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08-16-90 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1990 7:30 pm AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER - Approval of minutes 2. Statement declaring last meeting (Aug. 9, 1990) as null and void due to lack of a quorum. 3. Set the number of members for this Board, once and for all and PERMANENTLY. 4. Vote on appropriate number of replacements 5. Set number of abscenses that declare a membership vacancy. 6. Set policy identifing a "quorum" for this Board 7. Prepare to formulate a set of by-laws, if the Board feels it necessary. 8. Member comments and adjournment The BOARD, at present consists of the following breakdown of Citizens 2 Teachers 1 Soccer associate/Architect 1 Resident representative for Donner and Jordan Parks 1 Resident of the North Seminole Beach area 1 Resident of the Core City We NEED, to compliment and complete representation of all citizens: 1 Senior Citizen or 1 Mother or 1 Little League associate arrrilirrior RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1990 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Donald Fagan at 7:40 pm In attendance were: Donald Fagan, Richard Riley, Gerard Vermey, Henry Batts, David Turner and Parks Director Rose Blanchard. Member Jeff Croom was unable to attend but came by to discuss the agenda and hand wrote his votes (which are attached) . The Chairman stated for all to be informed that the last meeting of Aug. 9, 1990 was declared null and void due to the lack of a quorum. He asked for a report on the status of the report from the board and members present at the time of the last meeting, regarding the request of the Tennis Team, for $500 for the State Championship Matches in Orland August 16, 17, 18th. He was informed that the City Commission granted the request (NOT a recommendation) after stating that guidelines would be set before any other such requests were granted. The next order of business was to determine, once and for all, and PERMANENTLY, the number of members that would sit on this Board. After discussion, the unanimous vote was to maintain the 7 member Board as we had previously determined. After a tie vote, the members voted again, to select a 7th member to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Alice Richardson. The final selection was for SHARETTE SIMPKINS, primarily as a mother and eager, energetic citizen, as well as a teacher. On the subject of citizens interested in serving on this Board, the suggestion of Jeff Croom was adopted and the remaining 5 people who expressed a desire to serve, were selected as alternates. They will be informed that they will replace any Board member who must resign, in the order listed. #1 Alternate FLORENCE PICARD 1460 Beach Ave. 241-1548 #2 Alternate BILL BAIRD 1989 Brista DeMar Cir. 249-0722(w) 246-7038( #3 Alternate CYNTHIA COREY 394 Eights St. 246-8483 #4 Alternate RAYMOND MAGLEY 250 Seminole Rd. 359-7700(w) 241-0942( #5 Alternate JIM OR GERRY NASH 1988Brista DEMar Cir. 247-1004 (h) Unexcused absences exceeding 2 CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS, will declare a member vacancy on this Board. This was the unanimous decision of the Board. An unexcused absecence is one whereby the member does not contact the Chairman or Parks Director PRIOR TO A MEETING. A quorum, as identified by this Board, for its purposes, will be 4 members. Anything less will constitute a null and void and therefore the meeting will NOT proceed. In the matter of formulating a set of by-laws, this Board recommends against such action, feeling that too many rules may only help confuse issues. The vote was unanimous AGAINST formulating by-laws at this time. The Board next considered the request of the Allen C. Hill Entertainment Corp. to set up a circus at Russell Park on Oct. 28th, 1990. In spite of the fact that the Greater Jacksonville Fair will operate from Oct. 17-27, 1990, Nov. 11th is scheduled for a performance in the Park by the River City Band, and Dec. 6, 1990 is the date for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremonies, a vote of 3-1 for the circus was rendered, SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION OF THEIR REPUTATION BY CHAIRMAN FAGAN. The recommendat will be presented to the City Commission on Aug. 27th for final decision. Mr. Vermey suggests that perhaps this Dept. could donate some tickets to be used for children who are needy and could not otherwise attend the circus. The Board was advised of the Budget Workshop on Aug. 27th at 5 pm at City Hall, prior to the Regular City Commission meeting, and after, if necessary. This was strictly an invitation if they wish to be there. .it is not required. Richard Riley will pursue a possible logo that could be used to identify the Recreation aspect of City Depts. The Board requested calendars that they could use for Recreational Board activities. The Director will attempt to procure same. AT THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MONDAY, AUG. 27, 1990, the Commission approved the Board's selection of SHARETTE SIMPKINS to fill the vacancy created by ALICE RICHARDSON. In the matter of notifying the 5 people who were interested in becoming members of the Board, the Commission asked that we DO NOT select these people as alternates, nor do we committ ourselves to the order in which we proposed to fill vacancies, in that someone may come along in the interim, that is better qualified or suited. Regarding the request to add to the Resolution (90-2) the numbers of accepted absences and the number necessary to form a quorum, the Commission felt it was not a matter that needed Commission approval, but rather that the Board makes that decision by itself. AUGUST 13, 1990 AS OF THIS DATE, THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE HAVE EXPRESSED A DESIRE TO SERVE ON THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD. THE NAMES ARE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. . . . 1. BILL BAIRD 1989 BRISTA DE MAR CIRCLE 249-0722(w) 246-7038 (h) 2. CYNTHIA COREY 394 EIGHTH ST. 246-8483 3. RAYMOND MAGLEY 250 SEMINOLE RD. 359-7700 (w) 241-0942 (h) 4. JIM &/OR GERRY NASH 1988 BRISTA DE MAR CIRCLE 247-1004 (h) 5. FLORENCE PICARD 1460 BEACH AVE. 241-1548 (h) 6. SHARETTE SIMPKINS 354 19th St. 247-1977 TANDY SWINK OF 1072 BEACH AVE. 246-3677, was suggested by Commissioner Adelaide Tucker regrets she cannot serve due to serious illness.