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04-24-01 vA regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held on April 24, 2001 at the Adele Grage Community Center. DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Phil Corp, Barbara Hopson, Kim Greene, Susan Gorman, Timmy Johnson, DeJean Melancon, and Tom Vogle. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting of March 27, 2001. Kim Greene motioned to approve, Tom Vogle seconded and the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Tom Vogle stated his interest in ideas that were presented by recent visitor, Kathleen Beaudreau at the last regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. He appreciates the fact that Ms. Beaudreau took time to address the Board regarding ideas/activities that could impact Atlantic Beach Community. Tom suggested that the Board should be open to input regarding community concerns. Barbara Hopson stated that the Board has always held that position and would continue to do so. Tim Johnson indicated that he plans to meet with Ms. Beaudreau at a later date to continue an exchange of ideas regarding community calendar events. DeJean began a discussion of possible action on the proposed skate park. Estimates for the skate park range from $80,000 to $100,000. DeJean also advised the Board that building a skate park in phases isn't advisable. Therefore, time frame and cost are the main issues before the Board and DeJean encouraged the Board to arrive at a recommendation to present to the Commission. DeJean presented pictures for consideration that was made available by Kelly Elmore. Mr. Elmore's presentation depicted softer edges than the previous sketches. DeJean advised the Board that they could simply table the issue or make their recommendation based on the budget and information at hand. The Board could recommend a temporary structure that might work within the budget and time frame that the Commission desires. DeJean noted that this option would test the waters and could determine if a permanent structure would receive public support. Phil Corp noted that skateboarding is more than a passing fad and a skate park would be well received. DeJean questioned the stability of a temporary fabricated skate park and Tim Johnson informed the Board that even a temporary facility is bolted down. Tim Johnson reminded the Board that skate park facility is favored by the Commission, but a permanent structure with adequate funds would delay construction until the spring of next year. With regard to funding, Grants are always a possibility, Timmy advised the Board. Reliance upon Grant money would delay the project. The Board agreed that supervision for a skate park is necessary and barriers will be in place to contain skateboards from straying into traffic, a concern expressed by Kim Greene. Kim also asked fellow Board members if they think that the Commission would expand on an existing, temporary skate park. Tim Johnson advised the Board that relocating the temporary skate facility in the event that funds are later available for a permanent structure might create problems within the community. DeJean asked the Board for a motion that would state their recommendations regarding the proposed skate board park. The Board considered a motion to recommend a temporary facility to operate in Russell Park. Phil Corp asked for more discussion. The Board determined that a temporary facility would be as costly as a permanent one. Barbara Hopson motioned for the Board to recommend a permanent skate board park with an estimated budget of$100,000 to $120,000. The Board agrees that a temporary facility will not relieve the stress on Bull Park, ill and cannot be fully supported by the Board. Kim Greene seconded and the motion carried. DeJean asked the Board for their views regarding personnel for the pro- posed skate board park. Kim Greene suggested that the Board should delay the discussion for the next regular meeting. DeJean adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. 0 City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Advisory Board Meeting May 22, 2001 AGENDA A. Call Meeting to Order B. Approval of Minutes C. Visitors D. Old Business 1 . Update on Skate Park E. New Business 1 . Budget Recommendations F. Remarks/Adjourn