4-11-11 Attachment A ATTACHMENT A
Angela Corey
Florida State Attorney 10 FE9 15 Fi i 3: 03
220 East Bay Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
February 5, 2010
Dear Ms. Corey,
I am a sitting City Commissioner in the City of Atlantic Beach, FL. The
city recently entered into a binding agreement with Mr. Sones, with Mr,
Paul Harden his acting attorney, concerning concessions given by the
city in order to obtain a utility easement on Mr. Sones' property.
Because of questions that have arisen concerning the validity of Mr.
Sones and partners ownership of the "Sones Property", aka The Estates
ofAtlantic Beach and to the SJRWMD, Old Sherry Road. I looked into the
matter. In the search for answers many more questions and concerns
have arisen.
I do not have all of the documentation, or answers to these questions
and more, nor do 1 have the time and resources to discover them. I do
however feel an obligation to my constituents to bring them forward
and ask for your help in finding the truth.
Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance.
Sincerer ; )
Carolyn'WOo s
Atlantic Beach ity Commissioner
904 -241 -8973