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04-19-90 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1990 7:30 pm AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Introduction of Mayor and City Commissioners 3. Introduction of DNR Staff 4. Discussion between Board and Commissioners regarding direction for future plans, including spending, priorities and other Park projects. 5. Department of Natural Resource Staff will advise the Board and Commission of services available to Recreation and Parks Departments within the State of Florida 6. Members Comments 7. Adjourn * * * * * * * * • ,:- , , CITY OF " attic ee - 9414.461 F ; 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.O.BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE 1904)249-2395 APRIL 9, 1990 TO: ALL MEMBERS OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD FROM: ROSE H. BLANCHARD, DIRECTOR K' RE: RESCHEDULED MEETING As per our telephone conversation on Wednesday, April 4th, the regularly scheduled meeting of this Board has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 19, 1990 in the Recreation Modular. The City Commission, the Mayor and the City Manager will be in attendance and I cannot emphasis enough, that this a crucial meeting and that the City Commission has consented to meet with us at this time. Please be sure that you leave the day and time open for this very important meeting. We may not have this chance again for a long time, our Commission is very busy. The Board will meet at 7 pm and the Commission will join us at 7:30 pm. MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND BE SURE TO BE HERE ! ! CITY OF >' ea�rtiC Feat( - 961 da �� 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD — P.O.BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 4ft TELEPHONE(904)249-2396 APRIL 9, 1990 TO: MAYOR GULLIFORD, CITY COMMISSIONERS, CITY MANAGERfQ���. FROM: ROSE H. BLANCHARD, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR I' RE: RE-SCHEDULED MEETING Due to the fact April 12th begins some solemn services for many, in the Churches of our choice, the meeting with the Mayor, City Commissioners and City Manager, together with the Recreation Advisory Board has been re-scheduled. We will all meet on THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1990 at 7:30 pm in the Parks & Recreation Modular in JACK RUSSELL PARK. Please accept our appreciation to each of you for your efforts in our behalf. Ours is a new Board, seeking direction and support and we sincerely thank you for your interest. Looking forward to meeting with all of you April 19th. MARCH 21, 1990 Notes from visit with Don Gertiesen, Chief of Bureau of Local Recreation Services Dept. of Natural REsources Division of REcreation & Parks We could have the services, FREE OF CHARGE, of Mr. Dan Jones, Landscape Architect to help with design of a Park with the Recreation Advisory Board, prepartation of conceptual Site plans, etc. Also, the expertise of Collier Clark for Adv. Board Training, In consideration of these availablilities, I have invited him to the next meeting which will be a Combination meeting with the Advisory Board and the City Commission,, April 12, 1990 at 7 pm. I await confirmation that the date is fixed. They can present all their services to us within a 1 hour presentation. They also supply advice and direction for Grants, Design services, Advisory services He suggests a possible FRIENDS OF THE PARKS GROUP, which would consist of Legislator (Joe Arnall) etc. and financially independent citizens who are vitally interested i the Recreation needs of the city , as allies and go-betweens to the City Commission. /, . og) La.„4„.4._/ 1 INUTES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1990 - 7:30 pm This meeting was called in order that this Board would meet with the City Commission of Atlantic Beach. At this time, 3 members of the Dept. of Natural Resources were also able to meet with us. Present: Advisory Board Members, Donald Fagan, chairman, Jeff Croom, Gerard Vermey, David Turner, Henry Batts, Alice Richardson, Rose Blanchard. Richard Riley was excused. City Commission: Mayor W.I.Gulliford, Commissioner Tucker, Commissioner Cook, Commissioner Weldon, City Manager, Kim Leinbach, City Clerk, Maureen King. Commissioner Edwards was excused. Dept. of Natural Resources: Bill Bibby, Mike Renard and Rick Halvorsen The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by Chairman, Donald Fagan who thanked all for being present. Mr. Fagan stated that the purpose of this meeting was to find out the scope and how far this Board can go to implement structual additions, planning. The Board has divided the parks and finally decided that Donner Park was a priority among them for recreational needs. We did an assessment and talked to the people, the ministers and all we could find. Donald and Richard rode with the Police in the worst areas and got the Police review of the area and its main problems. We could put up a very • beautiful Park and fill it with all kinds of wonderful equipment, but until we clean up the area and rid it of it's blight, we will not accomplish a "regional" Park atmosphere. After we look at Donner Park and finish it, we will then be able to go forward with plans for other parks. Mayor Gulliford requested a few minutes to clarify what the plans are for the Donner Park region, so that the Board would be informed, once and for all. The property fronting Church Road is now the property of the City of Atlantic Beach, to George Street. Coming south on George St. , Lots # 13-16. Lot #16, does not belong to Thelma Griffin who owns Lots 13-15. Now we have to contact the owner of Lot #16 and are awaiting the results before we commit to buying 13-16. Lot #14 has a small house on it that will go with the property. We received $125,000 and have spent about $90,000 of the monies we received from Jimmie Jarboe for recreational use and have about $100,0 left to spend, as necessary. We will acquire the necessary property first, then we can clean up and rehabilitate the area and ultimately, design a class Park, with the help of the DNR services available. With the growth of Section "H" a regional Park in the area of Donner Park has a great potential for use. Church Road could be up- graded, through the services of City of Jacksonville, which would help in the long • range plan. The Jordan Park project, which received funding via a Community Development Block Grant, would eventually be a "passive" Park with some horseshoe playing, Basketb: and picnicing. A Community Center is a MUST either in Jordan or Donner, and the prefers would be Donner, due to the fact that it would serve more citizens than Jordan. REC. ADV. BRD. MTG. APRIL 19, 1990 page 2 In reference to the rehabilitation of homes in the Donner Park the 501-C plan to finance this project. After these considerations area,have bweund aknside care of then the Recreational needs can and will be met. The Mayor su estetaken the Board look at the 4 acres in Section "H" off Atlanticgg ed that Blvd. for development as a Recreational site. It sits on Begonia, bordering on Atlantic Blvd. is obviously land locked and the Mayor stated that he would like to Russell Pyrt way it is, except that we may be able to extend the Tennis Courts, see it stay toe put Tennis Courts in other Parks also) multi- (although we could purpose fields for Soccer and Football, (maybe one on the 4 acre site in Sec. H. or within the Donner area), n to infringe on the present park area with other buldings, we need additional Parkingt pl areas, move the trailer to Sec. H or Donner area. Parking facilities would have to be constructed so as not to infringe on the present recreational area The meeting was at this time s• turned over to the representatives of DNR to inform all of the services available to us, through their offices. Mike Renard: shared a copy of the plans they just drew up for the City of Arcardia. The map showed what was there and what they wanted to add. You show them want and Mike and his crew put it together. They design what they think ishat th they use of the area to meet the needs of the City. he best follow the suggested They do NOT originate Design! They needs of the Cit y. they of the project and provided Engineering Services,y free of give you cost estimates an aerial map of the site before theyf charge. They would appreciate Because small municipalities have noeng�neeringsDeetps them plan more effectively. these services for smaller communities, P Architects, etc. DNR provide Bill Bibb ' Advisory Primarily. Services section. to get advise and direction to begin a Consultant type. Meet with local officials g� program. Work with the professionals in educational information and workshops. Training of workers within Recreational Services, g the Parks & including pay study with Cheryl Beeler at UNF, also the needs assessment forms sent to Rec. Depts. (including us) to help with existing to see how the the deficiencies y can incorporate into the Grant Programs. The infrstructure assessments will come out in May. Primarily, this Dept. Focuses on Local Government. Rick Halvorsen: Grant Specialist. The Landing in Jax. was a Land and Water Conservation Fund (Grant) . project funded by the c ventures. The Design section defined what couldand could use Grant monies for private be done. t the Riverwalk project. Rick handed out the brochures onthe°3 availableLiant s. Land and Water Conservation, Fishinggrants. Reefs, Save out Coast for coastal property and beach accesses. FRDAP- Florida Recreation Development Program. , Youth Conservation Corp, etc. out A . REC. ADV. BRD. MTG. APRIL 19, 1990 Page 3 Rails & Trails, which join 2 or 3 Parks- could be biking or walking, etc. Land & Water Conservation Fund Program is Federal Money that is chaneled through the State to the Locals. The State of Fla. chooses not to put money toward State Parks anymore. They fund about 4-5 projects state wide now due to the funding cut from 11 million dollars a year to the present $600,000 a year now for the whole state of Fla. This makes the competition real stiff. If you find a seller who will donate half the land value the donation and the sale cannot occur until the Grant is approved unless we go to the waiver or retroactivity process. Further instructions on how to apply are on Tape #1 of 2, Side 2. Revisions are being undertaken at this time and perhaps some of these rules will be changed. We will forward new regulations when we have completed the revisions. A total of 44 points are necessary for Land & Water Conservation Grant and 30 points for FRDAP. He advised that the Board could "practice" trying to accumulate points before submission to see how close we come to being consider, for the grant we want. The Rules Revision Committee has as it's goal, a simpler method for application. The criterial will also change. All of this should make it easier for the local, small communities to get a grant. The submission period will probably change also. The revisions will come to the Depts. and input sought. Updates will be mailed out with applications packets to those who would plan to apply. State level approvals may come in June, so if you think you want to apply, do so as soon as possible.Full details are included in Tape #1 of 2, Side 2 for future reference. The Florida Boating & Improvement Program comes from Boat Tag monies collected, within the County, for the County. It is held by the County Commission. You put together a project and go to them (City Council Jax.) and request use of Boat tag monies collected in Atlantic Beach, for Atlantic Beach. A fishing pier would even suffice, but it MUST BE BOATING RELATED! ! Includes Chanel Markers, ramp, restroom at ramps, etc. NO ENCLOSED AREAS, (such as a REC. CENTER) must be pre-approved and RECREATION RELATED! First, identify the site, next what's going on the site, cost, then request help from the above mentioned service groups and proceed. Commissioner Cook calculated that if we acquire all of the proposed property in Donner Park, it would measure 5 acres. There was a good bit of discussion with everyone participating and input from the DNR Group was excellent. The above referenced tape contains all pertinent 'information anyone may need in the future. The Commission, and the Board expressed their thanks for the members of the DNR Group and their valuable information, and assured them that they would be hearing from us. An interesting observation: If you have facilities that are really run down e.g. an old backstop and a diamond kids are using, if you saw that backstop as a hazard, REC. ADV. BRD. MTG. APRIL 19, 1990 � 4, PAGE 4 Arrangements were made to tour Donner Park, Russell Park, Jordan Park, Preben Johansen Park and Howell Park, the next day with Rose Blanchard and each of the three DNR representatives the next day. Thanks to Don Geritisen for putting us in touch with all of you, and everyone again would like to express our appreciation to the Commission, DNR and our super Board. The Mayor addressed the Board, after the departure of the DNR representatives, regarding Mr. Fagan's earlier questions regarding the view of each of the Parks. The Mayor addressed his "hang up" to see a Gazebo or performing stage area in Russell Park as a result of the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Christmas of 1989. An area such as this would be available all year for so very many opportunities to share some of the local talent, shows for the children, a performance by the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, etc. . . He asked that the Board consider such an addition. Further, he addressed the need for future of recreation as it relates to Senior Citizens. Perhaps we can utilize the old City Hall as a Senior Citizen or general citizen gathering place, providing fun things to do in the line of recreation for citizens who have quit playing tennis, baseball, etc. The Mayor next addressed the fact that this Board would be coming before this Commission for funds to facilitate the "needs" we feel are to be addressed. You can use Capital Improvements and/or Operating Expenses as budgeted items for improvements. As a tax payer, not your Mayor, may I submit to you that you will have to start considering "user fees". Practically speaking, as a tax payer, do you not resent the fact that in using my tax dollars for recreation in my City, you also make available to persons, OUTSIDE the city limits, the same facilities that we pay for with our taxes. You as a Board then come to the Commission and ask for Capital Improvements and Operating Funds to continue your recreational needs, but not make provisions for "user fees" for those who do not contribute to this City's funds. Understanding and appreciating all our neighbors, we cannot afford to fund all our neighbors. For instance we serve the following in Little League. Out of 372 children, 119 are within the City Limits of Atlantic Beach and 181 from Jacksonville. This only fortifies our need to charge for the use of our facilities that we maintain, enlarge etc. Chairman Fagan agreed that a performing stage would be a great idea particularly since the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony will, no doubt, increase in size and popularity. Rose Blanchard went on record requesting that if the old City Hall were to be used for a Senior Center, it should appropriately dedicated to MRS. ADELE GRAGE for all the years she dedicated to this City and the time she spent in and out of that building. There being no further discussions and/or business the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 pm