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12-12-00 va• a 1 A special meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held on December 12, 2000 at the Adele Grage Community Center. DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Present were: Ray Coleman, Phil Corp, Tom Vogle, DeJean Melancon, Tim Johnson. Visitor: Karen Sadler. DeJean asked for motion to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting of October 25, 2000. Ray Coleman motioned to approve, Phil seconded and the motion carried. DeJean asked Tim for new information regarding Rose Park or the playground. Development ideas and cost are still at discussion level. The first order of business was a discussion concerning a letter from Commissioner Theo Mitchelson. DeJean brought the letter to the special meeting and also advised the Board of his conversation with the Commissioner. Board members expressed their thoughts regarding the lack of communication between the Teen Council and the Recreation Advisory Board. Ray Coleman questioned the method used by the Teen Council to distance their organization from the Board. DeJean 0 asked the Board for ideas on how to respond to the letter from Commissioner Mitchelson. Ray and Phil agreed that the issue should be'left alone and that a formal response was unnecessary. The Board recessed for five minutes to allow Karen Sadler time to arrive and explain the programs in detail. Karen provided Board members with a list of potential programs. The first program listed is Film Cafe. This program combines entertainment with a strong emphasis on education. Professionals in the film industry could provide instruction and information regarding the film making process. Karen suggested that snacks should be available to the participants and that a reasonable number for attendance is 40 to 50 people. Estimated costs for Film Cafe is $450.00. Karen explained the next program, Grandparents Walk in the Park. This program should encourage interaction between the elderly and young children in a natural setting with emphasis on learning for both age groups. Karen explained that a guided walk could work in a number of ways. Musical entertainment and child friendly maps for the parks are some of the options. Allowing artists from UNF to produce the maps might hold the cost down and the overall estimated cost IIIfor this program would be $350.00. y -a l• i 0 Karen explained the Jazz Program to the Board for their consideration. This program is really simple in design and would require only a proper venue to accommodate public attendance. Karen explained that each event would offer two sets. Ray suggested that the Jaz7 programs should be an outdoor event and scheduled as weather permits. Concerns regarding noise levels were aired and all agreed that a band shell might be the solution if the Jazz Program proves to be popular. Karen received questions regarding methods for promoting the Jazz events and she suggested that flyers and the Beaches Leader as well as the Shorelines could be utilized for promotional efforts. Karen asked the Board if they wish to seek support for the Jazz Program outside the Atlantic Beach community. Board members expressed their plans to primarily target the Atlantic Beach area. Creating a series of events and doing a feature story with additional updates could pare down the cost for promoting. The Board could utilize the City's web sites as well. Ray Coleman asked the Board to consider road signs as another method of reaching the public. He explained that a reader board placed in high traffic areas would be highly effective. Karen provided information regarding the Storytellers From Around the World Program. This idea would work as a series or as a one-time event. Karen is usually notified when various artists plan to be,in the`area. Estimated cost for this program is $450.00. The Board wanted an update on the Summer Camp Program. Karen indicated that the Summer program works really well as two sessions running four weeks in each session. Karen also explained that she must work with ABET with regard to schedules for the summer sessions. The cost for the camp is $45.00 per child and should attract repeat enrollment. Karen would like to start planning sessions for the summer as early as March, 2001. DeJean thanked Karen Sadler for her presentation and and asked Board members to address any questions to Ms. Sadler. DeJean asked the Board for a motion to approve the Programs provided in the presentation. Ray motioned to approve the list, Phil seconded and the motion carried. Ray asked the Board for more discussion regarding a Reader Board in high traffic areas such as Mayport Rd. as well as where the Welcome to Atlantic Beach signs are located. This effort would better inform the public of special events & 0 programs. City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Advisory Board Meeting January 24, 2001 AGENDA A. Call Meeting to Order 1. Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting B. Visitors C. Old Business 1. Program Update 2. Rose Park Playground Updates D. New Business 41) F. Adjournment