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MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN ADELE GRAGE CULTURAL CENTER ON MARCH 15,2011 AT 5:00 PM City Commission Members present: Mike Borno,Mayor John L. Fletcher, Mayor Pro Tern Paul B. Parsons, Commissioner Carolyn Woods,Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner Staff present: Jim Hanson, City Manager David Thompson,Assistant City Manager Mike Classey, Police Chief Nelson Van Liere,Finance Director Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk The meeting,which was held for the purpose of discussion on the proposed new police building, was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Borno. Assistant City Manager David Thompson introduced Ian Reeves,president of Architects Design Group,and Kyle Cartier, P.E. with Sims Wilkerson Cartier Engineering, Inc. He explained that a certain amount of design work has been done,but it's reached a stage where guidance from the Commission is needed relative to certain options in order for the engineers to finish designing. Mr. Reeves gave a slide presentation on the new Police Building,which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A, showing the site aerial,views from Park with and without covered walkways,view from City Hall entrance,views from Chamber with and without covered bridge, floor plans for first and second floors, and exterior elevations. Mr. Reeves reported that the building will be built to meet hurricane codes and will be able to maintain continuity of government operations with the systems that are in the base package for emergency power and everything else. The minimum is 72 hours of operational capacity under full load. It should serve the needs of the community under the law enforcement aspect for at least 30 to 40 years. He added that we are above the hundred year flood plain so we are not located in a flood plain. He explained the covered walkway and the covered bridge are not in the base construction package but could be add alternate components. He recommended adding them to the construction to tie the buildings together. He explained the sustainable building design concepts which includes solar sunshading devices, high performance/Low—E(Emittance) glazing,reflective roofing membrane surface, deep roof overhangs and recessed window placement, lighting control systems, zoned HVAC design, and low flow plumbing fixtures are features that are included in the base package and explained each. He and Mr. Cartier answered questions from the City Commission. Mr. Cartier, explained the optional sustainable design features such as photovoltaic,rainwater harvesting, green roof(garden roof), geothermal heating and cooling,water heating from geothermal,water heating from solar and the benefits and differential cost for each. He answered questions from the Commission. Minutes—City Commission Workshop March 15,2011 Page 2 He showed the site plan highlighting the site design options such as the covered walkway which is the connection between City Hall and future Police Station entry,the covered bridge which increased connectivity from Commission Chamber to West parking area and Police Station,the new site lighting for entire parking area which is 6 new poles and lamps,and the emergency generator upgrade for Police Station& City Hall is 750 KW. These options are not included in the base building construction cost. He answered questions and discussion ensued. He explained the options of renovating the existing Police Station as he showed the floor plan for the renovated floor plan compared to the existing floor plan highlighting the public entry— lobby,community meeting room, secured storage rooms(4), stair(existing),renovated restroom (ADA compliant),renovated kitchen,demolished portion of existing Police Department, restroom(new),Fire Department apparatus bay(unchanged), and the plaza. He explained the cost of the renovation of the existing building is not in the base bid. Discussion ensued regarding the benefits of renovating the existing building. Mr. Reeves explained that the renovated floor plan shown is what he believes to be the best use of the building to service municipal functions. (Commissioner Parsons left the meeting at 5:45 pm) He explained the estimate of probable development costs and answered questions from the Commission. (Commissioner Fletcher left the meeting at 5:50 pm) He explained the design options such as the covered bridge,bridge not covered,covered walkway, site lighting, generator for City Hall to ABPD generator capacity, and renovation of old police building should be considered by the Commission and explained their costs. Commissioner Daugherty explained he is not in support of spending the money to add the covered bridge,the bridge(not covered),the covered walkway or the generator upgrade. Mayor Borno stated the site lighting should stay. Commissioner Daugherty agreed. Mr. Cartier explained the sustainable design features such as photovoltaic,rainwater harvesting, green roof(garden roof), geothermal heating and cooling,water heating from geothermal,and water heating from solar. He further explained the benefits and differential cost for each. He answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Daugherty stated he supports going with the geothermal HVAC and the water heating from geothermal. Mayor Borno explained his understanding is that so far there is interest in the site lighting, geothermal HVAC and water heating from geothermal which is a total of$197,950.00. Mr. Reeves clarified that the amount is the increased/differential cost. (Commissioner Fletcher returned at 6:33 pm.) Commissioner Woods asked when we may need to utilize the extra 1,000 square feet that has been added for future growth. Mr. Reeves explained it will depend on the economy and the Minutes—City Commission Workshop March 15,2011 Page 3 city's staffing levels. Chief Classey gave examples of how the space could be used now and in the future. Discussion ensued. Mr. Reeves explained that 8%of the building is projected for future growth through 2020. Commissioner Woods was concerned about the size of the new building being triple the amount we currently have. Mr. Hanson explained that the current building was built way too small to begin with. Mr. Thompson confirmed that for similar cities most of their police stations are well over 20,000 square feet. Further discussion ensued. (Commissioner Fletcher left the meeting at 6:46) (Mayor Borno left the meeting at 6:46 and returned at 6:48) Nelson Van Liere explained his staff report which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment B. He explained the cost estimates and reported the projected funding shortfall range. He further explained the three options for funding the remaining balance which are pay cash now, pay cash later, and bank loan. Discussion ensued and he and Mr. Hanson answered questions from the Commission. Mr. Reeves explained the processes and timelines leading up to the bid. Mr. Hanson explained we need to give the architects the decisions on the energy efficiency items so that they can complete the design and if the commission is interested in the covered walkways, the bridge and/or the renovation of the existing building,those are not currently being designed, so we would have to give them guidance on that as well. Commissioner Woods suggested that we bid using add alternates. Mr. Thompson confirmed there is additional funding that would be required if we want them to design the covered walkways,the bridge or the renovation in order to go out to bid on those things as add alternates. It was agreed that both the design and construction could be bid as add alternates. Mr. Hanson clarified his understanding of the consensus. He believes the direction was to add geothermal HVAC and water heating from geothermal and plan on having an add alternate for the walkway,the bridge and the site lighting to be bid concurrently with the building. He further added it would be on the agenda for action at the next Commission meeting along with an amendment to the ADG contract with the price to get that design done. The Commission agreed. There being on further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Borno declared the meeting adjourned at 7:21 pm. 00011414_Origaltee- Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk Attachment A 3-15-11 Workshop Minutes ,•- • p . , , t fit '', f.' . , , , f.i., , r �. E a. J ( !!!.. �., fr i A ty i I, is j i . i, I. 7 1 ♦ fir: I1 i 1 r 1 . 0i I4� r K y A., ,.r ./ , }• r i • _ v n a : - 4 J22 J 5 ' '.::. ; .y/ ' .----,,--..„-„,..f.— ? j: It d. r" w •y • >> it - '''',4' •• ,t: b�,4,'t le yt., , • A #• -._a s.• .• �,i• �_ ,_• al r fw' .•rNl4•j�,"_. 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' _. i+i�^+—ff;'67.. ,....... _M ..-t '_aLL:--- rr,� l r;VI..e� y ira rr7 r1,ar ar YIi+EN }a r 1-Ar ;•d am 'z a 4`"'r +fir' far-deal®' '� F�' 1F?s.�, U 6rr:J6nvsaurn ar �'•1p,:,:•�,r::JJr�.r rr r�r �!i~rle�triir. P?1rid 7�4':l;I r.'p"dw'ag.frit .e.' rj,,:�Y'J011m. ;7MIN - . 11 iifEh?,:?fEilli.fiFff+.+,�iIanJwasasr,rurnaurl a u rw Pay uatzir SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION • Atlantic Beach Police Department III Schematic Design 3.15.11 1 . SOLAR SUNSHADING DEVICES SUSTAINABLE LOUVERED ALUMINUM SUNSHADES ATTACHED TO CURTAIN WALL ASSEMBLY BUILDING 2. HIGH PERFORMANCE / LOW - E (EMITTANCE) GLAZING DESIGN LOW SOLAR HEAT GAIN - HIGH VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE FEATURES 3. REFLECTIVE ROOFING MEMBRANE SURFACE INCLUDED REDUCES SOLAR HEAT GAIN AT ROOF 4. DEEP ROOF OVERHANGS AND RECESSED WINDOW PLACEMENT IN BASE REDUCES DIRECT EXPOSURE TO SOLAR HEAT GAIN PACKAGE 5. LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEMS REDUCES ENERGY CONSUMPTION THROUGH USE OF: OCCUPANCY SENSORS, PHOTOCELLS, TIMERS 6. ZONED HVAC DESIGN REDUCES ENERGY CONSUMPTION WTH GREATER CONTROL OF HEATING/COOLING 7. LOW FLOW PLUMBING FIXTURES REDUCED WATER CONSUMPTION Atlantic Beach Police Department III Schematic Design 3.15.11 GEOTHERMAL HEATING SUSTAINABLE AND COOLING / WATER HEATING DESIGN `_" �.r OPTIONS care a�. ': = ' GREEN ROOF (GARDEN ROOF) einii - .*- . RAINWATER HARVESTING z.`` -'' SOLAR WATER HEATING . "`- - / -"wr' solar collector `-' Continuous ', Guttering CT.`: !0=-----------r.—7- 7 ' ' a .o Rainwater r !lila - - — Filter To taps • • Controller TI ' '- e;: ., 1—. PHOTOVOLTAICt1i Tank „, lye i 'd .�is/J�/ Rainwater , __._ t—,/ , Storage Tank ! . , - ._� -���— . ? •Cold water food , / Pump f - . r Atlantic Beach Police Department ■ -- _, Schematic Design 3.15 11 SITE PLAN FIRE STATION _ * - LEGEND EXISTING POLICE STATION r* • : COVERED BRIDGE SITE INCREASED CONNECTIVITY FROM COMMISSION CHAMBER TO WEST PARKING AREA AND POLICE STATION DESIGN OPTIONS COVERED WALKWAY CONNECTION BETWEEN CITY HALL AND FUTURE POLICE STATION ENTRY SITE LIGHTING (ENTIRE PARKING AREA) 6 NEW POLES AND LAMPS EMERGENCY GENERATOR POLICE STATION - 400 KW POLICE STATION & CITY HALL - 750 KW RENOVATION OF EXISTING POLICE STATION Atlantic Beach Police Department III Schematic Design 3.15.11 RENOVATED FLOOR PLANEXISTING r- — - POLICE 3 3 STATION 3 � 3 L I RENOVATION � =,I I LEGEND ,_ } rT_, 1. Public Entry Lobby 2. Community Meeting Room y I 3. Secured Storage Rooms (4) 4. Stair (Existing) li 5. Renovated Restroom (ADA Compliant) ._�_ L .1 6. Renovated Kitchen 1 [, 7. Demolished Portion of Existing Police Department 8. Restroom (New) 9. Fire Department Apparatus Bay (Unchanged) 10. Plaza EXISTING FLOOR PLAN 1i- ,_ . . . . - , .. . : : . -,----, 1 1 _ 1 I South Exterior Elevation-Renovated Exishng Police 6 Fire Department ment I [Jr :1___ 1 _s__ ...]1 4 h e Irf ,---- } ' -^0 n "r t__--, L 1 _ --_ East Exterior Elevation-Renovated Existing Police 6 Fire Department 1 ( i Atlantic Beach Police Department ■ Schematic Design 3.15.11 ABPD: Estimate of Probable Develo• ment Cost Total Costs Building Construction Cost 3,462,403 Site Development Allowance $250,000-300,000 Landscaping / Irrigation Allowance $35,000 - 50,000 Sub-Total $3,747,403 - $3,812,403 Building Components Not Included in Base Package: Security Systems $66,345 Telecommunications / Computer Access $73,035 FF & E $199,185 Sub-Total $338,615 $4,151,018 A & E Fees $400,544 Total $4,551,562 Note: Building Construction Cost base bid includes specialized foundation engineering. This site-responsive design requirement has a value in the range of$250,000 - $300,000. Atlantic Beach Police Department III Schematic Design 3.15.11 Police Building Options Details of Design Feature Total Costs Covered Bridge 370,927 Bridge (Not Covered) 206,311 Covered Walkway 393,468 Site Lighting 20700 Generator -Add City Hall to ABPD Generator Capacity 750 KW Generator (400KW) $121,250 Renovation of Old Police Building $356,000 Cost of Sustainable Design Features - ABPD ROI Photo Voltaic 238,000 31 Yrs Rainwater Harvesting 35,600 32 Yrs Green Roof 54,728 N/A Geothermal HVAC 172,000 10.79 Yrs Water Heating from Geothermal 5250 411 Yrs Water Heating from Solar 14,650 15.02 Yrs Atlantic Beach Police Department ■ Schematic Design 3.15.11 • . Attachment B 3-15-11 Workshop Minutes CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Public Safety Building projected funding DATE: March 14,2011 SUBMITTED BY: Nelson Van Liere BACKGROUND: As the design phase of the Public Safety Building project moves forward,it is time to examine some of the options for funding the construction. At this time there is no funding budgeted specifically for the construction of this project. However,various options have been discussed in previous meetings. The cost estimate below does not include the proposed bridge or demolition and remodeling of the existing building. The original cost estimate for the construction of this project is as follows: Construction $3,802,110 Furnishing Allowance 199,185 Bidding and Construction Supervision 100,139 Total Construction Estimate: $4,101,434 Project Related Accessories under consideration Covered Bridge $370,927 Covered Walkway 393,468 Site Lighting 20,700 Generator Upgrade from 400 kW to 750 kW 121,250 Renovation of the Old Police Building 356,000 Total Accessories: $1,262,345 Total Construction Estimate PLUS all accessories added: $5,363,779 The projected fund balances available at the end of 2011 are as follows: Governmental Capital Projects $2,019,277 Half Cent Sales Tax Fund 100,000 Unreserved General Fund Balance(Ten Year Plan) 500,000 Total projected fund balance: $2,619,277 Projected Funding Shortfall Range: $1,482,157 to $2,744,502 There are three options for funding the remaining balance as follows: 1. Pay Cash Now—The advantage of paying cash is that there would be no additional debt to the City and therefore no future interest cost,closing costs or any other future obligations created. The General Fund reserves would be depleted far below 25%reserve and would it would be difficult to replenish it. The best source of funding is the Discretionary Half Cent Sales Taxes, (Better Jax)but this cannot be used to replenish the General Fund Balance unless a formal loan agreement is executed. This option would have to be further researched by legal counsel if desired. The General Fund Balance,as of September 30,2010 included $1,600,000 unrestricted and $2,600,000 operating reserves that could be drawn down. The long term cash projection indicates that the unrestricted cash balance fluctuates over the next ten years and over time diminishes to around$500,000. This is the number I have shown as available in the above schedule. • 'I. 2. Pay Cash Later—The project could be postponed until enough Half Cent Sales Taxes have been accumulated to pay cash. This would keep the City from adding to our debt and would maintain our fund balance reserves in the General Fund. The time required to save the funds would depend on the actual cost of the project considering changing economics and the selection of the accessories to accompany the project. This option would defer the construction at least 6 to 10 years depending on the cost. This is exactly the type of project these funds were intended for. 3. Bank Loan-A short term bank loan pledging Discretionary Half Cent Sales Tax proceeds for a period of 6 to 10 years or longer depending on the project costs with payments of about$300,000 per year. This would include issuance costs,interest expense and other debt covenants but would not deplete the General Fund reserves. Short term interest rates are very low at this time. The amount fmanced would be the net of the project costs and the accumulated funds in the Capital Project Fund. ATTACHMENTS: Half Cent Sales Tax Long Term Cash Projection INFORMATIONAL REPORT: CITY MANAGER APPROVAL