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08-09-90 v 4 r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1990 - 7:30 pm AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Decision regarding number of people on Board, then final vote on nominations. 3. Discuss Budget for the Dept. , add Contingency Funding 4. Formulate committees for Christmas Tree Lighting, 1990 5. Recap: Water fountains in Donner Recommendation regarding use of house on George St. Lot clearing bids to go out Opinion regarding meetings once each month or twice. 6. Comments by Board members 7. Adjourn ***** NOTE ***** THE ABOVE MEETING WAS DECLARED NULL AND VOID DUE TO LACK OF A QUORUM A FUTURE MEETING WILL COVER THE AGENDA ITEMS LISTED ABOVE IN AD ITION TO THOSE SCHEDULED. d /`/ 9G' -/ 412___ �[/ C 4 ; / NMI ti MINUTES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - AUGUST 9, 1990 - 7:30 pm The meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board on Thursday, August 9, 1990 is declared null and void due to the lack of a quorum. In attendance were: Donald Fagan, Chairman, David Turner and Henry Batts, members. Visitor Joanna Fletcher and Rose Blanchard, non voting members, were also in attendance. The three(3) members voted unanimously on the following items to be presented to the City Commission on the following items: THESE ARE NOT RECOMMENDATIONS, THEY ARE VOTES BY THE MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE. 1. Heard the request of Roger Steinem of the Atlantic Beach Volvo Tennis Team for $500 to be used for food and lodging at the upcoming State Competition in Orlando on August 17, 18 19, 1990. 2. All present were of the unanimous opinion that the house on George Street (formerly that of Thelma Griffith) should be prepared for use as a 24 hour residency rather than office and/or activities center. This conclusion came about most especially due to the vandalism in Donner Park. It is the feeling of the Board members that a 24 hour residency would curtail a great deal of the negative activites now in progress. 3. Committees for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony (Dec. 6, 1990) were formed. Further details will be forthcoming. ALL OTHER BUSINESS CONDUCTED DURING THIS MEETING IS BEING RECORDED AS NULL AND VOID. A FUTURE MEETING WILL COVER THE ITEMS NOT SETTLED. Tree Lighting Ceremony Committee: TREE PREPARATION & DECORATING & SANTA PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. ENTERTAINMENT & STAGING & P.A. SYSTEM DONALD FAGAN REFRESHMENTS: JOANNA FLETCHER PUBLICITY AND DECORATIONS SUSAN PODZAMSKY (sign, posters, TV, newsmedia, programs, etc. . .)