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04-26-00 vMAY-09-2000 TUE 09:35 AM ATL. BCH. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 904 247 5843 P. 02 A regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held Wednesday, April 26, 2000 in the Adele Grange Center. resent wepre Peterson er CoalsoneJean el Phil called the meeting to order at 7:15p.m. Corp, Susan Gorman, Stephen Jenkins, Tim Johnson, DeJean Melancon and new Board member, Kim Greene. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the last regular meeting included two corrections. Peter Coalson stated that dusk to dawn lights at the practice field at Atlantic Beach Elementary are necessary for security rather than activity. Board Members agreed. DeJean noted the misspelling of Kim Greene 's name in the minutes from March. Steven motioned to approve the minutes. Peter seconded and the motion carried. NEW BOARD MEMBER DeJean introduced Kim Greene to fellow Board members and offered some background information regarding Kim and her family. Kim has been active in.the Atlantic Beach community and was recently approved as the newest member 1111 of the Recreation Advisory Board. OLD BUSINESS The Board discussed a potential partnership between Atlantic Beach Elementary and the City of Atlantic Beach for the purpose of providing and maintaining apracticefieldfortheAtlanticBeachcommunity. DeJean wanted to know more details regarding the proposed partnership and Tim Johnson informed the Board of his plans to provide Jim Hanson with a written bpe o e a 1• The time, 0proposal is presented for of the partnership and other details must be resolved P P approval. DUT1 ON ISLAND PRESERVE Tim Johnson informed the Board that the official name for the natural passive park on Dutton Island is now Dutton Island Preserve. PROGRAMS AND FUNDS DeJean gave Kim Greene some background on the Board's Program plans. DeJean urged Board members to consider goals and the available budget before selecting projects. The Board will work with the budget and provide the necessary funds MAY-09-2000 TUE 09 36 AM ATL. BCH, PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 904 247 5843 P. 03 1 Sadler for for each of the selected programs. The Board plans to all members of ourideasonhowtoselectprogramswithbroadapp community. Tim Johnson informed the Board that summer programs are now limited to July. Perhaps it might better serve the community to have programs run through the entire summer season. w th the $6,000. Budget availableeter motioned to have Karen dforler develop three programs that will work each program, then present a resolution to the Commission. Steven seconded and the motion carried. The Board discussed plans for the racquetball facility. Three courts will be enclosed and will have to be reserved in advance. Kim Greene inquired about the use of the existing court. Tim Johnson believes the existing court is occupied frequently in the evening hours. Tim mentioned Dr. Green as a source for ideas on the expansion of the racquetball courts. The Board will consider approaching Dr. Green for a written proposal on this subject. NEW BUSINESS Peter informed the Board that plans for a fund raiser by the Teen Council are on hold. The clearing of Marvin Gardens is one activity under consideration. Located at Dewes and Coquina, this is a passive park area. Pete suggested that the Teen Council should research existing foliage at Marvin Gardens before they make the park a project. DeJean informed the Board of his serious concern regarding attendance by Board members. Meetings have been cancelled due to lack of participation and Deiean feels the situation must be addressed. Kim Greene inquired about the official policy for attendance. Board members agreed that the by-laws are quite clear on the attendance issue. The Board can ask a member to resign si member after three consecutive absences. Steven suggested that a letter to each B might state the importance of attendance and clear any confusion about guidelines for dealing with unexcused absences. Pete agreed with Steven that a letter wouldinformBoardMembersthatguidelinesareinplaceandtheBoardwillactonthem in the future. DeJean motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Kim Greene seconded and the motion carried. City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Advisory Board Meeting May 24, 2000 AGENDA A. Call Meeting to Order B. Approval of minutes from the last regular meeting, April 26, 2000 C. Visitors D. Old Business a. discussion of programs E. New Business a. budget F. Reports