11-09-89 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1989 7 pm RECREATION MODULAR - JACK RUSSELL PARK AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Discussions: a. Report and program format for Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration b. Discuss and formulate Proposed Ordinance for the creation of this Board c. Plan on site trip to each Park d. Select Chairperson and Secretary for the Board 4. Members Comments 5. Adjourn t ' MINUTES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - NOVEMBER 9, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm. Absent were: Jeff Croom, Kathy LaPointe, and Tim Brewer. There were no guests. Mrs. Blanchard, Parks Director, read the report and passed out a sample "program" to be given out to all participants at the Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration on Dec. 7, 1989. Everyone was happy with the format and assured that all was in line. The members suggested asking Mr. Croom to be the Master of Ceremonies for the evening. We would also go to the Atlantic Beach Elementary School to select a child to recite, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. All members agreed that although the donated sign would be visible to the residents south of Plaza, the citizens from Royal Palms and East and West of Mayport Road would not have any such notification. It was then decided that we would be sure Posters were displayed at all Churches within the City, the Parks, local merchants, including the Eateries, and the schools. Total expenditure for this project is $468.70 The next item on the agenda was the discussion relative to the proposed Ordinance that would serve to create this Board. The members decided to adopt the Ordinance in it's present form. Rose would see to it being done as soon as possible. A planned trip to each Park site was the next item on the agenda. After coordinating times and dates, it was decided that Saturday, Dec. 2, 1989 at 1 pm, all members would meet at Jack Russell Park, and would proceed together to visit and visibly study each Park to determine their individual potential. Finally, the selction of a Chairman and Secretary were addressed. Mr. Donald Fagan volunteered to be the Chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board, and Rose Blanchard will continue to record and transcribe the the meeting tapes until a Secreatary is announced. There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned at 8:10 pm THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE ON THURS. DEC. 14, 1989 at 7 pm