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01-31-91 v ' MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD HELD ON JAN. 31, 1991 at 7 pm Prior to the meeting being called to order, the Board members looked over and questioned the site plan drawn up by Member Gerard Vermey, to familiarize themselves with all the proposed changes, additions,etc. At this time, the Board members thanked Mr. Vermey for the excellent work he had done. .at no cost to the City. The meeting was officially called to order by Chairman, Don Fagan at 7:35 pm. Each of the following members were present at this time: Don Fagan, Sharette Simpkins, Gerard Vermey, David Turner and Richard Riley. Each member was asked to comment on the proposed plan and they unanimously concurred that the plan was very well done and reflected all the ideas we had previously proposed, earlier in the year. Sharette suggested we move the site of the playground equipment so that the children would be seen more readily by the person overseeing all programs. The position we had initially considered for the playground was too heavily surrounded with trees. Of course we had considered that the playground under the trees was one of our primary goals, but too far from the major activities and the Community Center, left the little ones in serious jeopardy. All agreed and we visually replaced the playground position. Some other interests that were voiced: a fence at the edge of the parking lot on Church Rd. , fencing in the Soccer/ Football area would be beneficial and keep drivers from driving all over the park as well as protecting players on Soccer/Football field and Softball field. All members felt that NO FENCE should be erected around the perimeter of the park and that NO BARBED WIRE should be used. The physchological effect of this type of "restraint" would only encourage continued destruction of the fences. Also, a fence would prohibit the Police from carrying out their duties. Mr. Croom suggested an irrigation system be installed for the benefit of the Soccer/Football and Softball fields. We need to enhance the Park so that we can indeed serve "the region". He also encouraged us to add a Sand Based VolleyBall court, as it is becoming a very popular sport. The comprehensive plan for the City calls for two and we have one being constructed in RUSSELL PARK, so this would put us in compliance long before the designated time. Everyone seemed to be of the same mind as far as COMPLETE THE DONNER PARK PROJECT BY THE END OF 1991 - is the primary goal of this Group at this time. We plan to come together on Feb. 21, 1991 at 7 pm to put this plan together, with the costs of the projects proposed, then present it to the City Manager, Kim Leinbach. After he contributes his input, we will put the Master plan in order and present it to the City Commission, ready to go! Members Jeff Croom and Henry Batts arrived late due to other committments, but the entire Board had been canvased befor the meeting was adjourned at 9 pm. This was a very successful meeting and every one is excited about the prospects and the completion of a very necessary project. ESTIMATED COSTS as of 2-20-91 for DONNER PARK MASTER PLAN Per Pete Mabry, General Contractor: PARKING LOT FOR 40 CARS, asphalt @ $13.50 sq. yd. plus how much fill & limerock it takes $ 20,000. PARKING LOT FOR 16 CARS PRICED AS ABOVE 10,000. COMMUNITY CENTER & LIVING QUARTERS 95 x 30 @ $55.00 sq. ft 156,750. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT already bought and paid for ready for placement 3,000. SPLIT RAIL FENCE to cover playground, priced by Coyle Fencing for a 3'high by 115' 2 rail/split rail 520. SAFETY SURFACES: PER SECURI Y BLANKET $ 00 sq. ft. for mate • is and installation approx. 1,000 sq. ft . . "'' 8,000. . ( 0 R ) PER FLA.MINING 20 TONS OF SAWDUST FREE PINE BARK @ $10 per ton plus freight of $8.25 per ton 400. SEEDING: FROM CARTER SEED CO. for 14,000 sq. ft. @ .06fi sq.ft. to hydro-seed heavier than usual and includes seed, fertilizer, mulch and polymer. . 840. FROM SCOTTY'S BAHIA grass seed 50# bag-6 bags @.84 ea. 50# bag covers 1,000 sq. ft 504. BASKETBALL COURT from price of last year's court, plus 4,500. VOLLEYBALL COURT from price of one being built by Chad Hill 200. BASKETBALL EQUIPMENT: from US GAMES & PASSONS SPORTS CATALOG pg. 56 VOLT BASKETBALLS $35.50 ea. (2) $ 71.00 pg. 58 BACKBOARD & GOAL w. 1 net 208.00 pg. 60 Braided Polyethylene Nets $2.00 ea. (12) 24.00 pg. 74 Dryline Field Marker 25# capacity 85.00 pg. 74 Compound 50# bag, Min.order 20 bags 15.50 ea.310.00 pg. 87 Combination Football/Soccer Goal 1,575.00 pg. 80 Voit Soccer Balls @ $16.50 ea (2) 33.00 pg. 88 Voit Footballs @ $13.25 ea (2) 26.50 pg. 82 Soccer Net 8 x 24 x 10 5mm Braided(Pair) 165.00 $ 2,497.50 EQUIPMENT - TOTAL 2,498. BLEACHERS - DUG OUT BENCHES - PARK BENCHES - From ED SMITH, delivered 12 bags Mortar @ $4.65 ea. $ 55.80 5 pieces of 3}"x5' long, chanel iron @ $3.80 per ft.$19ea. 95.00 2 yds Builders Sand @ $28 yd. 56.00 400 blocks 6 x 8 x 16 @.86c ea. 344.00 12 - 80# bags Concrete @ $2.79 ea. 33.48 **In 1988, 3 yds. of 3,000 conrete mix to pour 5 footings, 11 x 8x 18 were $44.75 ea. with a delivery charge of $16. from Fla. Mining & Materials of Jax. 140.25 BLEACHERS TO BE BUILT IN HOUSE TOTAL COST $725.00 725. ** CONTINGENCIES ?? Fencing for Dug out areas, plus whatever else MAY come up that we have not planned for at this time , 2 063. 3 al. 5hacle. C/o+h vN fvp Top. M�d • -e ►.4 rants O'79.�. ea.J �- �u9 0 a4 S X TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOR MASTER PLAN $210,000 TOTAL CONVENTION DEVELOPMENT TAX $159,800 BUDGETED RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 80,300 The fact that C & S Bank is considering assisting within the next 2 years with the Donner Park Master Plan, and we can budget more convention developlment tax money, does this not seem possible that we could conceivably complete the entire project for a "REGIONAL PARK" by this time next year (or no later than September 1992 ? ? ?) . Prepared, by: Rose H. Blanchard, Parks & Recreation Director February 1991 v 111.1 .1 33 4=I) . .SZZ • 111a ,SLI :i o 0-43 1 0 f O a cb.111,11 z ai lin O �.1 1• \{,/ y 5z..., 'S �N LL'�i :391 7Y ��oJ .m. .., 1.11,57^1T—ro ---F ,,.u, i. _wow,^^.-4,1A 1 Q TI _ 1' \� 1 ' i 1 w I / a { ,, P I f { i anow