TELEPHONE(904)249-2396 March 26, 1991 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR, CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER FROM: ROSE H. BLANCHARD, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 445 RE: COPY OF RATE STRUCTURE FOR CHARGES AT TENNIS COURTS In accordance with the discussion at last night's City Commission meeting, attached, please find copy of the letter and rate structure the City of Virginia Beach has successfully used for 12 years on their Tennis Courts. As you will note in the cover letter, they are anticipating an increase in the rates with the emphasis on generating increased revenue. The suggestion from a citizen at last night's meeting, that we use Driver License's as identification, needs some thought. The ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA address is used by people OUTSIDE the City Limits. . .these folks are NOT tax paying citizens of the City of Atlantic Beach. Some years ago, I proposed a similar system for this City. I proposed that citizen or resident identification is best verified by Utility Bills. A Master List of names and addresses would suffice as a source for verification. While on the subject of Postal Address (Atlantic Beach) , now that the City has grown so much, would that not be sufficient reason to apply for our own boundaries, therefore eliminating the confusion over who does and doesn't live in Atlantic Beach? If I may be of any further assistance, please feel free to call me or come by and share information. Thank you all, for your considerations and support. • ro` 161 (v 5 City of VireiI-iia I beach C � l 1 Z 1 0 rz 11994 y 0t..� �Rf RUR NA11014 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION F'bruary 27, 1991 2289 LYNNHAVEN PARKWAY (804)471-5884 VIRGINIA BEACH,VIRGINIA 23456-1499 FAX(804)471-2330 MS ROSE H BLANCHARD ATLANTIC BEACH PARKS & REC P 0 BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233-4181 Dear Ms. Blanchard: The Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation is currently in the process of evaluating the rate schedule at Owl Creek Municipal Tennis Center. This tennis complex is operational on a twelve month basis. The complex consists of 14 lighted tennis courts (outdoor courts only), a pro shop with tennis apparel, tennis equipment, and a stringing service. In addition, the services of the Tennis Facility Manager are contracted out and the manager hires the staff including the tennis pros. The department operates a total of 188 tennis courts and the only site where you must pay to play is Owl Creek Municipal Tennis Center. The courts where there is no fee to play are located either in parks or on school property. The existing rates implemented at the facility have been in operation for the past 12 years and naturally with the emphasis on generating increased revenue the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation is considering raising the rates at the tennis center as one alternative for increasing the revenue. In order to evaluate this alternative I would like to collect as much information as possible on municipal tennis facilities and their rate structure. If you would forward your rate schedule to me I will send_you a completed listing of tennis court rates from the participating departments. I have enclosed the rate schedule for Owl Creek Municipal Tennis Center for you convenience. I thank you in advance for your time. Sincerely, Nancy L. oscia Recreation Supervisor Enclosure 'RATE STRUCTURES FOR RECREATIONAL USES AS APPLIED IN JACKSONVILLE BEACH 4-1-91 TENNIS COURTS Per Joe Fortner, Pro in Charge Salaries are paid to Pro and 2 part time attendants at the rate of $4.50 per hr. The courts are open from 9 am to 1pm CLOSE 1-3 PM RE-OPEN 3pm - 9pm This schedule applys during the week. On weekends, the Attendants split the shift 1 works Sat. 1 works Sun. and alternate. The "shop" should not carry Racquets, begin small with e.g. 2 cases of Tennis Balls (approximate cost $55 per case) sell grip over-wraps, wrist bands. They presently have 150 members that average $10 per mos. per membership which means they can collect $1,500 per mo. This of course fluctuates. Some days they collect $80-90 only, per day. The Summer is Great, the Winter is dead. Their ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP runs from JUNE 1 through MAY 31. Incentive: pay in June or July and receive a 5% discount or pay quarterly. PUT IN WRITING WHAT YOU OFFER AND WHAT YOU EXPECT OUT OF A MEMBERSHIP. Memberships are divided: RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT YOUTH HUSBAND/WIFE (DOUBLES) DO NOT OFFER FAMILY RATE you lose money. ** This schedule may also include the use of the Racquetball Courts and the "SHOP" could carry Racquetballs LITTLE LEAGUE : RICK HALE, contact person (241-0751) Advises: Structure the League with the citizens of our own City. In Jacksonville Beach, the City pays the umpires, maintain, cut, trim, drag and line fields. Some of their revenue comes from the fact that Neptune Beach, Ponte Vedea Beach buy power from Jacksonville Beach. . .This was the response I received when I asked how they handle the use of the field lights. . The league is on their own for raising funds, etc. and they do not report to the city. They too are considering the change of affiliation from Florida Little Major League to Babe Ruth League (what we presently have in Atlantic Beach) because there is more freedom to run the League as each group sees fit. The Florida Little Major League Organization posts more stringent rules and regulations and does NOT allow much "freedom" of choice. ** NOTE *** See attached. This was a proposed schedule of fees I submitted in January of 1987 Your comments, please! IN ORDER TO ASSURE OUR RESIDENTS MORE PLAYING TIME, WE ANTICIPATE ISSUING MEMBERSHIP CARDS FOR THE SPORTS COMPLEX (TENNIS *RACQUETBALL * BASKETBALL* SOFTBALL FIELDS) OPTION #1 RESIDENTS NO CHARGE- one card per family to be renewed annually. Must provide proof of residency via, Utility Bill, Phone Bill, Voter Registration Card, Driver's License. ANNUALLY means your card is effective from October 1st of each year through September 30th of the following year. Resident Children Under 12 years of age - FREE when Courts are NOT RESERVED! Guests of Residents - accompanied by Resident, $1.00 per head, per 1} hour visit. NON-RESIDENT $2.00 per head per hour visit - one card per interested member to ' be renewed annually. Children under 12 years old FREE when Courts ARE NOT RESERVED! ! MILITARY NON-RESIDENTS with Military I.D. Card, $1.00 per head per 1!! hour visit. CITY EMPLOYEES As Residents MONIES COLLECTED WILL GO TOWARD MAINTENANCE AND UPKEEP BEYOND BUDGETED AMOUNTS. RESERVATIONS No more than 2days in advance. Permit will be issued. TENNIS CLASSES All NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS MUST HAVE BEEN ISSUED A NON-RESIDENT CARD RESIDENT BOUNDARIES NORTH to Hannah Park/Church Road SOUTH to Atlantic Blvd. EAST to the Atlantic Ocean WEST to Intercoastal Waterway/Assisi Lane OPTION # 2 Using Non-Resident annual rate scale as a flat rate, pro-rated ONLY semi-annually (in April) will save time and money. ANNUAL refers to OCTOBER 1 thru SEPT. 30 (April 1 - Semi Annual) and :. is meant to keep monies in line to coincide with the City Fiscal Year for reporting and auditing purposes. RESIDENTS Jrs. to 18 yrs. old $10 yr. $1.50 per month (18) Induvidual Residents $30 yr. $4.00 per month (48) FAMILY $60 yr. $6.00 per month (72) NON-RESIDENT, MILITARY,GUESTS Jrs. to 18 yrs. old $25 yr. $15 semi Annual (30) Individual REsidents $50 yr. $30 semi Annual (60) FAMILY $75 yr. $45 semi Annual (90) ** SEMI ANNUAL MEANS 6 MONTHS OR LESS Proposed Membership Cards PAGE 2 OPTION #3 RESIDENTS Jrs. to 18 yrs.old $10 yr. $1.50 per month (18) Individual Residents $30 yr. $3.50 per month (42) FAMILY $50 yr. $5.50 per month (66) NON-RESIDENTS Jrs. to 18 yrs. old $25 yr. $3.00 per month (36) Individual Residents $50 yr. $5.00 per month (60) FAMILY $75 yr. $7.00 per month (84) *** ON ALL CARDS- ' NO REFUNDS OR REBATES - NON-TRANSFERRABLE CARDS USE A LEDGER BOOK AS A SIGN IN LOG. PAYMENTS MADE IN PARKS & REC. OFFICE AND RECEIPTED. OR ARRANGE FOR RECEIPT PROCEDURE TO GO THROUGH CASH REGISTER AT CITY HALL, HOW WILL WE HANDLE ORGANIZATIONS e.g. CHURCHES, LOCAL TEAMS??????/ WILL WE BE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PRO ON BOARD IF & WHEN WE BUILD COURT #3 AT RUSSELL PARK?? SAMPLE PERMIT NAME PHONE ADDRESS RESIDENT/NON-RESIDENT FACILITY DATE TIME HOW WILL THE FACILITY BE USED: SIGNED FACILITIES WOULD INCLUDE: Baseball field Softball field Tennis Courts 1, 2, 3,City H, Soccer field Pavilion Racquetball Courts 1,2 Basketball Court Football field T-Ball Practice field • •• .. i.„, •• •. a,I,.... *,,.. .,, ' • • -:.. ' .-. . - •‘.. .-"Z'''.....;-.'." :‘••,... •••• • , . . . . • . . . - , ' . • • • . , . . • •• • '" . ... . • • • • _i,5:.',:.4,•::: : ./j.i...?:-: 7!:•,,,;•;.,.,..S.:j7,:•,. !t...-'..:7r.-1,:.1'7,7;. !%.11,:. •: '''; '''..., 1".7tH.17i...... ,'. • s': '..;'.....;.*:"..i'..q.,.1.1;i1-r:11Z..1...t.. : ' -.,'''... -.,.:.',..: '''...:. 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